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Who is your best champion?

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2x phantom dancers! 2x infinty edge! 2x life steals! tryndamere is OP AND UNBALANCE!


Then you get perma-disabled/exhausted and do nothing. Late game they all buy thornail and you get owned yourself :P

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Caitlyn is my favorite char..

Great damage and great range...

with one sword of the occut, phantom dancer, last whisper and infinity edge is powerfull!

If the game lasts more make one guardian angel or black cleaver and you won't die.. Same with tristana...!!

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is really bad, only to pwn bad players, one cc and her ulti does nothing.


Good champs: Annie, Taric, Shen, Ezreal,... pretty much champs are quite ok.


Tryndamere is indeed great, he can't die and he can walk through walls :D

Can't believe I said this, jeez ~~ didn't even say my 'best champion'


A lot of champions are quite good, it mostly depends on the player skills and experience with the champion. Don't have prejudice about champions you don't know, like I have in the quote...


My best champion is Malzahar; never gets boring and played most games with. Now he gets banned a lot on EU for some reason though; QQOPnerfplx

Start with Mana crystal and 2xpots most of the time

Or with Doran's ring if I'm superior in the lane

Or with boots and 3xpots if I have to dodge a lot of skillshots (Urgot, Ezreal)

-> get Catalyst -> Sorcerer boots -> get Deathcap -> Finish banshees -> Void staff -> eh.. Zhonya's is quite ok

Stay away from Rylai's and RoA on Malz; you don't have any escapes, and the few hundred more HP you get, for the huge amount of gold, is not going to save you when you get focused.

Flash+Ghost always.


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  • 2 weeks later...

katarina for sure .he is a bit nerfed but i play her so well.i really like twisted fate too


Katarina nerfed? lol, she's been getting some small buffs at latest patches.

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