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[Share]No more Backstab from front

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Well,there are few packs that they have a bug that daggers can backstab from front.. :o

I'm here to give a solution to this xD


Head there :


Find these lines and delete them :

                public final static int FRONT = Config.BLOW_FRONT_RATE; 
                public final static int SIDE = Config.BLOW_SIDE_RATE; 
                public final static int BEHIND = Config.BLOW_BACK_RATE; 

                public void useSkill(L2Character activeChar, L2Skill skill, L2Object[] targets){ 

In their place add these :

                public static int FRONT = Config.BLOW_FRONT_RATE; 
        public static int SIDE = Config.BLOW_SIDE_RATE; 
        public static int BEHIND = Config.BLOW_BACK_RATE; 

        public void useSkill(L2Character activeChar, L2Skill skill, L2Object[] targets) 
                if(skill.getId() == 30) 
                        FRONT = 0; 
                        SIDE = 0; 
                        BEHIND = Config.BLOW_BACK_RATE; 

Now head here :


Delete these lines :

                                                 target.reduceCurrentHp(damage, activeChar);

And in their place add those :

                                                else if(skill.getId() == 30) 
                                                double Hpdam = 0; 

                                                if (damage >= target.getCurrentHp()) 
                                                        Hpdam = (target.getCurrentHp() - damage); 
                                        else target.reduceCurrentHp(damage, activeChar); 



Credits : excellence

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Actually that's a stupid non-retail code by Realtek.


mate it might be non-retail but for l2j servers that do not have a proper backstab support its good..

havent u been sweared from nabs saying omg backstab bug!

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Why i need new config?

If i set chanse to 0 it' don't works?



Firstly,this config is used for all dagger skills

Secondly,most of the packs dont have it..

Only Backstab does not land from frond and from side..

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That's how it should actually work, on retail you can succeed backstab from side & front, the chances are way lower though.

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jesus christ guys please...i accept it when you guys fuck up l2 with stupid customs...but dont destroy retail things PLEASE im begging you leave l2j...

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jesus christ guys please...i accept it when you guys -beep- up l2 with stupid customs...but dont destroy retail things PLEASE im begging you leave l2j...

that happens when some ppl in here make this super guides and anyone can open a L2j srv and make any customization he wants



Btw this rates for backstab are great,but also backstab lands normally from gear on a fixed rate and rarely from front

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that happens when some ppl in here make this super guides and anyone can open a L2j srv and make any customization he wants



Btw this rates for backstab are great,but also backstab lands normally from gear on a fixed rate and rarely from front


but whats the point i mean thats 2 failure in 1


1st its called backstab not because it land from back ONLY

2nd if it would be like that than l2j and all the forks would have it like that but no hence thats 1 of the most retarded shares here

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sorry when i say 'this rates' i mean retail ones(missunderstanding)


Only someone that haven't played L2 as normal player would use this rates(0 front 0 rear)

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sorry when i say 'this rates' i mean retail ones(missunderstanding)


Only someone that haven't played L2 as normal player would use this rates(0 front 0 rear)


yes or someone who dont know how to balance and instead of balance he fuck up hes server

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