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Server Informations







5.000 Xp/Sp.

3.000 Adena.

50 Drop/Spoil/Manor.




30 Buff Slots.

6 Debuff Slots.



1Hour Buff Duration.




60% Normal Scroll.

80% Blessed Scroll.

100% Crystal Scroll.



+3 Safe Enchant

+18 Weapon Max. Enchant.

+25 Armor/Jewels Max. Enchant.



You can buy materials from GM Shop and do the quest (Barakiel can be killed by 1player + 1healer).

Or buy Caradine Leatter (very expensive) and pass the quest.




Safe Farm Zone.

Normal Farm Zone.

Life Stone Zone.

Mini Rb. Zone.




GM Shop - with all your needs.

Global GateKeeper.

Class Changer.

Weeding Priest.

Custom LS Mobs.

Custom RB Mobs.

LvL Zone.




Subclass quest is not needed.

Max Subclasses "3".

Mana Drugs (regenerate MP in time).

Voting for us will bring you rewards in game.

Mini RB's with Blessed Enchants Drop. Info Here.

Choose your even from our list at a period of time.

Show Online ppl at Login.

Show Online ppl via command ( .online ).

This Server is Curently Running on L2j I-Play Files.

L2j I-Play is a Private Interlude Project.






don't be shy mate, please write that this server is beta... nothing bad about it actually.


most of the servers that are supposed to be live are still beta ^^ (in case if you didn't notice)

was in beta for 2 weeks , and now i consider that i can open it live.

yes minor bugs may still be there, we know about some. and addy work and will work to fix as much as he can for me and for his private pack aswell.


a not 100% server dont mean its in beta ;)


[RO] omule in primu rand felicitari ai inceput cu dreptul, parerea mea addy este unu dintre cei mai buni si pakul lui este super..........in al doilea rand am intrat pe seerver si am doar un cuvant plictisitor. dupa ce am stat sa fac lvl am stat 15  minute la farm in b grade ca sa fac un daggers de s grade mana....ok pot intelege mana drug pentru balance dar bufele ????/ m-am bufat cu striktul necesar si daca vreau un mirage sau un focus pe dagger pac deja am overbuff:|.....dropu la mobi cam putin parerea mea :)! daca faci niste modificari asi juca dar asa nu prea o sa fie lume...!


[RO]am mai marit rata de drop adena,


cat despre level mam tot gandit si rasgandit sa fac o zona de lvl, si cred ca pana la urma asta o sa fac tinand cont ca in curand no sa mai poti sati faci 1000 de charuri (motivul pentru care nu am facut zona de lvl era acela ca nu vreau sa vad xxxxx chars facute pt clan points.


tot din acest motiv voi creste si banii primiti la inceput (la fel nu am vrut sa dau mai multi adena pentru ca nu vroiam sa vad xxxxx chars facute pt adena in loc de farm)


despre bufe, eu nu am probleme cu ele, nici pe tank , dapoi pe dagger unde multe bufe nu sunt necesare. e adevarat nuti poti lua full rezist + g sield + cat si alte prostioare dar, incerc sa evit si sa fac serverul ca toate lol pvp care sunt acum on.


ps: te rog posteaza pe forum pareri, o sa tin cont de ele cu siguranta.


[ENG]Good luck with your server mate. ;)

[RO]Mult noroc cu serverul,si felicitari,arat bine si sper sa fie si stabil.Toate cele bune. :)


I don't like the site a/w good luck :)

players have fun in game not on website xD


thanks all for your good words.

opinions if u got tell me, i want to make a server for all ppl not for me.


Before i download the patch could u say me if is LoLfarming or pretty easy farm?

to get dressed, its easy. but to make RB jew and get the Max ench.... eh well it will take some time.

but all the things u need to farm, i made an alternative method, u will need just to walk and see the wonderful world of L2 and u will get them.


but all the things u need to farm, i made an alternative method, u will need just to walk and see the wonderful world of L2 and u will get them.


You mean that i'll find items on ground just exploring the world?


You mean that i'll find items on ground just exploring the world?

kinda :))

actually no, for example nobless. i made it damn expensive (8kkk) but you can make the quest if u dont wanna farm, u find the mats ( Lunargent and Hellfire Oil with 500k) and start the quest, run on the map as the quest say and after kill Barakiel with 2 ppl (1 healer and 1 dd or nuker) and like this u can get some B Enchants from RB too :)


rate of adena growed up from 1k to 3k

adena u get on start, growed up as well.

lvl zone added.

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