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[EN]Report NoSti*


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@extreme ye you warned them with your reply in his topic,but you think that they really care?

they scam more than 4-5 acc V.I.P

and nobody make something about this

all ignore us.


do you really think that i can do something more?


Maybe get my friends outside of his house and burn it?


Im a damn l2 mod, i can do nothing more.

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m2 the admin added me at msn and asked me if we can  share Namine's acc, and he would make me a hgm.You know what? /clock the block

omg you too ??lol admin added me and told me i will make u gm after 10 min told me you have vip account in maxcheaters? and then i blocked

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okey soz for my languege,

but Blane you cant understand me

I gave 25 Euro to Maxtor for free thats you tell me?

my acc ban for ever?i want something to tell me.

as i said maxtor ignored me more times,so.

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Look guys.


It's simple.I can't make any move and let me explain you why.We're not responsible if your account has been scammed through msn or something.It's clearly your own free will and choice to give out your account data.If someone posts here a scam program, or anyhow try to scam you through MaxCheaters, then I can ban him, we can take actions in general.Considering your case again, I hope you can understand what I mean.Show me facts, that this guy tried something through maxcheaters, and I'll ban him for sure.


Best regards,


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but Ban Celkocz he is not real.This guy stole 3 accs and traded them for a VIP(look our char in MSN previous page)

Look guys.


It's simple.I can't make any move and let me explain you why.We're not responsible if your account has been scammed through msn or something.It's clearly your own free will and choice to give out your account data.If someone posts here a scam program, or anyhow try to scam you through MaxCheaters, then I can ban him, we can take actions in general.Considering your case again, I hope you can understand what I mean.Show me facts, that this guy tried something through maxcheaters, and I'll ban him for sure.


Best regards,



You probably pretending the fool, don't you?

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what about me??? my account is stolen too before 3 days.. can i take it back??? NoSti* here... and if can you unban me one old account if you cant give my NoSti*'s account back??

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You are fully responsible for your account. We cant help you , if you get scammed.



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