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[Interlude] Project Interlude L2jRox

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brr maybe is the period of exams :P .

I don't think that is dead and open before 1-2 weeks...

But as we can see no new revs... :/

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friend but is not stopped, our friend (xAddytzu) over there is thinking that nothing will go right and what did I do?, not anything else on the committee SVN and stopped posting the fixes and updates, only in my forum post the updates, including hj'm Psota the new pack with 7.0 MMOCore remade that correcting fought but he was giving here has not posted any interest that descubrao where only members and psot atualiazoes pq again and add this forum to criticize work if someone criticizes people's lives, forum without any moderation flooder a total and I'm not part of this kind of thing pq respsota this in my first forum ever piao the logs to download anything it

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If you want to do something about L2j programmation, I suggest you strongly to give up and ask to enter in L2JBrazil team lol.


Well, I say nothing...


I don't get this fashion about "I want make my own public project". Is there a E-penis counter somewhere on the web ?

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l2 brazil is good... but i have some errors when i add.. npc, Weap, Armor....


So if you expect help - visit their forum, or you can ask in our section as well.

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