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[Share] data base l2stars.com 10.07.2010


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hah its awesome :D i changed like 200 accounts passwords,well its pretty annoying typing all time password and account name but its worth it i have like 5 dyn sets a few ams and other stuffs, and i changed all account passwords. now i need to spread the items over different accounts and confuse the staff

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hah its awesome :D i changed like 200 accounts passwords,well its pretty annoying typing all time password and account name but its worth it i have like 5 dyn sets a few ams and other stuffs, and i changed all account passwords. now i need to spread the items over different accounts and confuse the staff



yes we see ... server has been close .

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I am the owner of l2stars.


The server is not closed , at least not  yet and we hope we will not have to close it.


They did not hacked the server, thay missused my trust. they where players there and we where talking on skype for some days , and pretending that they want to help , I GAVE THEM ACCESS to my computer by Teamviewer, and using that connection tahy stoled the accounts.sql


Now they broke the site, thats is true , it will make our work even more difficult, but we will not give up in front of our players.



When u change the accounts and passes u just delay the inevitable. I personaly banned today more than 1000 accounts ;) and my colegues also. I will not be able to use the items, not there, so u lose hours to change passes to hundreads of accounts, we bann all ip related in one query to be safe.


Have fun , we have a lot of time, do u also have hours to lose? What can u do? break items? delete? trade? items.log keep them all, for us they r some bites that we just restore.

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hah its awesome :D i changed like 200 accounts passwords,well its pretty annoying typing all time password and account name but its worth it i have like 5 dyn sets a few ams and other stuffs, and i changed all account passwords. now i need to spread the items over different accounts and confuse the staff


You're lucky your server isn't up, i'd do the same to yours. Actually: I'd do worse To think a Dev of a server is so childish to have fun by ruining the game play of innocent players who farmed hard for their gear. I don't doubt you'd to the same to your own players.


I DARE you to launch a server. As soon as it says "Server: ONLINE" It'll say the exact opposite, faggot.

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I am the owner of l2stars.


The server is not closed , at least not  yet and we hope we will not have to close it.


They did not hacked the server, thay missused my trust. they where players there and we where talking on skype for some days , and pretending that they want to help , I GAVE THEM ACCESS to my computer by Teamviewer, and using that connection tahy stoled the accounts.sql


Now they broke the site, thats is true , it will make our work even more difficult, but we will not give up in front of our players.



When u change the accounts and passes u just delay the inevitable. I personaly banned today more than 1000 accounts ;) and my colegues also. I will not be able to use the items, not there, so u lose hours to change passes to hundreads of accounts, we bann all ip related in one query to be safe.


Have fun , we have a lot of time, do u also have hours to lose? What can u do? break items? delete? trade? items.log keep them all, for us they r some bites that we just restore.

Sorry, i don't like being mean, but that's just retarted.

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You're lucky your server isn't up, i'd do the same to yours. Actually: I'd do worse To think a Dev of a server is so childish to have fun by ruining the game play of innocent players who farmed hard for their gear. I don't doubt you'd to the same to your own players.


I DARE you to launch a server. As soon as it says "Server: ONLINE" It'll say the exact opposite, faggot.


aa comon i can have my fun too!, and i would never let my DB allow connections else from localhost.

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I am the owner of l2stars.


The server is not closed , at least not  yet and we hope we will not have to close it.


They did not hacked the server, thay missused my trust. they where players there and we where talking on skype for some days , and pretending that they want to help , I GAVE THEM ACCESS to my computer by Teamviewer, and using that connection tahy stoled the accounts.sql


Now they broke the site, thats is true , it will make our work even more difficult, but we will not give up in front of our players.



When u change the accounts and passes u just delay the inevitable. I personaly banned today more than 1000 accounts ;) and my colegues also. I will not be able to use the items, not there, so u lose hours to change passes to hundreads of accounts, we bann all ip related in one query to be safe.


Have fun , we have a lot of time, do u also have hours to lose? What can u do? break items? delete? trade? items.log keep them all, for us they r some bites that we just restore.

It is unfortunate, how you trust to other people?

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I am the owner of l2stars.


The server is not closed , at least not  yet and we hope we will not have to close it.


They did not hacked the server, thay missused my trust. they where players there and we where talking on skype for some days , and pretending that they want to help , I GAVE THEM ACCESS to my computer by Teamviewer, and using that connection tahy stoled the accounts.sql


Now they broke the site, thats is true , it will make our work even more difficult, but we will not give up in front of our players.



When u change the accounts and passes u just delay the inevitable. I personaly banned today more than 1000 accounts ;) and my colegues also. I will not be able to use the items, not there, so u lose hours to change passes to hundreads of accounts, we bann all ip related in one query to be safe.


Have fun , we have a lot of time, do u also have hours to lose? What can u do? break items? delete? trade? items.log keep them all, for us they r some bites that we just restore.


hah i see oher topics on your forum website.. like


my computer was infected by a .jpg i got from a player ...

he moved =GM=Angel char, and he made a lot of shit using my connection to the server.

luckly my eagle eye seen the issue in time.


he logged on angels account around 17 today, made 3 weapons 300 element one more 195 element gaved like 1500 giant codex mastery to Sanitarium clan leader, 500 bews and a lot of items.


we traced 90% of the items. we will trace and clean all of them but now i dont have any kind of access to the server until i clean my pc (full reinstal windows on a totaly new HDD. i dont take any chance)


we deleted more than 30 chars. maybe half of them had nothing to do with the incident but they where trades/ip related to the abusers.


a short list of chars involved from what i remember:












and many many more.



all Clan Sanitariun chars have been deleted


there where 4 or 5 chars from 300 clan

there where 3 chars from Anathema clan



That was the last file i will ever get from any of the players on this server or on any other server i will work with.



sry for the inconvenience but this is the price i pay because i am friendly and opened to all of you



now no one have gm account, no one have access to the server (not me , not fun ) the server will run by itself we hope , until our computers get new HDD s and clean OS. at that time , our security related person will restore our access to the servers files and DB

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Request! I beg you
« on: Yesterday at 06:03:40 PM »


I beg you to delete this topic because im the owner of this server and this can destroy my server!
Thanx in advance.


nice try in vip section but still fail .

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