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so guys aren't you bored of l2?I left the private servers 4/5months ago and still now I don't want to play again this mmorpg..Instead I am looking for a f2p mmorpg fantasy or p2p mmorpg with decent private servers..I have tried soul of the ultimate nation..any opinion?suggest me other mmorpgs as well


I would suggest you Guild Wars 2, which is coming soon. FTP (official), non grinding, decent graphics, amazing gameplay. I highly recommend it!


GW 2 will be free ?  c'moooon   I don't believe it. Or u mean we pay just for game [ like it was in GW 1 ]


About Soul ultiamte nation > u should try play SUN at 19.8.2010 [ massive update coming with new character ,zones,quests, improved pvp etc ]  {webzen }  SUN is legendary game , anyway webzen got rights like 2 years ago [we can play sun since late 2009 or maybe early, don't remember :x ] and game is still developing[ many events , items, zones, skills etc ]. This game isn't like l2 [ all ppl with same sets ,same dyes, encht]. Real game starts at ~ well let's say 40 lv.Later higher level > more dungeons, raids, better zones etc. But really try this game around 19.08.2010.  pm me here if u want to get more info about game.


About other games... I played really many of them... Most of them is old [not so many ppl online]. Anyway U can try [but I don't recommand them] :


Cabal > farm  farm

Battle of Immortals > new game , farm farm ,candy game,  I didn't enjoy playing it

Martial Empire > new game , I played till 20 lv.. Boring game, farm farm

2 moons > not so new game,  well farm ofc ye, pretty cool skills but classes are very unbalanced.

Requiem > awesome blood, monsters , not so new game , u wont find ppl till umm 30 or 40 don't remember[ only high levels] so U wont be able to finish many quests alone .




GW 2 will be free ?  c'moooon  I don't believe it. Or u mean we pay just for game [ like it was in GW 1 ]

I mean you will have to pay only for the game.


Indeed u should wait for GW2 u just pay once and then its all free.Till GW comes up u can try LOTR ive heard its going free now.


Theres a couple of decent mmorpgs , thing is u need to grind a lot. U could try dragonica its an anime like game and its fun.

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