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[Discuss]Harry Potter 7: Reviews & Comments


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For the ones who watched the movie (I'm going to watch it tomorrow), what are your comments?

Making a review would be perfect ^^

Its Perfect Man I Recommended It For Sure I Saw It Yesterday.Absolute Effects And Good Plot!!!
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Its Perfect Man I Recommended It For Sure I Saw It Yesterday.Absolute Effects And Good Plot!!!


Is the plot (just the plot as a general meaning) same with the book's, or there are major changes that affect the whole story?

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Is the plot (just the plot as a general meaning) same with the book's, or there are major changes that affect the whole story?.

In some parts of the movie running away to the book, for exemple in Bill and Fleur's wedding. But the changes didn't affect the whole story. I can't wait for part2


Now that I'm thinking, wasn't better to see both parts in one?

the movie have to be very complex, minimum 5 hours if you want part1 and part2 in 1 movie.

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should be enough reason not to watch it


That reminds me of "Led Zeppelin are satanists". Jeez.

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Seriously what the fuck? I kinda liked only the beginning and the ending of the movie. Overall it was very bad, one of the worse if not the worst HP ever. So boring at times. I was very disappointed. I was expecting a lot more than that.

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Really bad movie. I didnt like it. So much noise for this movie and nothing special to see.



Well the first part is just a small review of what is gonna happen! So the second part will be surely out of control.

If you remember how part 1 ended you can understand what I say! ;)

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I Watched it yesterday.


First of all have in mind that i have read the book already.


The start of the movie was good , just like the book don't missing anything with the 7 potters etc etc.On the wedding , it misses arround 40 pages of the book and proccess to the wedding and also it doesn't recall the story of grintelvalt and dumbledoor.Then , on the running out with the deatheaters before they get caught it is as it was.With harry calling the taboo name Voldemort.Then after they got to Malphoy's house it doesn't show us belatrix uses a curse on hermiony.Also they didn't said the goblin on the celar to lie , and he did it himself , and with the petigrue when he gone into the celar , he doesn't suicided but they k.o-ed him.It also doesn't makes clear that what the potter see is something that happens now or memories and if you havent read the book you may be confused.The end was cool , and very cool was also the story of the Deathly Hollows.The last scene was great.





Well this movie was bad , but it lefts you a hard feeling of - i cant wait for the second one-

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Yea I agree with Revenger. And I also liked the story of the Deathly Hallows. I would prefer the story to be continued instead of showing Harry and Hermione all the time. ;p



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Yea I agree with Revenger. And I also liked the story of the Deathly Hallows. I would prefer the story to be continued instead of showing Harry and Hermione all the time. ;p



+1 to that. =D
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I Watched it yesterday.


First of all have in mind that i have read the book already.


The start of the movie was good , just like the book don't missing anything with the 7 potters etc etc.On the wedding , it misses arround 40 pages of the book and proccess to the wedding and also it doesn't recall the story of grintelvalt and dumbledoor.Then , on the running out with the deatheaters before they get caught it is as it was.With harry calling the taboo name Voldemort.Then after they got to Malphoy's house it doesn't show us belatrix uses a curse on hermiony.Also they didn't said the goblin on the celar to lie , and he did it himself , and with the petigrue when he gone into the celar , he doesn't suicided but they k.o-ed him.It also doesn't makes clear that what the potter see is something that happens now or memories and if you havent read the book you may be confused.The end was cool , and very cool was also the story of the Deathly Hollows.The last scene was great.





Well this movie was bad , but it lefts you a hard feeling of - i cant wait for the second one-

yy because the other part have many fights and more action
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In some parts of the movie running away to the book, for exemple in Bill and Fleur's wedding. But the changes didn't affect the whole story. I can't wait for part2

I rather wait more time and see something interesting, instead of spending 2.5€ to a sleepy one.
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yy because the other part have many fights and more action

The other part will be that Harry understand he already has a hollow and he knows the second and co-owns the third.he will search the other 3 things ( i cant spell the english word) and the last 30-40 minutes will be the epic battle.Also they will give some time i think to Dumbledoor secrets
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