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Ok...it's my turn now to present an RPG game.

---> ARCHLORD <---


Core System:











Other Infos:


The game is totally free.Anyone can play on it.It has 3 servers(no lag at all believe me...)

Many ppl are online so you can enjoy your game with your company and meet new friends.

I have heard very good reviews and I suggest that you test this game ;) .


How to play



That's all from me :


The site is : http://www.archlordgame.com/index.php








katebazw ton client twra...( an kai exw sini8isei na to lew "to" client tespa ).Soz gia to double posting apla 8elw na 3erw an kanc apo dw endiaferete gt apla to game ta SPAEI ... ^^...8elw parea...an kai exw kt filOUc 8elw kai tn parea sas... ^^


First of all dont post one after another :P


katebazw ton client twra...( an kai exw sini8isei na to lew "to" client tespa ).Soz gia to double posting apla 8elw na 3erw an kanc apo dw endiaferete gt apla to game ta SPAEI ... ^^...8elw parea...an kai exw kt filOUc 8elw kai tn parea sas... ^^

second lets use eng so everybody can understand us ok :P ?

and third and last thing use search before you post same topic if you would use that you could find that topics about game like yours and all other AL related topics like:








and yes i think that there should be AL section coz there probably will be more useless topics just because no one see AL section where he can see all related topics with that game :P



1st: Speak English.


2nd: I am loOking for Greek players and that's my choice.


3rd: I know that this post was posted before...but this is a new one better than the olders...(I think....).


So please.Don't sapm to gain posts and stay to the topic's Theme.






1.you are posting one post  after another of your post (clear enough?)

2.ok but it could hit the same effect with eng txt about seeking gr players and other players wouldnt be interested in that so probably it would be better to post in eng :P

3.so you just cant post in one of other topics with all of your revelations, choosing simple copying topics, and you even not sure if your is beter :P


im not spaming just informing you (and other ppl who will read that topic) about other topics related to AL sience you are copying subjects i assume that you didnt use search, and sience there is no AL section it will be better to have that links in one topic :P


PS.i'm not te one who is in NEED of his post count ;)


(if someone should be afraid about beeing baned for useles posts/topisc, you should consider creating already existing topics ;) )


ok ok ?


I don't wanna argue with you man.I don't have nothin with you ok?Just be more friendly with other members and you have to know that even if this post is already posted,I am makin' a new try with a better...(and yes it's better cuz I saw the other topics).


PS1: We all need Post count.

PS2: First post is in eng.So I don't care anyway.

PS3: I think we have to close this subject right now.


Thanks for considering.

Always friendly Blane.


i was in the beta for this game, and i have to say i didnt like it at all the gfx wasnt very good and the character movement was realy bad kinda hard to explaine that one, but if u play it u will know what i mean, but hell atleast its free to play cant argue with that.


i was in the beta for this game, and i have to say i didnt like it at all the gfx wasnt very good and the character movement was realy bad kinda hard to explaine that one, but if u play it u will know what i mean, but hell atleast its free to play cant argue with that.


I am currently downloading the client and I am gonna give a try...cuz...yes...in beta mode the things were toO bad...but now almost everything is fixed.I saw a friend of me playing beta and I didn't like the game either...but now I am sure that all this things have been fixed and I am gonna give a try.Also I've seen the game in the final gfx(in this period) and I am sure that I am gonna love it.


+Many Skills were added from beta mode.

+New characters.

+New Movement System and Target System.


Anyway I believe that all the beta games are not that good and many things are missing.In the final release the situation is not the same.


I suggest trying this game :) .




It's very good.I played it and I am playing it right now... ^^ .It's seems like l2 and has a piece of wow.The way of experience is both mob killing and quests.


I really love this game and I am gonna play it for sure.If you wanna try it then play to server Gaiahon.It's for EU players. ;)




Np m8!

I've started discovering the world...it's TOO good to be true..(Efh 8wdi XD)It has many things for a free game...the best of em'... NO LAG ^^




Np m8!

I've started discovering the world...it's TOO good to be true..(Efh 8wdi XD)It has many things for a free game...the best of em'... NO LAG ^^




yeh, i had some prob with the account but now i'm fine. I made a knight, is it good?



most overpowered is elementalist :P its like necro with speed of sps and strenght of sh :P


I haven't rly searched about this all...I'll see...I play now in Brumhart....^^ It's better cuz everyone there speak

english....I'll try Elementalist....I have an archer and someone told me that's very strong...CoMe oN LeTs BrInG tHe

GaMe tO tHE tOP... ^^ (It's already in top 10 i think... ^^)



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