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[WTB] L2OFF Gracia Epilogue Server pack

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Nothing more to say, the title says it all...


PM me with BUG fixes, working functions list, screenshots and so on... also don't forget about the PRICE ! =)

A live demo is also welcome.


Thank YOU!

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Your not gonna a find "pack".


Except a c1 L2Off with pretty much just client connectivity (Smeli's insane quest).


ET quit long ago, his latest was some ct2.2 shell with not that many features, but never did get some new files to test it out proper.

(If anyone has it, i'd like it btw).


Nextdev/GuardEx kvoxi has their ct2.3 version, but script wise there seems to be a big workload(Who wants do scripts anyway?)- also certain feature and engine rewrites.

Try contact him.


And if someone privately out there has developed it, including up to date scripts - new params for scripts, and features etc etc

They will probably demand a shit load for it - i would ;)

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