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Kamaels! No reason to add them to the lineage franchise! It was good as it was!

Bassic races only!

Plus kamaels are fucking unfair! transforming to their final transformation plus 10000 skills that are boosting their stats!


Kamaels! No reason to add them to the lineage franchise! It was good as it was!

Bassic races only!

Plus kamaels are -beep-ing unfair! transforming to their final transformation plus 10000 skills that are boosting their stats!


Kamaels existed in lineage2 storyline even on prelude but they were trapped. Their creator god is Sayha


Then they transform into Final Form they just have 3 skills wth are talking about 10000 ?


Kamaels! No reason to add them to the lineage franchise! It was good as it was!

Bassic races only!

Plus kamaels are -beep-ing unfair! transforming to their final transformation plus 10000 skills that are boosting their stats!

Kamael = All chars in one.

Kamaels existed in lineage2 storyline even on prelude but they were trapped. Their creator god is Sayha


Then they transform into Final Form they just have 3 skills wth are talking about 10000 ?

Why They Escaped Damn!

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