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About karolis19

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  1. .
  2. sad , but this server empty 150+ on maybe , and alot of bugs even recipes cant sell at shop beause you will get 0 adena . Second day bow atk speed bugged , if you have bow you hit more faster then with dagger. so al exping with bow even mages... its pathetic. Really at eu servers better play h5 mid server and change every week its still better then play this classic where only bugs.
  3. forum still not working propertly .
  4. y its looks funny how supreme wrote before how he its good all other servers a crap *l2cassic.club*, but then time came to start hes own server even 30min server didint stand againts ddos, even forum/website. And at end he dont write any news about server ... 2016 but servers still so bad at eu, looks nothing change it.
  5. looks like server dead , faster then x99999999 servers, looks this days only russians server stable :/
  6. Agree and gm a corrupted helping some players.
  7. looks better then lineage-realm.net ...:D
  8. WTS chars SD/DC/pp+cc/cat/all 80+ ,items leave me private message if someone interresting or have any more questions.
  9. .
  10. its impossible enter to website/forum..
  11. looks now working
  12. Website didint work and this link where to download system to didint work:/
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