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Changeset 295


Sailren, MovieMaker, Zone system && GrandBossManager, misc


Sailren AI

- A wild Sailren appeared ! Ty UnAfraid for the L2OFF script (leeched cinematic, oust location, exit gk locations, and inactive timer duration).

- addition of the blank npc 32110 (for the animation), one L2BossZone, change of type for L2GrandBoss, one line added in grandboss_data.sql and edition of GrandBossTeleporters script to handle Shilen Stone / Teleport Cube behaviors.


MovieMaker enhancements

- you can now see all parameters of sequences on main panel.

- if you haven't a target, the movie takes you as target.

- addition of "Back" buttons on Edit and Add HTMs, returning to main panel.


Zone system && GrandBossManager

- GrandBossManager singleton system is dropped (use static approach).

- Cleanup and few method renames.

- Few fixes :

- lists and maps from L2BossZone can't be null anymore (drop involved checks) and use concurrent versions.

- GMs are now registered in _playersAllowed list - as regular players - if they used the "legit" way. They still have priviledges to teleport on such area and not being bothered by restriction.

- avoid to add a zone if it was already existing (just a security check, as List allows doublons).

- Reintroduction on ids on L2BossZone zones, in order to correctly load/save allowed players (cause a problem notably if you add/remove zones meanwhile).

- L2ZoneType variables concerning zones children are moved in zones children :

- affectedRace > L2MotherTreeZone.

- affectedLvlMin / targetClass > L2EffectZone.

- Following parameters are dropped : affectedClassId, affectedClassType, affectedLvlMax.

- drop of internal flag _checkAffected, as isAffected() uses now inheritance.

- All null checks concerning L2BossZone zones on scripts are dropped (as those scripts can't, anyway, work without those zones...).



- Addition of door HPs view (happens in peace time or for siege defenders). isEnemy() is dropped and replaced by isAutoAttackable() for doors HP view.

- All configs related to GBs are renamed. Hardcoded safeties are dropped, so don't edit configs when drunk.

- fix clan ranks for heroes and nobles + L2ClanMember cleanup, ty BaT for report.

- all variables on individual AIs are organized as following : zone, private static final, public static final, public.


PS : while L2ScriptZone are using 10XXXX ids, L2BossZone will use 11XXXX ones. Remember about it while adding custom zones !


I'm proud to say we're the pack with the most retail-like Sailren (cinematic included).

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Your Sailren is more retail than the retail itself  :gusta:

Depends of the L2OFF pack you talk about ;p. On L2OFF IL, probably it's not working correctly.

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Changeset 296


Antharas, RBs timers, Misc



- addition of death cinematic (ty UnAfraid for the script).

- Antharas use his skills following L2OFF script. And yes, the Rnd.get() -beep-fest is retail-like.


RBs timers

- fix GBs/RBs timers to follow L2OFF values. The biggest change is regular bosses going from 12-36h to 12-60h (36 +- 24) && Zaken/Sailren timers.

- random timer is modified to handle hours by hours, not ms by ms (* 3600000 is made after the Rnd is selected).

- random timer on GBs is supposed to be +-, not only + (edition of all GBs AI scripts).

- drop of RaidMinRespawnMultiplier and RaidMaxRespawnMultiplier configs. I don't like them. Don't ask.



- addition of ZoneId (exemple : L2Character.ZONE_PVP > ZoneId.PVP).

- fix arenas XP loss, ty Root for report. You still loss XP inside arenas if killed by anything except playable (avoid RB exploits).

- you don't lose XP while in siege, if you were involved by the siege (either playable or siege NPCs).

- fix new clan member "rank" (you are registered in main clan, not on 5th grade). Ty SweeTs.

- fix an invalid pvpflag scenario (summoner is out of the arena, but summon/pet is in : attacking the summon/pet makes you purple).

- reorganization of L2PcInstance isAutoAttackable(), which also fix 1 issue about clan member check (the clan member check was made on attacker's objectId, but attacker can be the summon...).

- bring isInsideZone in L2Object, allowing to drop all casts.

- addition of isInArena(), as it's often used (checks if a player is in a PVP zone but not in a SIEGE zone).

- getWantsPeace() > wantsPeace(), modified for a boolean rather than int.


Notes :

- getRespawnMinDelay() and getRespawnMaxDelay() are "overriden" on L2RaidBoss spawn to be used as fixed and random timers => (getRespawnMinDelay() + Rnd.get(-getRespawnMaxDelay(), getRespawnMaxDelay())) * 3600000.

- isAutoAttackable is to test.


Antharas is another victim on my retail-like huntboard.

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gameserver/data/xml/items and you put the item y want there.. :D

i know how...but i have download dynasty wepons or "demonic" and that weapons have and slq file..

i put system files (itemname,weapogrp systextures/animations and others) i put and the game server files .item xml and mulisells but when i join to game i dont see it on shop..i see one black icon and i take error :(

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but where i have to put the Sql? there is no table on navicant with "custom weapons" or weapons"

i put all weapons files in the locations but i dont know what to do with sql... so no sql = no weapons.

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    • Dear friends, September 24 at 19:00 (UTC +3) will be available access for our test server. UTC+3 - exact time now - Time.is During beta test will be available OBT Manager (NPC Eva) in Giran with all necessary items for test. We run 7signs in 1h cycle and Oly 24/7 Server setup on Beta same, like will be on server start On Beta will be restrictions for skill enchant lvl: 15 max for 2nd profession, 7 for 3rd profession Talent Tree avaible only Tier 1 (Same like will be on first Olympiad cycle on live server) We strongly recommend visiting beta. Check the concept of the server before it start. View the NPC Buffer, Shop, Services. We will be shutting down the public test server on September 23! So as not to mislead new players on Dex, whitch one is beta for seasonal server. After the season server opens, the Public Test Server will be available again. - Olympiad EVENT ON BETA TEST   GiveAway on Beta! On Beta launch day, we make 7 giveaways From 19:00 till 02:00. Each hour, new giveaway with 5 winer places. Each hour you need make new registartion if you want participate. To participate on Giveaway you need speak with NPC Ahuron in Giran Town and make registartion. On 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00, 00:00, 01:00 and 02:00 Ahuron will announce Winers! And palyers recive special item. If you will be offline on this momment, you will not get prize! Winers will recive on same account (on first character) scrolls for 7days Premium status on server start! You can activate this scroll on any time, its will give you 7 days Premium, or if you already have Premium it will add 7 days to it. Also, all who visit Beta and will be online at less 1 hour, will get small gift on server start. Pack with useful potions that for sure help you on start. We need this, to be sure you prepear you game client and ready to start    How to Connect on Beta! For participation in our Open Beta you can use your old Master Accounts(web account). But you need to create new Game Account fore NEW Interlude x25 server on your Control Panel. If you don't play in our project before - register new Master Account Download links: Updater Full Game Client (torrent) Full Game Client (direct link)   If you download Full Game Client - just unzip it, run updater choose NEW server, click on Full Check, than after update - click Start. if you already have our game client - Run updater choose NEW server and click Update. /data/attachments/4/4520-75a004e5c687b6c439c89513218f4743.jpg Join in our Discord Chanel - Join the Lineage2Dex Support Discord Server! Here you can find all important news, guides, communicate with other players and admins. Don't forget, Open Beta test is TEST server, so please make maximum test before opening, check classes that u plan to play, check shops, mobs etc. Don't just stay in the Towns enchanting weapons  Have a fun!  
    • Nice coincidence that since these links were posted, that forum getting ddosed.
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