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aCis - another CRAPPY interlude server


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I'm really pleased to announce than after 3 days of work, the quest engine and internal AIs are working. Both Jython and Java are now supported as quests.


Mobs can use their full potential, and act according to their AI types, and skills. Quest engine, in another side, will allow us to use advanced/reworked Java AIs from Freya. A first try with Gordon AI has been successfuly added.


It was a LONG way (around 30 hours of work), as I have seen many weird things, such as : monsters shown as npc, monsters which couldn't aggro, and even, monsters which couldn't move. Actually, all weirds things have been corrected.


More tests will be needed, and quests/AIs need to be ported.


Stay turned, and aCis ftw :).



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Changeset 126




Quest engine / AIs, part I


Quest engine.

- rework of quests engine, using the unstable L2J trunk, in order to be able to use java files (mainly AIs).

- deletion of the jscript folder. If you want to help refactoring quests, save this folder anywhere else, or dl back IL quests. "scripts" folder is added, with some AIs.

- Some AIs added. They're supposed to be final and working. Report all you can about them. I only tested chests and Gordon.

- Addition of many configs, mainly about World/Grand Bosses and quest rates. Report bosses respawn timers on the forum, as they seem all wrong.


PS : The engine has been stripped of the compiled cache stuff (.rar-ed events and such). ON_SKILL_LEARN has been dropped too.



- Reworked AIs. Mobs can know support, heal when low HPs, use skills (they spam them those bitches...)

- npc_ai_data.sql has been added. It is supposed to get all AIs stuff concerning NPCs templates.

- some infos of npc.sql have been deleted, and moved to npc_ai_data (mainly faction => clan).



- npcskills.sql is renamed npc_skills.sql

- L2MinionInstance is dropped. Now all minions are normal L2Monsters. They're still linked to the leader via the minions.sql

- datapack is now parametered to see java errors. Allow easy debug on java quests.

- NpcSat, TutorialCloseHtml, TutorialEnableClientEvent serverpackets added.

- core support for tutorial quest (Q255).




Two issues exist on hardcoded AIs :

- minions dont appear back, even if the leader is alive (whatever mobs, general AI issue).

- mobs with caster types skills don't attack back if their casting range is higher than the distance of the player. Saying it differently, they stay without moving at their position until you reach the good distance. Kinda strange.


No issue has been found currently about the quest engine itself (loading Python/Java correctly).

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I think it's an excellent Datapack, but in my opinion I think it lacks the custom of everyone there as it chooses the server want to have, it would be good to go something like this implemented will have more acceptance

sry for my bad english

the thing you ask its the most easyest part to add.... with few reads on this forum you can doit alone.
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when compiling gameserver i get this


Buildfile: /home/papi/workspace/gameserver/build.xml


  [delete] Deleting directory /home/papi/workspace/gameserver/build


    [mkdir] Created dir: /home/papi/workspace/gameserver/build

    [mkdir] Created dir: /home/papi/workspace/gameserver/build/classes

    [mkdir] Created dir: /home/papi/workspace/gameserver/build/dist

    [mkdir] Created dir: /home/papi/workspace/gameserver/build/dist/login

    [mkdir] Created dir: /home/papi/workspace/gameserver/build/dist/gameserver


    [exec] Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "./subversion/svnversion": java.io.IOException: error=2, No such file or directory

    [echo] aCis gameserver revision: ${revision}


    [javac] /home/papi/workspace/gameserver/build.xml:49: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds



/home/papi/workspace/gameserver/build.xml:49: Unable to find a javac compiler;

com.sun.tools.javac.Main is not on the classpath.

Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK.

It is currently set to "/opt/jre1.6.0_25_x64"


Total time: 603 milliseconds


i'm on linux any help?


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Changeset 133


Misc things, organization, HQs



- Refactored zones and zone engine in order to drop vertices.sql and read nodes directly from XML. Ty DiNoR for Part I. Another part will come soon.

- drop of NOHQ_ZONE (supposed to forbid the cast), replacement for HQ_ZONE (only some areas are allowed for cast).

- //zone_check refactor, better visual and addition of all zones types.

- zones' XMLs are now organized according to their zoneType. The initial zones.xml is dropped.

- The zones'ID process is now dynamically handled. Example : 1001 is the 2nd zone of the 2nd loaded XML, aka BossZone. A new feature on //zone_check should appear soon or later.



- Reorganization of XMLs folder : merge of "stats" and "xml" folders, only "xml" folder exists now.



- L2SiegeFlagInstance refresh ; advanced HQs are now supported, and HQs "cry" when they're hitted.

- improvement of check conditions (use retail messages), addition of distance between flags cast.



- correct all missing char_id => charId from quests refactor. Ty Sikken for report.

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Changeset 134


Zones part II, NoRestart zone, misc


  • Zones have been cleaned of postIL stuff. Some NPEs were possible before on EffectZone, they have been corrected.
  • Addition of NoRestart zones. In those zones, both logout and restart options are disabled. Olympiads zones are considered as NoRestart zones aswell. NoRestart zones got only Dimensional zones, but BossZones ARE part of NoRestart zones, they're handled differently and do 50% of what they should do.
  • Addition of 2 "quests" : echo crystals and raid boss location (both have been tested and verified).
  • Mini refactor of L2Radar.
  • ServerObjectInfo serverpacket has been added.
  • Fix an issue where player stay dead during sieges if their HQ die before they click on "Go to HQ".
  • Fix the linux db installer.


I didn't thank him in timeline (and real heroes never ask for thanks :D), but ty DiNoR for contribution. Next will be a "special DiNoR commit"  :o.

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