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That's a reason to player private servers dude. Free, and a bit(yes, sometimes much) different than official gameplay. Official gameplay, is for those that will stay logged in all night and all day, just to take a level. And when they take that level, they do 2 things, they either go to take another 1, or they go for 2 hours sleep and then take another 1. Anyway, my point is that private, almost retail servers with a bit of boost are nice. I too don't like high rate servers, because of unbalance due to custom items, or because admin/developer is stupid and he can't edit Formulas.java a bit.


k I give. This same argument for the 3rd time...


I kept playing on every update until Gracia 1. Then it was -beeped-up completely :/

I know all stuff on gmshops. I just hate them.

Omg, don't tell me you can transform AND fly wherever you want in this area? Also kamael players.. 1st the are kamaels, and 2nd they can transform too into flying 'demons'.

The flying ship may be nice, and unique, but not for the lineage 2 we know.

No, maybe not thunderbolt... But much worse than it:


You are missing Gracia Part 2/Final/Epilogue/Freya/High Five , so actually pointing statements would be quite pointless since you won't understand exactly that im talking about. (Personally i didn't liked it on Gracia1 too epilogue ++ is way better)



Also on Gracia you can do a quest learn 3 flying forms and fly ONLY on Gracia area. Not outside , not on Aden's world. You can fly on gracia but it isn't so used since there is flying ships/teleports etc. Actually as far as i know flying is used to collect some gatherables which are on the air. But still i don't understand why you hate flying so much. It's not like it is used much on private servers , actually half of the community knows how to get the quest/item to learn the flying skill plus it's useless since you can go to Seeds by Server's teleporter and most servers don't even know the gatherables on the air.


So in conclusion the statement of the flying sukzzzasaazzz is pointless. About Kamael's Final Form it's actually a skill which makes them transform into their True Form (that's why they have 2 wings in the transformation). They are stronger plus they have different set if skills in that mode.


They can't fly. It is just a skill dud. Personally i prefer Kamaels on normal mode , disarm rush and all that stuff is painful. So again your statement is in the middle of the void.


Also the flying ship was going to get added on C2 but it didn't cause at this age the PCs couldn't handle it that's why it got added now. Also AGAIN you are pointing out a feature for the area of GRACIA which isn't used to MUCH on private servers. Seriously it isn't used cause you need the flying ship to get your ass on the Seeds but 95% of the servers have teleporter for this. I mean it ain't used so much , no need for hate.


About the video you are talking about , that ? That do you see which doesn't fit on L2 dud , it is on IT which existed before The Kamael.


The only thing you can't understand/don't know is Kamael's Rush animation and Major's Heal animation which has been improved and it doesn't look like Greater's Heal animation.


That else ? That's bad on it ? Expect the bad voice of Hon kills ;x





Why not mentioning the positive aspects which Gracia ++ has provided to l2 ; negative negative all the time..


when will we be able to play on this chronicle? I'm really excited :D


It's already out on Korea i think , so i guess here it will be out on a month +. The good thing is it finally got mention on official website of EU/NA (www.lineage2.com) and god got it's sub-website (www.lineage2.com/gd)


Time will show ;p



It's already out on Korea i think , so i guess here it will be out on a month +. The good thing is it finally got mention on official website of EU/NA (www.lineage2.com) and god got it's sub-website (www.lineage2.com/gd)


Time will show ;p

Awesome dude, thanks for the info ;D


I found some videos out on youtube. These might be useful for people waiting  to hear about the update..

Here are two videos showing the new character creation:



These videos here are about Dwarven, D. elf  and Talking island village :



And this video over here also found on youtube, from World of killers showing different towns of the Goddess of Destruction update :


Enjoy !


P.S: I found some skills too. Tell me if you want me to post them over here.


I found some videos out on youtube. These might be useful for people waiting  to hear about the update..

Here are two videos showing the new character creation:



These videos here are about Dwarven, D. elf  and Talking island village : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kna82W0KVf8



And this video over here also found on youtube, from World of killers showing different towns of the Goddess of Destruction update :


Enjoy !


P.S: I found some skills too. Tell me if you want me to post them over here.


I found some videos out on youtube. These might be useful for people waiting  to hear about the update..

Here are two videos showing the new character creation:



These videos here are about Dwarven, D. elf  and Talking island village :



And this video over here also found on youtube, from World of killers showing different towns of the Goddess of Destruction update :


Enjoy !


P.S: I found some skills too. Tell me if you want me to post them over here.


are we going to made siege after the update? or with the destruction of the old cities,the siege system is gone with it?

for sure the old siege system will be changed,

for sure the old siege system will be changed,

in what way will it change?? Is there any info or video on youtube ????

i think this is the bad thing of this update, the siege system was the best original feature of L2


I believe it's a great update!


Even though I've stopped playing lineage since that idiotic Kamael update emerged..

I'm not against new ideas.Besides that, I've only played on private servers so there were bugs, inbalances and edited features. (such as 30+ buff slots, 8 hours buffs, luxury, custom items, augmentation skills stack, bug abuse etc)


My personal opinion is that no one is going to make a balanced pvp or "completed" server with so many new features.

But hey, I'm a failure and nobody gives a fuck about my aspect so what the hey :)


yes a lot of modifications to the old playing system but a whole lot of new stuff also. in time we will see if what NcSoft did with Lineage 2 at this point brought some freshness in the game and with it new players.


they just had destroyed l2, some time after thos locations will be gone forever


but I am playing in c1 and having no such troubles :)

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