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ti na pw? me koroidevoune afti oi 2 re..

meta apo to proto topic pou ekana gia aftous tous 2..

milisa me sofaki apo msn mou leei dn me eixe block apla den empene sto msn..

teCpa tis esteila ena txt me ta bugs/problem tou pack pou eixa agorasei apo aftous tous 2 sofaki-coyote

m eipe  oti o coyote to fiaxnei.. 5 meres pane twra..

dn exo parei oute mia apantisi.. exo stilei message ston coyote milaw stin sofaki msn alla TIPOTA!

den pernw apantisi.. me doulevoune ?

kserete an exoun fugei pouthena mazi ta zouzounakia?:S

kai mas grapsane mipos?:/


ti na pw? me koroidevoune afti oi 2 re..

meta apo to proto topic pou ekana gia aftous tous 2..

milisa me sofaki apo msn mou leei dn me eixe block apla den empene sto msn..

teCpa tis esteila ena txt me ta bugs/problem tou pack pou eixa agorasei apo aftous tous 2 sofaki-coyote

m eipe  oti o coyote to fiaxnei.. 5 meres pane twra..

dn exo parei oute mia apantisi.. exo stilei message ston coyote milaw stin sofaki msn alla TIPOTA!

den pernw apantisi.. me doulevoune ?

kserete an exoun fugei pouthena mazi ta zouzounakia?:S

kai mas grapsane mipos?:/






diavase ligo --> esteila message ston coyote h sofaki den apantaei to idio kai ekeinos --> diavase prota

lock it re weird dn eimaste edw gia na linoume diafores meta3i coyote sofaki k allon. pfff ele0s. cheating forum eimaste oxi koutsompolistiki ekpompi to mesimeri ele0s.


lock it re weird dn eimaste edw gia na linoume diafores meta3i coyote sofaki k allon. pfff ele0s. cheating forum eimaste oxi koutsompolistiki ekpompi to mesimeri ele0s.

afto sigkekrimena spam topic eine oxi cheat

Αστο μωρε τι σας ενοχλει


Να γελασουμε λιγο ;P

Στο τελος παλι flame war θα καταληξει

απο την στιγμη που δεν αφορα ολο το υπολοιπο forum τι το κανει;


Εγώ ένα ξέρω. Ότι οι μαλακείες πληρώνονται. Δεν είναι δυνατό και λογικό να δίνεις λεφτά για ένα παιχνίδι. Είναι μία από τις πιο μεγάλες βλακείες του κόσμου. Δεν με ενδιαφέρει ποιός έκλεψε ποιόν, αλλά καλά να πάθεις που δίνεις για ένα παιχνίδι λεφτά και πόσο μάλλον σε άγνωστα άτομα.


Σε κάθε σέρβερ που παίζεις, δεν υπάρχει ένα announcement που λέει "Μην δίνεται το pwd σε άγνωστα άτομα.";


Έτσι είναι και εδώ. Μην δίνεται λεφτά σε άγνωστα άτομα. Και ξεκαθαρίζω. Δεν κατηγορώ κανέναν από τους 2 αυτούς sellers.


Στο τελος παλι flame war θα καταληξει

απο την στιγμη που δεν αφορα ολο το υπολοιπο forum τι το κανει;

dn xreiazete olooo afto pou les refile apla apanta an 3ereis kati gia aftous.. an exoun fugei h tipota tetio
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    • What I sent is something you have in your server's core. You don't need to modify the client. 
    • okay thank but can you tell me this code should i cooy and paste it somewhere or what ? how can i get the full file and just paste it in sustem
    • You need to utilise the following packet: `const S_EX_SEND_UI_EVENT = 398;` It's structure is as follow, or at least on new chronicles: writeD(_objectId); // EVENT IDs: // 0 - Timer: MM:SS (Description on bottom) // 1 - Disable Timer // 2 - Green Line with percents and timer // 3 - Number of residues collected (N pcs.) // 4 - Timer: MM:SS (Description on top) // 5 - Blue Line with percents and timer // 6 - Yellow Egg progress // 7 - Red Egg progress // 5 - Line with gears, percents and timer writeD(_type); // EVENT_ID writeD(0x00); // int ASK writeD(0x00); // int REPLY writeS(String.valueOf(_countUp)); // 0 = count down, 1 = count up timer always disappears 10 seconds before end writeS(String.valueOf(_startTime)); writeS(String.valueOf(_startTime2)); writeS(String.valueOf(_endTime)); writeS(String.valueOf(_endTime2)); writeD(-1); // what message to display by id, if any - NPC String Id // you can string several writeS() below, depending on the amount of variables in the npc string. only 1 line if NPC String ID = -1 writeS("Custom Text To Display or fill in variables in the NPC string by id"); // works in conjunction with the above line  
    • Can somebody help with some file about olympiad. I am looking for a file that to count when oly starts and when oly ends. From when oly start till the end to have timer left next to opponent CP/HP
    • We are certainly not an ambulance, but we will definitely cure you of blacklists and empty pockets. Live freely with SX! Each of you will receive a trial version of SX to familiarize yourself with the product, all you have to do is post in this thread
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