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Gah.. Like all IL java based system the Tutorial System is not working correctly. No narration, no Newbie Guide windows and the Blue Gem is auto pickup (should not be). :(


For once can't at least one L2j based IL system have this basic feature working that has been part of the game since C1? I can't think of a single Interlude pack that has ever got this working. :)


Acis seems like a good system, been watching it but have not used it yet as I feel it is not ready.


Gah.. Like all IL java based system the Tutorial System is not working correctly. No narration, no Newbie Guide windows and the Blue Gem is auto pickup (should not be). :(


For once can't at least one L2j based IL system have this basic feature working that has been part of the game since C1? I can't think of a single Interlude pack that has ever got this working. :)


Acis seems like a good system, been watching it but have not used it yet as I feel it is not ready.

you could report all this on our forum, rather than playing smart around ;)

and to not make u continue a offtopic, i said "playing smart" thinking that the project didnt start the work "in that part" of the project. and no one said this project is finished.

so before saing "things not work" , that we all know some things not work, u can join our forum and report them. to be more easy found when tryskell will work on them.


Gah.. Like all IL java based system the Tutorial System is not working correctly. No narration, no Newbie Guide windows and the Blue Gem is auto pickup (should not be). :(


For once can't at least one L2j based IL system have this basic feature working that has been part of the game since C1? I can't think of a single Interlude pack that has ever got this working. :)


Acis seems like a good system, been watching it but have not used it yet as I feel it is not ready.


This is a minor issue for me right now, lol. From what I know of it, 3 packets, a couple of htms, and quest fix.


Don't expect all is corrected after 74 revisions and 3,5 months :). And another part, nothing constraint you to share missing parts of code.


But you're right, and I know the issue already.


Edit : rev 75 is out.


Well, he wants direct access to svn without I even know if he is good or not.


He is stubborn, I'm stubborn, but I got the lead so he has to follow rules. Basically he doesn't want to share diff patches, but to commit directly without I check.


So I still got no clue if he is good or no (well from what I saw for the moment, he is better than the common MxC lvl, no offense intended :P), and for the moment it's on a dead point on this subject :).


Any news about the new developer?

I heard that u was going to invite someone in ur project if he finish the tests ( what happen ? he failed ? )

this was a news "few posts talk" few weeks ago,

i even forgot about it =)


but nah, tryskell know better with his lol customs wannabe =) (u know what i talk about tryskell, just add config for it mofo)


Rev 76 is out


L2J sync 3384, pets, teleport issue corrected


L2J sync 3384

- "Improvements on CharStat, CharStatus, ObjectPosition, Knownlist initialization, thanks Erb"

- I won't bother saying it's useful.

- Debug (from what I tested...) the teleToLocation function, where players zones types weren't updated sometimes (only happened using teleToLocation, imagine you //recall a player who was in town and you're in pvp area, he was still considered as peace/town zone).



- isHungry() implementation, and "you can't mount hungry pets" condition;

- added death message "you got 20min to ress your poor little thing, hurry or emocry because you lose it";

- doRevive and doDie improvements (IA is active at revive, the feed bar isn't set to 10% when pet die, etc);

- when you're mounted, the pet collision height and width is taken instead of regular player's race collision.

- when hungry, the pet is walking, once feed, it's running anew.


Formulas / Misc

- deleted 2 commands (unride_wyvern and unride_strider), I thought even to remove //unride (they don't know /dismount ?), but I kept only for //ride/unride.

- reverted the getStdNPCCalculators() content (part of rev 62). Mobs were way too much overpowered.

- All "Stat" types have been refactored (PcStat, PetStat, CharStat, blablabla). Adds are numerous, like :

- seperated messages if you earn only XP, SP or both;

- drop of 2 configs, the speed when mounted is only linked to the pet template runspd, nothing more.

- added MAX_EVASION config.

- pet atkspd/multiplier is divided per 2 when hungry.

- L2WyvernManager refactor.


Rev 77 is out


RecipeController refactor, not a lot to say, and not a lot to load (-6mo ram on GS stats).


- .csv -> .xml

- All retail messages.

- cleaner code (with the craft custom shit removed, it removes like 20% of code).


I used a mix between Hellbound (for XML engine) and Freya for the code. The recipes.xml comes from Hellbound, minus the dynasty stuff. It's normally the same stats (to be honest I checked 10 random values to see if they fit and that fitted). If by any hazard values aren't the same (NCZoft's logic is sometimes strange), you're allowed to cry on forum.


I tested a private manufacture and self use aswell.


Ty for the 25 pages thread and the 10k views :).


Edit :


Rev 79 is out, btw.

Rev 80 adds 2 skills XMLs :o


Rev 84 is out


   Misc - GM Panel, commands, and stuff


   Admin Panel && commands


       Add of //camera

       Clean a couple of admincommands (deletion of old and Freya)

       Added AdminBuffs? (//getbuffs, //areacancel, //removereuse) handler.

       cleaned and improved the main panels, jukeBox, && a couple of others htms.




       Added SkillCoolTime? packet. You can now see the correct reuse at relog/use of skills/change subclass.

       Added more arguments on SpecialCamera?.




       Siege skills take in consideration the fact the player is/isn't a noble (advanced HQs skill)

       some Singleton.


Rev 85 is out, 86 already on fire


This is... SpartaCis !


Status refactor


   All status have been corrected, and 2 have been added (Folk and Attackable).

   Noblesse is fixed (only a visual bug left, but I wait next rev to correct)




   PetInfo packet refactor (many useful infos added, but reachable only in a next rev :D)

   karma/pvpflag stuff have been entirely dropped (it uses owner values)


Entire Death refactor (Ask that to Chuck Norris, he can't)


   isKilledAlready => isDead

   isFakeDead moved to L2PcInstance

   correct //res command (from what I tested), and add anti-exploits.


setCurrentHp refactor


   you can selfDoT using meditation now (tyrant toggle bug + meditation which break the meditation is corrected)

   when you're invul, selfDoT and selfHP consumption skills still damage you.




   NPCWalker cleaning

   killByDOT implementation (only one skill uses it)

   L2Character doAttack() method : your attack is canceled if your target enters in peace zone, can't attack with wyvern on melee)

   typos : isImobilised )> isImmobilized, and others

   corrected isHeroItem() method (any non droppable items (Manacle Penitent and such) were considered as hero items...)

   getEquipSlot -> getLocationSlot.

   doors can't be DoT anymore.

   L2Npc canInteract() method improved.

   Mobs can anew launch skills, but their animation is a little broken.



WARNING : I tested as much as I can, but it needs a shitload of tests in order to see if I didn't mess something. Changes are heavy, and touch general ingame behavior.


Part of rev 86




Rev 87.


I believe I can fly + 1 xml


        * FlyToLocation? implementation.

        * core support for 5000-5099, ty DarthVader? for the good work on XML part.



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