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About Zacapa

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Zacapa's Achievements

  1. trusted and skilled!
  2. Nice guy and good developer.
  3. One of the biggest trashes in this forum
  4. I dont know what to say for this guy... I bought from him 1) event engine 2) instance 3) autofarm 4) edit mobs ingame 5) fake bot 6) discord 7) tournament first he took the money and after 1 month +++ and alot of begging and excuses such as i broke up or I want to take my grandmother shopping or im not in the mood he gave me half systems with bugs inside. Again and again i beg him to fix them again the same excuses, so he made me to pay other devs to fix his bugs. Everytime he was saying i will login at 1am i was waiting and never logged in and the next day he sends a message i forgot it. To make all these system took him 4 or 5 months and here we are i pay others to fix them. I also asked him for a refund and ofc he refuse it. Some photos i won't spend more my time for this guy you can do whatever you want with him i dont care just to know with who you are dealing with. https://prnt.sc/7jbsXuJXYWpO https://prnt.sc/hycQs_AgiDAd https://prnt.sc/Fn3h3-7yhbXQ https://prnt.sc/N6UrbiZq-h2H
  5. Yes ouch…..
  6. I want to report Playinnova i bought from this guy for 100$ a trash cb. Some discord messages. https://ibb.co/vB83Fzg https://ibb.co/kmpwXH7 https://ibb.co/NFZTHT6 https://ibb.co/dDSFCH5 https://ibb.co/YWQkvp0 https://ibb.co/GTwqccm https://ibb.co/mRhn9RD https://ibb.co/LnvXzpH He also made a topic to sell that trash here he claims to be a dev........ And here is the perfect coded cb (removed)
  7. I think you have to change this
  8. Due to unprentictable issues with the hosting company server will open 27/4/2020 18:00 GMT +3 ! Sorry for the inconvenience, we are trying our best in order to avoid gameplay problems ! See you 27/4 !
  9. y we fix some things
  10. ty
  11. Dear players, We are excited to announce that, ⚜ Grand Opening 27/4/2020 18:00 GMT+3 ⚜ GATHER YOUR TEAM SHARPEN YOUR SWORDS TIGHTEN THE STITSCHINGS IN YOUR ARMOR HASTE TO CLIMB THE HIGHEST RANK L2 OmegaWorld is a Reworked Pride Style project ! New Items , new Features ! Based on pride-style gameplay with plenty differenced and balanced ! New generation of pride ! Its time to make the next step and meet the progress ! Let us give a sneak peak of what is about to begin ! Usefull Links Website|Facebook|Discord (Our community is completely hosted on Discord) P.S : You can pre-register via Website ! GENERAL INFORMATION [EXP/SP] : 400x [Anti-Bot System] : StrixGuard [Maximum Clients Per PC] : 2 [Buff Slots] : 28 [Geodata and Pathnotes] [Olympiad Heros] : Every Week [Maximum SubClasses] : 3 + MainClass [SubClass Quest] : Not [Maximum Level] : 80 [Offline Shope] : .offline [Achievement System] : .reward [PvP / PK Ranking SyStem] [Wedding System] [Pawn Shop] [Damage on Screen] [Mob Stats/Droplist by Shift+Click] [Custom Giran Button on Death] [Custom Community Board] RATES [Safe Enchant] : 6 [Maximum Weapon Enchant] : 25 [Maximum Armor/Jewels Encahnt] : 25 [Normal Scroll 60% Chance] Max +20, On failure crystallized [Blessed Scroll 60% Chance] Max +20, On failure returns to +6 [Crystal Scroll 80% Chance] Max +25, On failure Maintain Enchant [Mid Life-Stone 5% Chance] [High Life-Stone 10% Chance] [Top Life-Stone 15% Chance] EVENTS [TvT] : Team VS Team Event BLUE Team VS RED Team , team with most kills get the reward ! [CTF] : Capture The Flag Event BLUE Team VS RED Team , team with most flags captured get the reward ! [DM] : aka Bounty Hunter In this Event you are ALONE , each time you kill a player you get his kills ! Player with most kills get the reward ! [GvG] : Group VS Group Event Gather your party (6-9 players) and fight against othrer parties ! Last party standing gets the reward ! CUSTOM [Jewels ] : Relic [Tattoos ] : Tier 1 Tattoos / Tier 2 Shirts [Accesories ] Left Slots P.Def / M.Def Right Slots HP / CP [Armors ] TIER 1 - EXILE TIER 2 - VALYRIA TIER 3 - ERTHEIA [Weapons ] TIER 1 - LINDVIOR TIER 2 - VALAKAS TIER 3 - KELBIM SIEGES FRIDAY Dion 17:00 - 19:00 Giran 19:00 - 21:00 Goddart 21:00 - 23:00 SATURDAY Oren 17:00 - 19:00 Aden19:00 - 21:00 Schuttgard 21:00 - 23:00 SUNDAY Innadril 17:00 - 19:00 Rune 19:00 - 21:00 Gludio 21:00 - 23:00 Meet us http://l2ow.com , hope enjoy your stay L2 OmegaWorld , time well-wasted
  12. Only acis costs 10 instances (kamaloka) 40-80 and your max price is 50....
  13. Το κωδικοποίησα λίγο. "Καλησπέρα ψάχνουν άτομο να μου φτιάξω κάποια πράγματα στο σέρβερ που θα ετοιμάσω είναι ό, τι ξέρω ότι θα κάνω εγώ στα άλλα θέλω να βοηθήσω να το κάνει αυτός. Παρακαλώ στείλτε μου π.μ ευχαριστώ " Καλησπέρα ψάχνω άτομο να μου φτιάξει κάποια πράγματα στο σέρβερ που θα ετοιμάσω ό, τι ξέρω θα το κάνω εγώ στα άλλα θέλω να βοηθήσω να τα κάνει αυτός. Παρακαλώ στείλτε μου π.μ ευχαριστώ
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