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[League Of Legends][Exploit] How to enter when server is busy/unavaileble

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i can play games :)

Well,when i first used it i could play too,but yesterday i tried the same trick and didn't work...(i was getting stuck at "Loading" box after trying to log in,and after 2-3 minutes i was getting a message "You couldn't connect to the pvp.net server")

Gz chucky many guys needed this.

i havent  tryed yet but if it works u deserve karma+1

rofl...it's just a client bug..if server is down u won't be able to login-u will stuck in another screen

rofl...it's just a client bug..if server is down u won't be able to login-u will stuck in another screen

he didnt said that you will stuck in another screen , but oyou will be able to play


rofl...it's just a client bug..if server is down u won't be able to login-u will stuck in another screen

i had many times i could log.

sometimes you'll stuck in login screen yes.

but many times you just can log

and can play :)


dont you stuck on another screen later?


it sayd that it cant connect to pvp.net


well about that you can't play a normal game

i tried it now 5times when the server was down.

and 4times of them i could normal log ;) and play game:P

the other time said exactly the same problem like you all had.

that you can't login


well about that you can't play a normal game

i tried it now 5times when the server was down.

and 4times of them i could normal log ;) and play game:P

the other time said exactly the same problem like you all had.

that you can't login

ooo nais.

well about that you can't play a normal game

i tried it now 5times when the server was down.

and 4times of them i could normal log ;) and play game:P

the other time said exactly the same problem like you all had.

that you can't login

explain me better(damn)

u mean,i type





with my keyboard?

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