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Everything posted by Maxtor

  1. nice share, now if you add some details per file, i will unban your main account
  2. I'm not part of any scam. I just want to be fair with everyone, but sometimes it gets out of control. If you feel like you want to share it, go for it! I will not delete it, neither your other topics. I'm neutral, I do not benefit for any case.
  3. Right, if its your svn, then share it, make sure its not the same version as L2Devs (their fixes). Am I right? You also know that I like sharing in this forum, it gives more usefull content.
  4. you said the following: So isnt L2Devs files?
  5. I will not let that happen. Since we haven't deleted your sales ropics, you should respect others people's sales. Whatever the files quality is, it's not you who decide to ruin other people, and most important it's a staffer.
  6. https://maxcheaters.com/topic/252882-normal-members-restrictions-of-editing-own-topics-info/
  7. which LLM is using? it needs API from openai, deepseek ?
  8. As you may have noticed, normal members cannot edit their own threads. I have extended normal members to edit their own content up to 1440 minutes (24 hours or 1 day) after they made their topic/post. To access unlimited edits of your contents, you need to upgrade to Premium or Gold Member .
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  9. Update 30/1/2025 All VIP and Donator Members have been downgraded to normal Members.
  10. Hi, as we are preparing the major update to IPS 5.x, one of its requirements is to disable "display name" as a username and replace it with an email address. In order to login from now on, on MaxCheaters.com, you need to use your email address as a username , instead of Display Name. If you need further assistance, please contact us via our ticket system on Discord (open ticket) or directly at admin@maxcheatesr.com (which will take longer to respond to).
  11. MaxCheaters.com Official X/Twitter page: https://x.com/maxcheaterscom MaxCheaters.com Official Telegram group: https://t.me/maxcheaterscom
  12. Hello everyone, As you can see lately, the L2 community is decreasing, especially on private servers, its been 21 years since Lineage2 release date (1st October 2003). MaxCheaters.com was created in 2005 (with different names) and till today we are basically focused on Lineage 2. We made several attempts to add other games, but everyone still knew us as an L2 based forum. MaxCheaters has a long history and is one of the few forums that have survived to this day,It would be a shame to let the site die. So I came up with a few ideas to improve it and follow the trends. 1. Create a utility token, (evm or solana), that will be used for several things such as: Staffers/moderators payment. Content creators reward system. (influencers/advertising/topic creators) Paid forum support. Exchanges and marketplaces . Lineage 2 utility token for private servers. Other MMO utility token for buying/selling accounts/gold etc. Maxcheaters fixed expenses/improvements/development/expansion/design/topsite 2. Reduce l2 sections, (we done this before) , and add more games on main page Less l2 sections More MMO games Focus on marketplaces 3. Rebuild staffers team/more events. Add one staffer per MMO game. More active staffers on our team. 4. Social media activity / streaming Twtter / TikTok content for gaming. Streaming platforms (create official channel) Moderators/content creators for this content specifically.
  13. Hello everyone, I have added a new antibot method that is only applied to new members only. More specifically, if you are a new member, your first topic/post will need to be approved in order to activate your account. So make sure it is a good one.
  14. i wonder how many maxcheaters users are in crypto ! Just reply with your comment. we need to build a team!
  15. Following the Ukraine war - Official Topic i make a similar one to talk about Israel and Palestine War followed by a poll, to vote in which side you are and why?
  16. my thoughts:
  17. I really like. You should reconsidering sharing it with our team.
  18. 1. No , because we need to focus on every member , and not just paid users. On the other hand users can judge if a server worths it by reviewing server background including premium status. 2. No , the only thing we can do is to make a saperate premium zone for paid topics. 3. No , because preview means preview, no beta testing. 4. No they can open whenever they want, but ok lets say max 1 year.
  19. All names and general information has been deleted to comply our privacy policy.
  20. Hello, can you provide proof of reserves? I dont see collaterized capital or any AMM automation.
  21. Nice share!
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