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[SHARE] xXxLooPxXx's GMShop v1 (Freya CT2.5)

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Ok guys i finished my GMShop for Freya today and i wanna share it with ya.




Why is the GMshop so blue?


Teal is the Freya color :)


Whats the difference between the Epilogue one and this one?


There are some difference. One of them is that i added a "chronicle indicator". So ppl can know where come those armors from (if they never played L2 after IL). I also added a "Low", "Mid" and "Top" indication. So all ppl can know which are the top armors and which are the lowest.


I added the new 3 armors: Moirai (S80), Vorpal (S84) and Elegia (S84) in the GMshop. There are also the weapons from Freya. They were 2 sets of weapons. I was not so sure how to call them and i just called them "part 1" and "part 2".


You also are wondering what are those Triumph weapons. To be honest, i dont know too. They were just there but they didnt had any SA and any atack by me but i added them.


Whats other new in the shop?


I also added a "Pet shop" and a "Luxory" selection to the shop. In the pet shop you can find all for your pet and all pets and in the luxory selection you can find cloaks, belts, bracelets and shirts.


Are there the new jewels?


Yes there are all of the new jewels. As you can see from the regular jewels there are Elegia, Moirai and Vorpal. The Freya Necklace and the Blessed Freya Necklace are in Special->RB Jewels.


What should i do if i find a mistake or want from you to add something?


Just send ur feedback here as a reply to this topic ;)



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xXxLooPxXx's Buffer (Freya CT2.5)



If you get an error try with this


  (`id`, `idTemplate`, `name`, `serverSideName`, `title`, `serverSideTitle`, `class`, `collision_radius`, `collision_height`, `level`, `sex`, `type`, `attackrange`, `hp`, `mp`, `hpreg`, `mpreg`, `str`, `con`, `dex`, `int`, `wit`, `men`, `exp`, `sp`, `patk`, `pdef`, `matk`, `mdef`, `atkspd`, `aggro`, `matkspd`, `rhand`, `lhand`, `enchant`, `walkspd`, `runspd`, `dropHerbGroup`, `basestats`)


  (15000, 30361, 'Ke$ha', 1, 'GMshop', 1, 'LineageMonster.wererat_01te', 14.00, 25.00, 35, 'male', 'L2Merchant', 40, 773, 366, 7.11, 1.84, 40, 43, 30, 21, 20, 20, 2470, 145, 159, 170, 111, 113, 230, 500, 333, 0, 0, 0, 80, 120, 1, 1);

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