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[Poll]A GvE Server


79 members have voted

  1. 1. Chronicle:

    • Interlude
    • Freya

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(YaY another stupid poll thread, makes post countz xD)

Well while discussing with Rey about paranoid, we decided to think up a GvE server after it. (Since all of them died.. didn't see any new ones or old ones being popular enough)

So what would u chose for a GvE Server, Freya or Interlude?

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For Sure interlude.In interlude you should not find adena for: S80 S84 and freya S84.In interlude you want only for S.

It is cheaper:) and more balanced

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For Sure interlude.In interlude you should not find adena for: S80 S84 and freya S84.In interlude you want only for S.

It is cheaper:) and more balanced

i agree .interlude it's more balanced and obviously the best option
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I don't like Interlude at all but I voted for Interlude because I think it's the best client ONLY for GvE.


If I find a GvE like old times that 2 teams were fighting to take castles and towns, I would certainly join.

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Setekh u made a poll about that some time ago

search for that..

yeah.. lol but thats a separate project and it wont be actually mine >.> Carnage is Deurians project.


i agree .interlude it's more balanced and obviously the best option

You mean balanced gameplay, right ?

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