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hello mxc

so im playing on a private server stucksub IL and am thinking of a class which can beat almost every other class at oly :D

any suggestions ?

1 Stuck sub (Main + 1 same race)

ps : no mutants :|


i think i dont remember IL any more :D but i think tanks were good all times :] on IL i think OL also was pownzor in oly.

and what about ee?

/agree...ol pwn in olly...in pvp depends :P

Basic rule in oly for C6 is that:

bishops*,summoners*,glads,prophet*,OL*,WC*,Paladins,DAs are the best options.

*Especially with nuke augments.

Combine any of the above and you'll have a killing machine.



Basic rule in oly for C6 is that:

bishops*,summoners*,glads,prophet*,OL*,WC*,Paladins,DAs are the best options.

*Especially with nuke augments.

Combine any of the above and you'll have a killing machine.


can a glad/pp pwn a th/pa or any tank/dagger ?

4 subclass?

sry i edited my post 1 subclass (main +1 same race)


can a glad/pp pwn a th/pa or any tank/dagger ?

Yeah,if he/she knows how to play it's easy.

As for tanks,pp might have a hard time at first but it will work out fine eventually and glads can easily kivk the living shit out of tanks unless they get chain stunned/slammed.


well first I need to see how skills are functioning, are they are all balanced?, if they are than there are 2 options either TH + summoner or GLAD + PP. Problem with OL is that your mana will die fast.

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