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item_177.jpg No Grade  1-20 Level Mage Staff

item_11737.jpg D Grade  20-40 Level Ghost Staff

item_6313.jpg C Grade  40-52 Level Homunkulus's Sword

item_11008.jpg B Grade  52-61 Level Wizard's Tear

item_11110.jpg A Grade  61-76 Level Sword of Miracles (Acumen)

item_12919.jpg S Grade  76-80 Level Arcana Mace (Acumen)

item_11348.jpg S80 Grade  80-84 Level Icarus Hall




item_1101.jpg No Grade  1-20 Level Devotion (Set)

item_437.jpg D Grade  20-40 Level Mithril (Set)

item_12099.jpg C Grade  40-52 Level Karmian Tunic

item_2398.jpg B Grade  52-61 Level Blue Wolf (Set)

item_2400.jpg A Grade  61-76 Level Tallum (Set)

item_11488.jpg S Grade  76-80 Level Major Arcana Robe (Set)

armor_t93_us_i00.png S80 Grade  80-84 Level Dynasty Robe (Set)




accessary_elven_necklace_i00.pngElven Set (D grade)

accessary_blessed_necklace_i00.pngBlessed Set (C grade)

accessary_necklace_of_black_ore_i00.pngSet of Black Ore (B grade)

accessary_inferno_necklace_i00.pngMajestic Set (A grade)

accessory_tateossian_necklace_i00.pngTateossian Set (S grade)

accessary_dynasty_necklace_i00.pngDynasty Set (S80 grade)





skill1380.jpg Diabolically charms an enemy's summon to attack its own master.

skill1386.jpg Decreases enemy's casting speed.

skill1383.jpg Decreases the fire attack resistance of enemy's surrounding the servitor.

skill1350.jpg Remove buffs that increase Atk.Speed and Speed from an enemy.

skill1351.jpg Remove buffs that increase M.Atk and Casting Speed from an enemy.


Summon's Support skills


skill1127.jpg Recover a servitor's HP.

skill1126.jpg Recover a servitor's MP.

skill1139.jpg Increase servitor's M.Def.

skill1144.jpg Increase servitor's Speed.

skill1141.jpg Increase servitor's Atk.Speed.

skill1300.jpg Cures a servitor's bleeding.

skill1299.jpg Increase M.Def,P.Def but servitor is immobilized for the durration of the skill effect.

skill1301.jpg Cancel servitor's hold/paralysis.

skill1346.jpg The corresponding of POF for summons.

skill1349.jpg The corresponding of COV for summons.

skill1496.jpg Turns for some seconds your summon invisible.




skill1403.jpg Summons party members to your location.

skill1262.jpg Transfer part of damage to a servitor.

skill0338.jpg Increase Casting Speed and decrease skill re-use. Consume HP.




skill0010.jpg Summon a cubic that inflicts damage to one enemy.

skill0010.jpg (Mass) Summon a cubic that inflicts damage to whole the party.

skill1279.jpg Summon binding cubic that paralyze a targeted enemy.

skill0779.jpg Cancel all curses.


Useful Items

etc_crystal_blue_i00.png Crystals D Grade.

etc_crystal_green_i00.png Crystals C Grade.

etc_crystal_silver_i00.png Crystals A Grade.

etc_beast_soul_shot_i00.png Beast Shoulshots.

etc_blessed_beast_spirit_shot_i00.png Blessed Beast Spiritshots.

etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ores.

etc_cp_potion_i01.png CP Potions.

etc_reagent_blue_i00.png Mana potions.

etc_reagent_white_i00.png Greater healing potions.




etc_con_hena_i02.pngCon +4 Str -4 you don't need P.Atk.

etc_wit_hena_i02.pngWit +4 Men -4 you decrease some M.Def but you increase you casting.




For your self you need Casting and Def buff

Your summon need P.Atk buffs.




A good way for pvp is with Active skill (Augment) the best for me is "Prominence" because of the "Mass Surrender to fire",

if not just stay back buff your pet  and let it kick em just heal and cure it.

Never forget to active Beast Shoulshots.


GJ morron, now give credits cause this is a failed C/P of my guide from Greek Section


[Guide] Arcana Lord by DarkMagician aka VeGe


Even non Greek speaking members can see it's the same Guide.



i hope one moderator should dekarma him for non giving credits...

Lol who cares about the credits? You aren't getting any profit from them anyway, so why the hell you guys crying?


@ontopic, this isn't an actual guide, you haven't added ANY PvP tactics, just what armor WK uses & what skills WK has. Totally useless, anyone can figure this all out by themselves.

Check, for example, DC guide, there you can find at least something useful & then make a guide...


stop posting this kind of FAIL GUIDS.....OMG l2 is like 10years OLD....and you are posting guid how to buff ? what items to wear ? CMON......if you want to post a GUID, post here 10fraps form retail, ru off, rpg5x,  make 10pages pvp tactics, diffrence set ups for olympiad and more.....

  • 2 weeks later...

stop posting this kind of FAIL GUIDS.....OMG l2 is like 10years OLD....and you are posting guid how to buff ? what items to wear ? CMON......if you want to post a GUID, post here 10fraps form retail, ru off, rpg5x,  make 10pages pvp tactics, diffrence set ups for olympiad and more.....



  • 1 month later...

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