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[L2J]L2DwarfWars! WOOT!


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well im sure matim can balance them rofl. plus this srv wont be like the old dwarfwars as u said. cause old dwarf wars got like 2k atack speed and so on with the soul bow with the berserek SA. BTW 1 question u will make wpns with custom sa's too? like aria? i mean  like DB HASTE/DB ANGER and so on?


Matim is not going to make anything else for the server except the script i paid him for.



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We have delayed the opening . It will be on Tuesday.  So yeah. Lock the topic until then, or move it to Lineage II General Discussion [English] section. Thank you.


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better make it next year, if you are changing release date so many times :)


Vyper , your main account + the alt ones got banned. Stop spamming this thread im bored already. Reporting you and your accounts getting banned. This is the 1st change/delay we made. Hope we won't need to make another.


@ DarkSlayer : the BETA should be tomorrow but we arent sure if we will have the machine then.

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ehm i guess many ppl askd the same but whats the point of only dwarfs?thats well for me oldschool gamer with need for quality if i play somewhere is nothing but the destroy of the game + i saw on the 1st page the metioning of koofs vs noobs but its a faction engine not the complete removal of the races except for 1

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