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[Info]DotA 6.70b is OUT!

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DotA 6.70b

Full Changelog :

* Added support for Turkish language

* Fixed Essence Shift interaction with Tuskar and Phoenix

* Fixed some bugs with All Int/Agi/Str and SD modes

* Fixed Techies Land Mines not triggering on Phoenix

* Fixed various misc bugs with Supernova

* Fixed Sunray and Last Word/Hex interaction

* Fixed Degen Aura working against towers

* Fixed Janggo killing Forged Spirits

* Fixed some attack modifier (Feast, Backstab, etc) interactions with Supernova

* Fixed a minor visual effect issue when picking up a Gem with full inventory

* Fixed Item drop commands interaction with Sunray

* Fixed various tooltips

* Fixed a fatal error if Phoenix dies while using Sunray against Blademail/Dispersion

* Walrus Punch cooldown from 18/16/14 to 30/24/18

* Walrus Punch landing damage from 100/200/300 to 75/150/225

* Walrus Punch crit from 2.5 to 2.25

* Snowball max chase duration from 4 to 3.25 seconds

* Snowball no longer dispels negative buffs on you and your allies while rolling

* Fixed an old bug with Call Down instantly killing Forged Spirits

Finally,some important bugs were fixed and Tuskarr was nerfed! :D

Also,DotA 6.70b is almost reaching the maximum map size limit of Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne which is 8MB, It might be the final release until DotA 2.


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