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Most players in a l2 server right now?

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Its simple i want you to tell me the server (or servers) that have the most people online (not officials)  or servers that have up to 2.5k people online and if you good give me their website.Ty...!

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you joined to server?or you are just "throwing" your replys?

Guess what? I played there x1000 and x5 and x15


Check out x1000 and x5 ( you will easily find out that website counter is fake)

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I played x15 for few days either ;p


But well,, everywhere you come are ppl... and my pc simply lagged on towns bcs of the ppl.

(my pc sucks, but still)


Even if they would have a fake counter... their real player count wouldnt be that far off

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  • 2 months later...

9K players equal probably 8k or more stores all over the server, fake stores to make the server look full.

I don't even need to join the server, I know If I log in is gonna be thousands of stores in all towns, so in another words it look like the server have a huge community but is not true. There are many, but many servers like that out there.


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