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[L2J]L2Daze x1000


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for dagger it's not true. he is balanced. only archer hits TOO much dmg. full +25 dark crystal and 3,5k dmg? btw what project are you using?

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But Server Unbalance ALL Class. Archer hit 4k-5k?? this is normal? Dagger backstup 7k-8k ?Some Make All class balance.

blows are nerfed. archers are not overpowered OMG what's the proper damage with an archer with +25 bow and passive might upon a mage 1500? :S
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Features seems nice.. i'll join it just to try it.. hope i won't find kidos community pking ppl at farm zone >.<

Gl and cya in game

Yesterday there were no pks in farm zones.I don't know for today because community is raising everyday

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Archer is TOTALLY overpowered.

I got full dc +25,and I get 3.5k dmg per hit.Even with db +25,that's not normal.

Consider balancing them,cuz you'll have a decrease in your community...

what do you expect from a homemade?

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what do you expect from a homemade?

it isnt homemade

Archer is TOTALLY overpowered.

I got full dc +25,and I get 3.5k dmg per hit.Even with db +25,that's not normal.

Consider balancing them,cuz you'll have a decrease in your community...

we already low the archers! how much? maybe because they have might passive or active ;)
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we already low the archers! how much? maybe because they have might passive or active ;)

don't nerf the classes just hearing to the newbie players that cry all the time like "omg dagger is OP", "omg archer is OP"..

Just make some tests and see urself if it's OP or no.. nd making the tests u will know how much to nerf it or not

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