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Rpg-Club IG+OOG Walker = November 2010= Win7/WinXp Re-editted

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Need some information to be sended from the dll files they have added...it's propably system.dll

No protection packer on this dll this time :D...so i think i'll make a crack for this but it will be only for Ig walker if i make it...

If you know from reverse engineer...they might putted a test and searching for attached proccess etc. while running...if it is something like this i think it would be easy...but i hope that i'm talking about to be in system.dll and not in Engine.dll or Nwindow.dll because it is packed with TTProtector...

But i know something:


Everything is Running can be Cracked ;)


So what this is the fun...they got scaried hahaha!!


I found that the RPG client is disables some functions of the walker...

Chat from walker is working nice...That means that it is working but we can't get the rest functions...

The code of the antibot is blocks the hooking in Core or Engine.dll

I think i'm really close on this...maybe i'm wrong...everything is possible :)


Yeah i did...

I am informed 2 days before that System.dll is packed with VMProtect...


What means that??


Really Really hard to Unpack and crack this thing..Actually i hate this packer...

L2walker is packed with this so that's why we don't have cracked versions..

I don't know i have script for my debugger to unpack but no luck yet..


Yeah i did...

I am informed 2 days before that System.dll is packed with VMProtect...


What means that??


Really Really hard to Unpack and crack this thing..Actually i hate this packer...

L2walker is packed with this so that's why we don't have cracked versions..

I don't know i have script for my debugger to unpack but no luck yet..


I tried google it for you, seems like it gets protected with a VMware encryption or something.

Here are some umpackers (some contain virusses) http://www.google.com/search?aq=0&oq=VMPro&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=vmprotect#hl=en&expIds=25657,25907,27642,27744,27788,27868&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=vmprotect+unpacker&cp=10&qe=dm1wcm90ZWN0IA&qesig=GX5perKc7zro0NgAvCw1Jg&pkc=AFgZ2tmc9RYSgs3Y10hAN3-SVnZTAbBcMbzNzACa-vTH4pardJIf84_EOUqUQpkzDhdXxCkwhj2p8dsO8bfzidsxdfThJGd_RA&pf=p&sclient=psy&source=hp&aq=0&aqi=&aql=&oq=vmprotect+&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=4488cb887e893d25 - Thats all I  can do, google like a champ :P


It's Protected with VmPrptect....

More information about this packer can found here : VmProtect Homepage


Off course they deleted and manipluated the Signatures so you can't find with what packer is packed...


So guys i don't try anymore to break in...

I ll wait until an automated unpacker for VmProtect comes if ever released...I have tryed many times to unpack this packer in the past and the success was to little

It's a realy hard protection,only one guy named LFC-AT can do that for sure and he is posting in this forum ---> Tuts4You


So Until a good VmProtect Automated Unpacker is not released...i don't mess anymore with this  :-X

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