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[Guide] Moonlight Sentinel

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This guide already exists in tre GR section and i thought i would be nice translating it so the EN section would be benefited too.


This time we are gonna testify and hopefully learn how to manage the class of theSilverRanger !!! :D . I would accept and appreciate any comment.


This Guide Includes :







I know how to play Line][age but i never tried to play a  SilverRanger how do they actually attack ?


The SilverRanger are archers of the tribe of Elves and they have great speed as well as the best attack speed of all archers.The use Bows and Arrows to attack the enemy. *ATTENTION* You can't use a bow unless you have some arrows.


Let us take a quick look at the  skills!


spiritofsaggi.jpgSpirit Of Saggitarius You consume less MP than usual for the skills you use.SelfBuff Skill

viciousstance.jpgVicious Stance You sacrifice continuously some MP in order the Crit.Dmg to be increased.Toggle Skill

sprint.jpgSprint It increases your Speed.SelfBuff Skill

38281052.jpgUltimate Evasion Increases your Evasion for a short period of time.Selfbuff.

stunningshot.jpgStunning Shot. It stuns the target ( the target can neither move nor ast any skill while in effect).It must be at the 2nd place on your skill bar and always be enchanted as Chance.

spiritbarrier.jpgSpirit Barrier Increases your Magical Defense.Selfbuff.

soulofsaggi.jpgSoul Of SaggitariusIncreases your overall MP.SelfBuff.

rapidfire.jpgRapid Fire While in effect increases your p.atck and attack speed but it decreases your range.SelfBuff.

rapidshot.jpgRapidShot Increases your attack speed while using a bow.

entangle.jpgEntangleDebuff Attack. It severely decreases your target's Speed so you can kite his ass off :P

focusskillmastery.jpgFocus Skill Mastery Increases the efficiency of your attacks while consuming HP.

evadeshot.jpgEvade Shot While used increases your evasion by usually 7-6.

hamstringshot.jpgHamstring ShotDebuff/Physical Attack. Decreases your target's Speed.

lethalshot.jpgLethal ShotThrows an arrow with great powah that may be proved lethal to the enemy.

elementalheal.jpgElemental Heal Heal Skill.Heals some of your HP.

doubleshot.jpgDoubleShot Shoots 2 arrows on your enemy.

burstshot.jpgBurst Shot AoE skill.Shoots an explosive arrow to the enemy.

defenseaura.jpgDefense AuraIncreases your Defense.SelfBuff.

attackaura.jpgAttack Aura Increases your Attack.SelfBuff

arrowrain.jpgArrow Rain Shoots a massive amount of arrows. AoE Effect.

blessingofsaggi.jpgBlessing Of Saggiarius Decreases the CoolDown time of your skills. SelfBuff

accuracy.jpgΑccuracy Increases your accuracy while consuming some MP.Toggle Skill.


Which classes should i choose n order to become a Moonlight Sentinel ?

Firstly you must be en elven fighter.


1.Elven Scoutelvenscout.gif[/color]


2. Silver Ranger aka SRsilverranger.gifsilverranger.gifsilverranger.gif


3.Moonlight Sentinelmoonlightsentinel.jpg



Which Dyes should i make ?

For PvP : dexcon.jpg  +4 strg - 4 con , dyswit.jpg +4 with - 4 int. Y

Where should i lvl mah char up ?


Best Of Dah Best


13-20 Elven Ruins

20-30 Ruins of Despair

30-50 Death Pass

50-68 Cemetery

68 -72 Fordiben Gateway,varka/ketra

72-80 Ketra

  80-85 Forge of gods (Kill from a distance)


Tell me what armor must i wear ! ( pliz)


Light OfC.You need as well the evasion that light armor gives you and the speed


at 20 lvl  --->mithrilbandedmail.jpg  Mithril Banded Mail (all the set)


at 40  lvl -->thecaleatherarmor.jpg Theca (all the set)

at 61 lvl --> majesticleatherarmor.jpg Majestic (all the set)


at 76 lvl -->draconicleatherarmor.jpg DragoniC (all the set)


at 80 -->dynbow.jpg Dynasty Jewel Leather - Bow Master (all the set)


at 84 lvl -->vesperleather.png Vesper Noble Leather Armor (all the set)


Mah Weapon iz ?


at 20 lvl --> debow.jpg Dark Elven Bow which you will "escort" with arrowd.png Bone Arrows and ss D-grade sscz.jpg

at 40 lvl -->crystallizedbow.jpg Crystallized Ice Bow with  Special Ability {Quick Reovery} which you will "escort" withironc.png Iron Arrows and ss C-Grade ssdr.jpg

at 61 lvl -->shyeedbowquickrecovery.jpgShyeed's Bow- Concentration with Special Abiliity {Focus} which you will "escort" witharrowa.jpg Mithril Arrows and  ss A-Grade ssao.jpg

at 76lvl -->dragonic.jpg Dragonic Bow with Special Ability {Focus} which you will "escort" with arrows.png Shining Arrows and ss S-Grade 55204333.jpg

at 80lvl -->icarusspitterconcentrat.jpg Icarus Spitter-Concetration με Special Ability {Focus} which you will "escort" with arrows.png Shining Arrows and ss S-Grade 55204333.jpg

στα 84lvl -->weaponvesperthroweri01.png Vesper Thrower with  Special Ability {Focus} which you will "escort" with arrows.png Shining Arrows and ss S-Grade 55204333.jpg also with bsps S-Grade bsps.jpg

What jewels should i wear ?


From 20 - 39 wear Elven Set elvennecklace.jpg

From 40 - 60 wear Aquastone Set aquastonenecklace.jpg

From 61 - 75 wear Phoenix Set item12349.jpg

From 76 -85 ( μιλωντας ΠΑΝΤΑ για PvP Server) Tateossian Set tateossiannecklace.jpg


If the server provides you with RB jewels take :


Zaken's Earring zakensearring.jpg

Earrinf Of Antharasearringofantharas.jpg

Necklace Of Valakas necklaceofvalakas.jpg

Ring Of Baium ringofbaium.jpg

Ring Of Queen Ant ringofqueenant.jpg


I track the suspicious sight of a pervert who wants to kill me what must i do OMG ?

First of all be soor its not from your ally/clan


SR vs Nuker

Easy target because of the low p.def.

Stun him! if the stun is effective you are sure that you are gonna win. You wear Vesper Leather vesperleather.pngThis armor has the special ability of the skill anmed "Mirage". So after dah stun Hamstring Shot to reduce his speed.Then kite but with a SPECIAL WAY !.Ηit&Run BUT ( there is a big but here) be s00r you have unlimited zoom then move around an imaginatory circle  ! Nevah horizontially cause they will target you( *TIP* Here a name like IlIlIlijljlijlijilj would be very helpfull because the cannot target you thru /target !)


SR vs Healer

Just spam stun and hits. Nothing less nothing more.


SR vs Gladi/Gk

The chance of losing is around 70 %. Use the same technic as in the nukers.  ( If you see the gladi that charges up and uses Sonic moe RUN FOR YOUR LIFE)


SR vs Titan/WarLord

Easy Peasy ! Only hit not stuns because there is not even a single chance of working.If he equips bow you perform the same " Circle" thingy.


SR vs Tank

You only have 1% chance of winning. Only hits.


SR vs Berserker

Q.Q meng.You have only 30% of winning if you sit where you are and spam stuns + cp pots.


SR vs Archer

1)If the archer is Saggi you will definetely lose. Use Stuns Cps UE Evasion Shot and then just hits.


SR vs Daggers

Kite him until you see his very close then stand still and stun him. Always ready to re-target


In oly ?

The same as in the PvP.But in oly spam stuns in every class unless the meng is a tank ( excpet SK) then hit&run .Be sure you have made all the buffs and toggle skills.


Buff Slots 'n Skill bar ?

20993954.jpgYour bar does not have to be strictly like that but be sure you have w/e i have. shot00001ja.png


Ok so the basics are?


Pvp time means all the toggle skills on ! Be sure you haveseveral

ss grade S 55204333.jpg, Mana Pots manapoton.png, Greater Healing Pots greaerhealingpostion.jpg, BSPS S-grade bsps.jpg, MANY Cp pots cppots.jpg,MANY arrows arrows.png, Elixirs Of Life & Elixirs Of Cp elixrioflife.jpgelixirofcp.jpg,  Adenaadena.jpg,and a buffalo to buff you. ( If you feel hungry you can eat it.But add some wine for the flavor)babybuffalo.jpg


At last my guide is finished noobz!


Credits : Vaxil ( Me) Source : maxcheaters.com/forum

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Thank you for the translation. Keep up with them and I'm sure your karma will be restored.

<3 i will translate my other 3 guides after i have studied german. I can't put mxc above my diploma :/
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but u have some mistakes

#buffalo not needed in pvp server

#ur skillbar isnot perfect.Many skills are missing

#jewels 76-85 are not only tts but dyna/vesper too

#buffs need a fix(in 5 minutes i will edit this reply with correct buffs

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but u have some mistakes

#buffalo not needed in pvp server

#ur skillbar isnot perfect.Many skills are missing

#jewels 76-85 are not only tts but dyna/vesper too

#buffs need a fix(in 5 minutes i will edit this reply with correct buffs

#You know in some servers ( lol servers) might stucks with buffalo's might. So if you can have it why not ?

#You are right but as i mentioned b4 you do not have to have ONLY the skills i include but these skills are what you MUst have.i don't know if you understand me :/

#well i think they are perfect. I mean you just exp you dont go pvp with these jewels.

# Ok i appreciate it.


Thnx 4 the comm.

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#You know in some servers ( lol servers) might stucks with buffalo's might. So if you can have it why not ?

#You are right but as i mentioned b4 you do not have to have ONLY the skills i include but these skills are what you MUst have.i don't know if you understand me :/

#well i think they are perfect. I mean you just exp you dont go pvp with these jewels.

# Ok i appreciate it.


Thnx 4 the comm.

but in many servers u will not have epics easily so dyna/vesper are ok.But is ok i couldn't find textures for these too



Also about dyes,i prefer not putting dex+4 cz MS already has a lot of DEX let's keep some con




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but in many servers u will not have epics easily so dyna/vesper are ok.But is ok i couldn't find textures for these too



Also about dyes,i prefer not putting dex+4 cz MS already has a lot of DEX let's keep some con




Ok i agree with you and i  will add the additional info after my geran lesson. Thnx 4 the help.
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