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[Req] Population?


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There's NOT 120 ppl, as for server it self it totally sucks, it has high ranks in top servers but... they didn't even fix quests in balaurea, bosses drop nothing either. it's just high-rate server imitation not a real server

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Why don't you people try aionworld.eu ?  IF you are seeking for a lagless gameplay with full 2.1 features , great stability and bugfree join now... I can assure you that you wont regret  it... These guys are really proffesional for sure... Almost all quests work. I used to play on infinite server and when i heard bout aionworld and tried it i just sticked there... Its 3x but you can level up fast since all campain quests already working... It has also working the random rewards on crafting and much more features!


Go to http://aionworld.eu/

and join me now!


It has low population but its growing fast as soon as people try the server...



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