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Loginserver packets- packages for fun and develop

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Introduction. We shall begin that developers lineage2 have separated a login a server from game more less to unload and without that the hammered channel of a game server. Besides the login a server has property to hang (and, it has begun with с3 versions lineage and proceeds to this day) and to not start up users on a server. But those who already play, do not test absolutely any discomfort =) And owing to out all of the same gays which could find and distinctly explain to developers where all the bug has crept in, it remains till now not fixed. And so, not looking at all charm of idea with unloading the game channel, our domestic administrators persistently mould a login a server on one machine together with game.


Enciphering of packages


For enciphering packages which the login-server exchanges with the client, lineage uses blowfish. Yes, that algorithm which has been developed by Bruce Shnejerom in 1993. About blowfish it is important to know, that it is the symmetric block code. Symmetric - means, that the algorithm uses 1 confidential key by which data encrypt/decrypt will be decoded. And if to speak particularly about blowfish on the basis of this key are generated 18 32-bit keys and 4 matrixes in the size of 256 32-bit words everyone. By which data, in turn, encrypt.will be decoded. The block code - means, that blowfish processes given by blocks (on 8 bytes). And still it means, that if integrity  has been broken, we in a any way can restore a part. With reference to lineage, it is necessary to tell, that a key on the basis of which are generated connect, is a constant and it is precisely registered in source codes l2j (here on what 99 % of researchers lineage which assumed were strewed, that the key should be transferred in one of packages - see references in the end). Still it is important to note that the first 2 byte data of a package are not ciphered. With enciphering, I think, we have understood. We go further.



2. Structure of packages(login).


First two byte a package (what are not ciphered) contain length of data of a package (as well as in halflife). The following byte bears in itself the information on type of a package.


The login-server processes packages:

0x00 - RequestAuthLogin (the inquiry about authorization - contains a login and the password)

0x02 - RequestServerLogin (inquiry about call about a server)

0x05 - RequestServerList (inquiry about the list of servers) On the others it simply does not answer, leaving only record in broad gullies.


The client processes packages of following types:

0x01 - authorization has not passed

0x03 - you are successfully authorized

0x04 - the answer on RequestServerLogin

0x06 - the answer on RequestServerList


The designer of packages on С(example.


With structure of packages we have understood, now it is possible to realize in programm everything, that was manual above.






la2-example.c ~ LineAge2 c4 RequestAuthLogin packet constructor


Helps to understand lineage2 authentification.







#include "/usr/local/include/blowfish.h"


// length key

#define KEY_LEN 20

// Length RequestAuthLogin of a package is constant and equal AUTH_PKT_LEN + 2

#define AUTH_PKT_LEN 0x30


// Key on the basis of which are generated sub-keys (connect)

char key[] = "[;'.]94-31==-&%@!^+]";


// Structure bfkey which after generation sub-keys will contain 18 P sub-keys and 4 S matrixes

BF_KEY bfkey;


// Function which calculates checksum and inserts it into a package

int add_ckecksum(char *raw, int count) {

long chksum = 0L;

int i = 0;

long ecx;

for(i = 0; i < count; i += 4) {

ecx = raw;

ecx |= raw[i + 1];

ecx |= raw[i + 2];

ecx |= raw[i + 3];

chksum ^= ecx;



printf("checksum: 0x%x\n",chksum);

memcpy(raw+count, (char *)&chksum, 4);



// Adds a login and the password in a package (it is separated from the basic function from reasons readable)

int add_lp(char *raw, char *l, char *p) {

l[15] = '\0';

p[17] = '\0';






// Displays a package in a readable kind (for debugging)

int print_packet(char *raw, int len) {

int i, c = 0;


for(i=0;i<54;i++) printf("_");


for(i=0;i<len+2;i++) {

if((c % 0x10)==0) printf("\n0x%.2x | ", c);

printf("%.2x ",raw & 0xFF);







// The main function which designs a package

int build_auth_packet(char *login, char *pwd) {

int count = AUTH_PKT_LEN / 8;

int i;

char packet_skeleton[] =

// packet skeleton RequestAuthLogin

"\x32\x00" // The length of a package is constant and equal 0x30 + 0x02

"\x00" // Type of a package (0x00 - RequestAuthLogin)

"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" // login

"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" // password

"\x08" // Means the end of section login/password

"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" // in c4 not used(зарезервированно?)

"\x00\x00\x00\x00" // checksum



// add login and pass to packet

add_lp(packet_skeleton, login, pwd);


// add checksum

add_ckecksum(packet_skeleton + 2, AUTH_PKT_LEN - 8);


printf("Auth packet dump (non-crypted):\n");

print_packet(packet_skeleton, AUTH_PKT_LEN);


// We cipher blocks on 8 bytes

for(i = 0; i < count; i++)

BF_encrypt((BF_LONG *)((short*)&packet_skeleton+1+i*4), &bfkey, BF_ENCRYPT);


printf("Auth packet dump (encrypted):\n");






int main() {

char login[] = "m00", // test login

pwd[] = "ownzu"; // password

printf("\nla2-example.c ~ LineAge2 c4 RequestAuthLogin packet constructor\n\n");


// generate sub-keys

BF_set_key(&bfkey, KEY_LEN, key);


// We collect a package

build_auth_packet(login, pwd);


/* eof */



Here that on my boxing the program has displayed:


bash-2.05b$ ./a.out


la2-example.c ~ LineAge2 c3 RequestAuthLogin packet constructor


checksum: 0x224a0377

Auth packet dump (non-crypted):


0x00 | 32 00 00 6d 30 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

0x10 | 00 6f 77 6e 7a 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

0x20 | 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 77 03 4a 22 00 00

0x30 | 00 00


Auth packet dump (encrypted):


0x00 | 32 00 09 d9 97 e2 29 89 8c b5 1a a0 1a 83 74 43

0x10 | 39 fc 2f 03 c3 26 9c 65 b0 c4 20 28 11 c1 6a 95

0x20 | 3e 44 45 46 2a ae b9 18 91 2e 75 56 d0 dc 40 b5

0x30 | 77 2a


List of packages


// sends a login-server

0x01 loginfail2

0x02 accountKicked1

0x03 loginok

0x04 serverlist

0x05 serverfail

0x06 playfail

0x07 playok

0x08 accountKicked

0x09 blockedAccMsg  // banned

0x20 protocol version different

0x00 VersionCheck


// Sends a game-server

0x01 MoveToLocation

0x02 NpcSay

0x03 CharInfo // Means surrounding characters

0x04 UserInfo

0x06 Attack

0x07 Attack

0x08 Attacked

0x09 Attacked

0x0a AttackCanceld

0x0b Die

0x0c Revive

0x0d AttackOutOfRange

0x0e AttackInCoolTime

0x0f AttackDeadTarget

0x10 LeaveWorld

0x11 AuthLoginSuccess

0x12 AuthLoginFail

0x13 CharList // The chars list

0x15 SpawnItem // On the some people C3 the answer to a choice char

0x16 DropItem // On the some С3 transfers info about mob

0x17 GetItem

0x18 EquipItem

0x19 UnequipItem

0x1a StatusUpdate

0x1b NpcHtmlMessage // To the some people C3 transfers the list clothes with ItemID and them ObjectID 0x1c SellList

0x1d BuyList

0x1e DeleteObject

0x1f CharSelectInfo

0x20 LoginFail

0x21 CharSelected

0x22 NpcInfo

0x23 NewCharacterSuccessPacket

0x24 NewCharacterFailPacket

0x25 CharCreateOk

0x26 CharCreateFail

0x27 ItemList

0x28 SunRise

0x29 SunSet

0x2a EquipItemSuccess // Has become outdated

0x2b EquipItemFail // Has become outdated

0x2c UnEquipItemSuccess // Has become outdated

0x2d UnEquipItemFail // Has become outdated

0x2e TradeStart

0x2f TradeStartOk // Has become outdated

0x30 TradeOwnAdd

0x31 TradeOtherAdd

0x32 TradeDone

0x33 CharDeleteSuccess

0x34 CharDeleteFail

0x35 ActionFail

0x36 ServerClose

0x37 InventoryUpdate

0x38 TeleportToLocation

0x39 TargetSelected

0x3a TargetUnselected

0x3b AutoAttackStart

0x3c AutoAttackStop

0x3d SocialAction

0x3e ChangeMoveType

0x3f ChangeWaitType

0x40 NetworkFail // Has become outdated

0x43 CreatePledge

0x44 AskJoinPledge

0x45 JoinPledge

0x46 WithdrawalPledge

0x47 OustPledgeMember

0x48 SetOutPledgeMember

0x49 DismissPledge

0x4a SetDismissPledge

0x4b AskJoinParty

0x4c JoinParty

0x4d WithdrawalParty

0x4e OustPartyMember

0x4f SetOustPartyMember

0x50 DismissParty

0x51 SetDismissParty

0x52 MagicAndSkillList

0x53 WarehouseDepositList

0x54 WarehouseWithdrawalList

0x55 WarehouseDone

0x56 ShortCutRegister

0x57 ShortCutInit

0x58 ShortCutDelete

0x59 StopMove

0x5a MagicSkillUser

0x5b MagicSkillCanceld

0x5d CreatureSay

0x5e EquipUpdate

0x5f StopMoveWithLocation

0x60 DoorInfo

0x61 DoorStatusUpdate

0x63 PartySmallWindowAll

0x64 PartySmallWindowAdd

0x65 PartySmallWindowDeleteAll

0x66 PartySmallWindowDelete

0x67 PartySmallWindowUpdate

0x68 PledgeShowMemberListAll

0x69 PledgeShowMemberListUpdate

0x6a PledgeShowMemberListAdd

0x6b PledgeShowMemberListDelete

0x6c MagicList // Has become outdated

0x6d SkillList

0x6e VehicleInfo

0x6f VehicleDeparture

0x70 VehicleCheckLocation

0x71 GetOnVehicle

0x72 GetOffVehicle

0x73 TradeRequest

0x74 RestartResponse

0x75 MoveToPawn

0x76 SetTo

0x77 StartRotating

0x78 FinishRotating

0x79 MoveBackwardToLocation // Is available in view of skill or to_the_nearest_village after death

0x7a SystemMessage

0x7d StartPledgeWar

0x7e ReplyStartPledgeWar

0x7f StopPledgeWar

0x80 ReplyStopPledgeWar

0x81 SurrenderPledgeWar

0x82 ReplySurrenderPledgeWar

0x83 SetPledgeCrest // Has become outdated

0x84 PledgeCrest

0x85 SetupGauge

0x86 ShowBoard

0x87 ChooseInventoryItem

0x89 MoveToLocationInVehicle

0x8a StopMoveInVehicle

0x8b ValidateLocationInVehicle

0x8c TradeOtherAdd2

0x8d TradePressOwnOK // Has become outdated

0x8e MagicSkillLaunched

0x8f FriendAddRequestResult

0x90 FriendAdd  // Has become outdated

0x91 FriendRemove // Has become outdated

0x92 FriendList // Has become outdated

0x93 FriendStatus // Has become outdated

0x94 TradePressOtherOk // Has become outdated

0x95 FriendAddRequestResult2

0x96 LeaveWorld2

0x97 AbnormalStatusUpdate

0x98 QuestList

0x99 EnchantResult

0x9a AuthServerList // Has become outdated

0x9b PledgeShowMemberListDeleteAll

0x9c PledgeInfo

0x9d PledgeExtendedInfo

0x9e SurrenderPersonally

0x9f Ride

0xa1 PledgeShowInfoUpdate

0xa2 ClientAction

0xa3 AquireSkillList

0xa4 AquireSkillInfo

0xa5 ServerObjectInfo

0xa6 HideGm

0xa7 AquireSkillDone

0xa8 GMViewCharacterInfo

0xa9 GMViewPledgeInfo

0xaa GMViewSkillInfo

0xab GMviewMagicInfo

0xac GMViewQuestInfo

0xad GMViewItemList

0xae GMViewWarehouseWithdrawList

0xaf PartyMatchList

0xb0 PartyMatchDetail

0xb1 PlaySound

0xb2 StaticObject

0xb3 PrivateSellList2

0xb4 PrivateBuyList2

0xb5 PrivateStoreMsg

0xb6 ShowMinimapPacket

0xb7 ReviveRequest // Has become outdated

0xb8 AbnormalVisualEffect

0xb9 TutorialShowHtml

0xba TutorialShowQuestionMark

0xbb TutorialEnableClientEvent

0xbc TutorialClose

0xbd ShowRadar

0xbe DeleteRadar

0xbf MyTargetSelected

0xc0 PartyMemberPosition

0xc1 AskJoinAlliance

0xc2 JoinAlliance

0xc3 WithdrawAlliance

0xc4 OustAllianceMemberPledge

0xc5 DismissAlliance

0xc6 SetAllianceCrest // Has become outdated

0xc7 ReceiveAllyCrest

0xc8 ServerCloseSocket // Has become outdated

0xc9 PetStatusShow

0xca PetInfo

0xcb PetItemList

0xcc PetInventoryUpdate

0xcd AllianceInfo // Has become outdated

0xce PetStatusUpdate

0xcf PetDelete

0xd0 PrivateSellList

0xd1 PrivateBuyList

0xd2 PrivateStoreMsg

0xd3 VehicleStart

0xd4 RequestTimeCheck

0xd5 StartAllianceWar

0xd6 ReplyStartAllianceWar // Has become outdated

0xd7 StopAllianceWar

0xd8 ReplyStopAllianceWar // Has become outdated

0xd9 SurrenderAllianceWar // Has become outdated

0xda SkillCoolTimePacket

0xdb PackageToListPacket

0xdc PackageSendableListPacket

0xdd EarthQuake

0xde FlyToLocation

0xdf BlockList // Has become outdated

0xe0 SpecialCamera

0xe1 NormalCamera

0xe2 CastleSiegeInfoPacket

0xe3 CastleSiegeAttackerList

0xe4 CastleSiegeDefenderList

0xe5 NickNameChanged

0xe6 PledgeStatusChanged

0xe7 RelationChanged

0xe8 OnEventTrigger

0xe9 MultiSellListPacket

0xea SetSummonRemainTime

0xeb OnSkillRemainSec

0xec NetPingPacket



From the client to a server:



0x01 MoveBackwardToLocation

0x02 Say

0x03 EnterWorld

0x04 Action

0x08 RequestAuthLogin

0x09 Logout

0x0a Attack

0x0b CharacterCreate

0x0c CharacterDelete

0x0d CharacterSelect

0x0e NewCharacter

0x0f ItemList

0x10 RequestEquipItem

0x11 RequestUnEquipItem

0x12 RequestDropItem

0x12 RequestDropItemFromPet

0x14 UseItem

0x15 TradeRequest

0x16 AddTradeItem

0x17 TradeDone

0x1a RequestTeleport

0x1b SocialAction

0x1c ChangeMoveType // Has become outdated. Now used 'RequestActionUse'

0x1d ChangeWaitType // Has become outdated. Now used 'RequestActionUse'

0x1e RequestSellItem

0x1f RequestBuyItem

0x20 RequestLinkHtml

0x21 RequestBypassToServer

0x22 RequestBBSwrite

0x23 RequestCreatePledge

0x24 RequestJoinPledge

0x25 RequestAnswerJoinPledge

0x26 RequestWithDrawalPledge

0x27 RequestOustPledgeMember

0x28 RequestDismissPledge

0x29 RequestJoinParty

0x2a RequestAnswerJoinParty

0x2b RequestWithDrawalParty

0x2c RequestOustPartyMember

0x2d RequestDismissParty

0x2e RequestMagicSkillList

0x2f RequestMagicSkillUse

0x30 Appearing

0x31 SendWareHouseDepositList

0x32 SendWareHouseWithDrawList

0x33 RequestShortCutReg

0x34 RequestShortCutUse

0x35 RequestShortCutDel

0x37 RequestTargetCancel

0x38 Say2 // private (on some servers - la2.ru - used 0x39)

0x3c RequestPledgeMemberList

0x3e RequestMagicList

0x3f RequestSkillList

0x41 MoveWithDelta

0x42 GetOnVehicle

0x43 GetOffVehicle

0x44 AnswerTradeRequest

0x45 RequestActionUse

0x46 RequestRestart

0x47 RequestSiegeInfo

0x48 ValidatePosition

0x49 RequestSEKCustom

0x4a StartRotating

0x4b FinishRotating

0x4d RequestStartPledgeWar

0x4e RequestReplyStartPledgeWar

0x4f RequestStopPledgeWar

0x50 RequestReplyStopPledgeWar

0x51 RequestSurrenderPledgeWar

0x52 RequestReplySurrenderPledgeWar

0x53 RequestSetPledgeCrest

0x55 RequestGiveNickName  // In general used for installation title CL's. Can for what…

0x57 RequestShowboard

0x58 RequestEnchantItem

0x59 RequestDestroyItem

0x5b SendBypassBuildCmd

0x5e RequestFriendInvite

0x5f RequestFriendAddReply

0x60 RequestFriendList

0x61 RequestFriendDel

0x62 CharacterRestore

0x63 RequestQuestList

0x64 RequestDestroyQuest

0x66 RequestPledgeInfo

0x67 RequestPledgeExtendedInfo

0x68 RequestPledgeCrest

0x69 RequestSurrenderPersonally

0x6a Ride

0x6b RequestAcquireSkillInfo

0x6c RequestAcquireSkill

0x6d RequestRestartPoint

0x6e RequestGMCommand

0x6f RequestPartyMatchConfig

0x70 RequestPartyMatchList

0x71 RequestPartyMatchDetail

0x72 RequestCrystallizeItem

0x73 RequestPrivateStoreManage

0x74 SetPrivateStoreList

0x75 RequestPrivateStoreManageCancel

0x76 RequestPrivateStoreQuit

0x77 SetPrivateStoreMsg

0x78 RequestPrivateStoreList

0x79 SendPrivateStoreBuyList

0x7a ReviveReply

0x7b RequestTutorialLinkHtml

0x7c RequestTutorialPassCmdToServer

0x7d RequestTutorialQuestionMark

0x7e RequestTutorialClientEvent

0x7f RequestPetition

0x80 RequestPetitionCancel

0x81 RequestGMList

0x82 RequestJoinAlly

0x83 RequestAnswerJoinAlly

0x84 RequestWithdrawAlly

0x85 RequestOustAlly

0x86 RequestDismissAlly

0x87 RequestSetAllyCrest

0x88 RequestAllyCrest

0x89 RequestChangePetName

0x8a RequestPetUseItem

0x8b RequestGiveItemToPet

0x8c RequestGetItemFromPet

0x8e RequestAllyInfo

0x8f RequestPetGetItem

0x90 RequestPrivateStoreBuyManage

0x91 SetPrivateBuyList

0x92 RequestPrivateStoreBuyManageCancel

0x93 RequestPrivateStoreBuyQuit

0x94 SetPrivateBuyMsg

0x95 RequestPrivateStoreBuyList

0x96 SendPrivateStoreBuyBuyList

0x97 SendTimeCheckPacket

0x98 RequestStartAllianceWar

0x99 ReplyStartAllianceWar

0x9a RequestStopAllianceWar

0x9b ReplyStopAllianceWar

0x9c RequestSurrenderAllianceWar

0x9d RequestSkillCoolTime

0x9e RequestPackageSendableItemList

0x9f RequestPackageSend

0xa0 RequestBlock

0xa1 RequestCastleSiegeInfo

0xa2 RequestCastleSiegeAttackerList

0xa3 RequestCastleSiegeInfo

0xa4 RequestJoinCastleSiege

0xa5 RequestConfirmCastleSiegeWaitingList

0xa6 RequestSetCastleSiegeTime

0xa7 RequestMultiSellChoose

0xa8 NetPing


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Kamael Client Packets :


0x2E, // VersionCheck

0x2F, // MTL

0x30, // NPC Say

0x31, // CharInfo

0x32, // User Info

0x33, // Attack

0x00, // Die

0x01, // Revive

0x02, // AttackOutOfRange

0x03, // AttackInCoolTime

0x04, // AttackDeadTarget

0x05, // Spawn Item

0x16, // Drop Item

0x17, // Get Item

0x18, // Status Update

0x19, // NPC HTML Message

0x06, // SellList

0x07, // BuyList

0x08, // DeleteObject

0x09, // CharacterSelectionInfo

0x0A, // LoginFail

0x0b, // CharacterSelected

0x0c, // NpcInfo

0x0d, // NewCharacterSucess

0x0e, // NewCharacterFail

0x0f, // CharacterCreatesuccess

0x10, // CharacterCreateFail

0x11, // ItemList

0x12, // SunRise

0x13, // SunSet

0x14, // TradeStart

0x15, // TradeStartOk

0x1a, // TradeOwnAdd

0x1b, // TradeOtherAdd

0x1c, // TradeDone

0x1d, // CharacterDeletesuccess

0x1e, // CharacterDeleteFail

0x1f, // ActionFail

0x20, // SeverClose

0x21, // InventoryUpdate

0x22, // TeleportToLocaton

0x23, // TargetSelected

0x24, // TargetUnselecte

0x25, // AutoAttackStar

0x26, // AutoAttackStop

0x27, // SocialAction

0x28, // ChangeMoveType

0x29, // ChangeWaitType

0x2a, // ManagePledgePowr

0x2b, // CreatePledge

0x2c, // AskJoinPledge

0x2d, // JoinPledge

0x34, // WithdrawalPledge

0x35, // OustPledgeMembe

0x36, // SetOustPledgeMeber

0x37, // DismissPledge

0x38, // SetDismissPledge

0x39, // AskJoinParty

0x3a, // JoinParty

0x3b, // WithdrawalParty

0x3c, // OustPartyMember

0x3d, // SetOustPartyMemer

0x3e, // DismissParty

0x3f, // SetDismissParty

0x40, // MagicAndSkillList

0x41, // WareHouseDeposiList

0x42, // WareHouseWithdrwList

0x43, // WareHouseDone

0x44, // ShortCutRegister

0x45, // ShortCutInit

0x46, // ShortCutDelete

0x47, // StopMove

0x48, // MagicSkillUse

0x49, // MagicSkillCanceed

0x4a, // Say2

0x4b, // EquipUpdate

0x4c, // DoorInfo

0x4d, // DoorStatusUpdate

0x4e, // PartySmallWindowAll

0x4f, // PartySmallWindowAdd

0x50, // PartySmallWindowDeleteAll

0x51, // PartySmallWindowDelete

0x52, // PartySmallWindowUpdate

0x5a, // PledgeShowMembeListAll

0x5b, // PledgeShowMembeListUpdate

0x5c, // PledgeShowMembeListAdd

0x5d, // PledgeShowMembeListDelete

0x5e, // MagicList

0x5f, // SkillList

0x60, // VehicleInfo

0x6c, // VehicleDeparture

0x6d, // VehicleCheckLoction

0x6e, // GetOnVehicle

0x6f, // GetOffVehicle

0x70, // TradeRequest

0x71, // RestartResponse

0x72, // MoveToPawn

0x79, // ValidateLocation

0x7a, // StartRotating

0x61, // FinishRotating

0x62, // SystemMessage

0x63, // StartPledgeWar

0x64, // ReplyStartPledgWar

0x65, // StopPledgeWar

0x66, // ReplyStopPledgeWar

0x67, // SurrenderPledgeWar

0x68, // ReplySurrenderPedgeWar

0x69, // SetPledgeCrest

0x6a, // PledgeCrest

0x6b, // SetupGauge

0x7b, // ShowBoard

0x7c, // ChooseInventoryItem

0x7d, // Dummy

0x7e, // MoveToLocationIVehicle

0x7f, // StopMoveInVehice

0x80, // ValidateLocatioInVehicle

0x81, // TradeUpdate

0x53, // TradePressOwnOk

0x54, // MagicSkillLaunced

0x55, // FriendAddRequesResult

0x56, // FriendAdd

0x57, // FriendRemove

0x58, // FriendList

0x59, // FriendStatus

0x82, // TradePressOtherOk

0x83, // FriendAddRequest

0x84, // LogOutOk

0x85, // AbnormalStatusUdate

0x86, // QuestList

0x87, // EnchantResult

0x88, // PledgeShowMembeListDeleteAll

0x89, // PledgeInfo

0x8a, // PledgeExtendedInfo

0x8b, // SurrenderPersonlly

0x8c, // Ride

0x8e, // PledgeShowInfoUdate

0x8f, // ClientAction

0x90, // AcquireSkillList

0x91, // AcquireSkillInfo

0x92, // ServerObjectInfo

0x93, // GMHide

0x94, // AcquireSkillDone

0x95, // GMViewCharacterInfo

0x96, // GMViewPledgeInfo

0x97, // GMViewSkillInfo

0x98, // GMViewMagicInfo

0x99, // GMViewQuestInfo

0x9a, // GMViewItemList

0x9b, // GMViewWarehouseithdrawList

0x9c, // ListPartyWating

0x9d, // PartyRoomInfo

0x9e, // PlaySound

0x9f, // StaticObject

0xa0, // PrivateStoreMangeList

0xa1, // PrivateStoreList

0xa2, // PrivateStoreMsg

0xa3, // ShowMinimap

0xa4, // ReviveRequest

0xa5, // AbnormalVisualEfect

0xa6, // TutorialShowHtml

0xa7, // TutorialShowQuetionMark

0xa8, // TutorialEnableCientEvent

0xa9, // TutorialCloseHtml

0xaa, // ShowRadar

0xb8, // DeleteRadar

0xb9, // MyTargetSelected

0xba, // PartyMemberPosition

0xbb, // AskJoinAlliance

0xbc, // JoinAlliance

0xab, // WithdrawAlliance

0xac, // OustAllianceMemerPledge

0xad, // DismissAlliance

0xae, // SetAllianceCrest

0xaf, // AllianceCrest

0xb0, // ServerCloseSocket

0xb1, // PetStatusShow

0xb2, // PetInfo

0xb3, // PetItemList

0xb4, // PetInventoryUpdate

0xb5, // AllianceInfo

0xb6, // PetStatusUpdate

0xb7, // PetDelete

0xbd, // PrivateStoreBuyManageList

0xbe, // PrivateStoreBuyList

0xbf, // PrivateStoreBuyMsg

0xc0, // VehicleStart

0xc1, // RequestTimeCheck

0xc2, // StartAllianceWar

0xc3, // ReplyStartAlliaceWar

0xc4, // StopAllianceWar

0xc5, // ReplyStopAllianeWar

0xc6, // SurrenderAllianeWar

0xc7, // SkillCoolTime

0xc8, // PackageToList

0xd2, // PackageSendableList

0xd3, // EarthQuake

0xd4, // FlyToLoaction

0xd5, // BlockList

0xd6, // SpecialCamera

0xd7, // NormalCamera

0xc9, // CastleSiegeInfo

0xca, // CastleSiegeAttakerList

0xcb, // CastleSiegeDefederList

0xcc, // NickNameChanged

0xcd, // PledgeStatusChaged

0xce, // RelationChanged

0xcf, // EventTrigger

0xd0, // MultiSellList

0xd1, // SetSummonRemainTime

0xd8, // SkillRemainSec

0xd9, // NetPing

0xda, // Dice

0xdb, // Snoop

0xdc, // RecipeBookItemList

0xdd, // RecipeItemMakeInfo

0xde, // RecipeShopManagList

0xdf, // RecipeShopSellList

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    • New opening Warcrown Improved H5  Salvation Client Server currently in beta phase   Website: https://l2warcrown.com Discord: https://discord.gg/7vwZse8zYq                          
    • Abortion]]clinic:][: +27838792658:[[ sold without a prescription pills for sale pharmacy%%{{ +27838792658}}?speak to a medical practitioner about .@@ DR JOSE .WOMEN ABORTION CLINICS PAINFREE,SAFE,QUICCK 100%Women abortion clinic pills on sale dial whatsapp (+27838792658) available.ABORTION CLINICS .ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE,TERMINATION PILLS ,WOMENS CLINIC ,ABORTION DOCTORS ABORTION TABLETS Abortion pills in Arcadia Abortion pills Abortion Clinics Best and safest way a woman can do an abortion herself until the 28th weeks of pregnancy is with the use of two medicines called Mifepristone (also known as the abortion pill, RU 486, Mifegyn, Mifeprex), and Misoprostol (also known as Cytotec, Arthrotec, Oxaprost, Cyprostol, Mibetec, Prostokos or Misotrol). If you live in a country where there is no access to safe abortion services and you would like to obtain a medical abortion with Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills, please contact us on Abortion Clinics Where can i get buy abortion pills around / near me,How much is abortion pills abortion pills prices list LEGAL ABORTION CLINICS Using Misoprostol (or Cytotec).Alone to cause an abortion will be successful 90% of the time. If it is not effective the first time, you can try again after 3 days. The information is based on research by the World Health Organization. Women who live in a country where they have the possibility to have a safe and legal abortion, should go to a doctor – Abortion Clinics LEGAL ABORTION CLINICS . Our clinic has a long-standing reputation for private, and personal quality care given with warmth and friendliness. This is demonstrated by the fact that over 50% of our patients are prior patients or referred by them LEGAL ABORTION CLINICS . Abortion Clinics Ending a pregnancy is a difficult decision. When the woman cannot discuss the abortion or alternatives with a healthcare provider, we advise her to talk about it with a good friend or a relative. We strongly advise any young girl to talk with her parents or another adult she trusts about her situation, her decision and the abortion procedure. Women who are sure that they want to end their pregnancy and have no other means should print and study the instructions carefully first. It is best to discuss them with a friend. LEGAL ABORTION CLINICS . Abortion Clinics – Legal Abortion Clinics. Misoprostol for medical abortion works best in the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. After that, there is an increased risk of a complication and need for medical attention. If you are considering using Misoprostol after 28 weeks, please contact us for instructions; these instructions are for women who are 28 weeks or earlier in their pregnancy. LEGAL ABORTION CLINICS . Abortion Clinics – Legal Abortion Clinics. Misoprostol causes contractions of the womb. As a consequence, the womb expels the pregnancy. A woman can get painful cramps, vaginal blood loss that is more than a normal menstruation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. There is a risk of heavy bleeding for which a woman will have to be treated by a doctor. The chance that an abortion with Misoprostol will be successful is 90%. Misoprostol is available in pharmacies in almost all countries. The experience and risks of an abortion caused by Misoprostol are similar to those of a spontaneous miscarriage LEGAL ABORTION CLINICS Abortion Clinics .Ultrasound shows whether the pregnancy is in the womb and the length (number of weeks) of a woman’s pregnancy. Misoprostol should not be used after 12 or more weeks of pregnancy. A pregnancy of twelve weeks means 84 days (12 weeks) after the first day of the last menstrual period. If a woman thinks she has been pregnant for more than twelve weeks, or if the ultrasound shows this, we do not advise to take Misoprostol unless the woman has medical supervision. The medicine still works, but the risk of heavy bleeding, serious pain and complications increase the longer the pregnancy lasts. A woman should not do the abortion alone. Misoprostol can only be used without medical guidance when a woman has no serious illness. Most illnesses are no problem. Some serious illnesses, such as, for instance, severe anaemia, can create problems because of the heavy blood loss involved. Serious illnesses are sometimes a reason for a legal abortion, even in countries with restrictive laws. LEGAL ABORTION CLINICS Do not use alcohol or drugs during the treatment!!! The woman must be able to pay close attention to what is happening in her body. If the cramps are very painful, she can use Ibuprofen, or a hot water bottle or heating pad, but never alcohol or drugs. Misoprostol should not be used when there is a possibility of an ectopic (or extra-uterine) pregnancy – Legal Abortion Clinics In Bela-Bela – Legal Abortion Clinics – Abortion Clinics An ectopic (or extra-uterine pregnancy) is not in the womb (Uterus). An ectopic pregnancy can be detected by having an ultrasound. Treatment by a gynaecologist is then necessary to ensure the health of the woman. If not treated, there is a risk of heavy internal bleeding due to rupturing of the fallopian tube. Gynaecologists treat women for this condition in all countries, even in countries where abortion is illegal. An ectopic pregnancy cannot be treated with Misoprostol. Misoprostol should not be used if the woman has an intra uterine device (IU Abortion clinics pills for saleAbortion @#___________Safe Clinic / Abortion Pills for sale +27838792658 )(*&^___________ +27838792658 Top Legal Abortion Pills for sale In South Africa..Abortion clinic in Boksburg,Abortion clinic in Brakpan we do help you with abortion services our clients in Benoni is one of the best clinic in East Rand we do use approved cyctotec pills and womb cleaning pills too plus all the instructions needed This Discrete women’s Termination Clinic offers same day services that are safe and pain free, we use approved pills and we clean the womb so that no side effects are present. Our main goal is that of preventing unintended pregnancies and unwanted births every day to enable more women to have children by choice, not chance. We offer Terminations by Pill and The Morning After Pill.” Our Private VIP Abortion Service offers the ultimate in privacy, efficiency and discretion. we do safe and same day termination and we do also womb cleaning as well its done from 1 week up to 28 weeks. We do delivery of our services world wide SAFE ABORTION CLINICS/PILLS ON SALE WE DO DELIVERY OF PILLS ALSO Abortion clinic at very low costs, 100% Guaranteed and it’s safe, pain free and a same day service. It Is A 45 Minutes Procedure, we use tested abortion pills and we do womb cleaning as well. Alternatively the medical abortion pill and womb cleansing tablets for the termination can be delivered to you for home use.Abortion clinic in south Africa Private and sale of pills for home use Women health problems. A same day services:safe,legal & pain free Abortions/Terminations. From 1 week to 6 months. We use tested and / approved pills / Tablets. Its 100% guaranteed & safe. No side effect. There are many ways to describe Medical Abortions. The different names used are Abortion by Pill, early non-surgical, chemical or instrument-free abortion. In this process a pill or set of pills is used to Terminate the Pregnancy. It is the most frequently used procedure in South Africa because legally the country allows only up to 1 trimester abortion without questions Deciding to terminate a pregnancy can be one of life’s most difficult choices. If you have decided to terminate your pregnancy, be assured that you are not alone. You matter and we are here to help you. Our physicians and professional staff will provide private and confidential one-on-one treatment and will support you every step of the way. We offer Abortions from 1 to 24 weeks. Our entire organization is dedicated to patient care. We recognize that this period can be an especially difficult on for our patients, their families and friends. We provide assistance in specialized circumstances, including rape, genetic defects, fatal anomalies and minor age patients with care and compassion. We also sell and deliver. SAFE ABORTION CLINICS/PILLS ON SALE WE DO DELIVERY OF PILLS ALSO SAME DAY PAIN FREE PRIVATE LEGAL AND DISCRETE ABORTION CLINIC IN SOUTH AFRICA PERFORMING ABORTION/TERMINATIONS SERVICES FROM 2 TO 24 WEEKS with no side effects and 100% guaranteed, we use approved and trusted pills plus the anti-bio tics which you apply after the termination is done to avoid complications which may occur as a result of the termination process .we also deliver Misoprostols the RU486 anywhere in the world. Due to our wide range, we also managed to open more branches with well trained staff to serve the nation and the world We have clinic centres in ; ALBERTON, ALEXANDRA, BENONI, BRAKPAN, BLOEMFONTEIN, BOKSBURG,BURGERSFORT, CAPE TOWN, KWAZULU NATAL, CENTURION,DURBAN, EASTERN CAPE. EAST LONDON, FOURWAYS GERMISTON,JOHANNESBURG, KATLEHONG, KEMPTON PARK, KIMBERLEY, LADYSMITH, LIMPOPO, MAMELODI, MIDRAND, MPUMALANGA,ZIMBABWE,SWAZILAND, BOTSWANA NELSPRUIT,KRUGERSDORP,TEMBISA, POLOKWANE LYDENBURG, PRETORIA, RUSTENBURG HARARE GABORONE.. Women’s Health Clinic, an “All about Women” facility caring for health problems of women of all ages and status at affordable service rates and accessible to all. Abortion clinic offers same day confidential, safe and pain free abortion services using pills that are safe with no side effects.w also deliver pills to our clients who are distant from our clinic so that they can take termination process in comfort of there homes. We also clean women’s womb after abortion to ensure good health of our clients, for more information call or Ukukhipha Isisu ur Services yenziwa odokotela abaqeqeshiwe & Nurses abaqinisekayo ukuthi konke kusebenza ngendlela efanele konke kugcinwa kuyimfihlo futhi iyimfihlo ukufeza izidingo zakho . Amanani esikulindelayo futhi ukudiliva kwenziwe ngaphandle kwenkokhiso extra OUR SERVICES ARE: *SAFE *PAIN FREE *NO SIDE EFFECTS *SAME DAY *100% GUARANTEED *PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL.SOUTH AFRICA, NAMIBIA, BOTSWNA, LESOTHO, SAFE ABORTION CLINICS/PILLS ON SALE WE DO DELIVERY OF PILLS ALSO The best, quick, pain free, same day, and safest way a woman can do an abortion herself until the 28th week of pregnancy is with the use of two medicines called Mifepristone (also known as the abortion pill, RU 486, Mifegyn, Mifeprex), and Misoprostol (also known as Cytotec, Arthrotec, Oxaprost, Cyprostol, Mibetec, Prostokos or Misotrol). If you live in a country where there is no access to safe abortion services and you would like to obtain a medical abortion with Mifepristone and Misoprostol, You can be rest assured — we have a commitment to excellence when it comes to the level of service that we give.phoenix stanger verulam chatsworth pinetown durban umlazi balito umhlanga kwamashu inanda nongoma ulundi vryheid etc Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland, Zimbabwe Abortion Pills for Sale in Eshowe Abortion Pills In Empangeni Abortion Pills In Ladysmith Abortion Pills Estcourt Abortion Pills Mtubatuba Safe Abortion Pills for Sale in Jozini Abortion Pills Hluhluwe Abortion Pills In Howick Abortion Pills for Sale in Vryburg Abortion Pills For Sale In Ga-Rankuwa Abortion Pills Sale Stanger Abortion Pills For Sale In Johannesburg Abortion Pills For Sale In Klerksdorp Legal Abortion Clinics In Vosloorus Abortion Clinics Around Manzini. 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The abortion procedure is conducted using abortion Abortion Pills For Sale IN Doha Qatar Abortion pills for sell Oman, Muscat BUY *Cheap Clinic* 30% Off Sales What are (Cytotec) 10000 Satisfied Clients (Free deliveries) for distant Customers abortion pills?The abortion pill should not be confused with the morning after pill as it is intended We specialize in medical Abortions whereby we use Clinically approved pills to terminate the pregnancy Same day, Pain free Abortion Pills For Sale In South Africa. Abortion clinic in Brakpan we do help you with abortion services our clinic in Boksburg is one of the best clinics in East Rand we do use approved cytotec pills and womb cleaning pills too plus all the instructions needed This Discrete women’s Termination Clinic offers same day services that are safe and pain free, we use approved pills and we clean the womb so that no side effects are present. Our main goal is to prevent unintended pregnancies and unwanted births every day to enable more women to have children by choice, not chance. We offer Terminations by Pill and The Morning After Pill.”Our Private VIP Abortion Service offers the ultimate in privacy, efficiency and discretion.we do safe and same day termination and we do also womb cleaning as well Its done from 1 week up to 28. weeks. We do delivery of our services world wide SAFE ABORTION CLINICS/PILLS ON SALE WE DO DELIVERY OF PILLS ALSO….Abortion clinic at very low costs, 100% Guaranteed and it’s safe, pain free and a same day service.It Is A 45 Minutes Procedure, we use tested abortion pills and we do womb cleaning as well.Alternatively the medical abortion pill and womb cleansing tablets for the termination can be delivered to you for home use.Abortion clinic in south Africa Private and sale of pills for home use Women health problems. A same day services:safe,legal & pain free Abortions/Terminations. From 1 week to 6 months..We use tested and / approved pills / Tablets. It’s 100% guaranteed & safe. No side effect There are many ways to describe Medical Abortions. The different names used are Abortion by Pill, early non-surgical, chemical or instrument-free abortion. In this process a pill or set of pills is used to Terminate the Pregnancy. It is the most frequently used procedure in South Africa because legally the country allows only up to 1 trimester abortion without questions…Deciding to terminate a pregnancy can be one of life’s most difficult choices. If you have decided to terminate your pregnancy, be assured that you are not alone. You matter and we are here to help you. Our physicians and professional staff will provide private and confidential one-on-one treatment and will support you every step of the way. We offer Abortions from 1 to 24 weeks. Our entire organisation is dedicated to patient care. We recognize that this period can be an especially difficult one for our patients, their families and friends. We provide assistance in specialized circumstances, including rape, genetic defects, fatal anomalies and minor age patients with care and compassion. We also sell and deliver……..https://www.<wbr />abortionpills-clinics.co.za/ SAFE ABORTION CLINICS/PILLS ON SALE WE DO DELIVERY OF PILLS ALSO SAME DAY PAIN FREE PRIVATE LEGAL AND DISCRETE ABORTION CLINIC IN SOUTH AFRICA PERFORMING ABORTION/TERMINATIONS SERVICES FROM 2 TO 24 WEEKS with no side effects and 100% guaranteed, we use approved and trusted pills plus the anti-bio tics which you apply after the termination is done to avoid complications which may occur as a result of the termination process .we also deliver Misoprostol the RU486 anywhere in the world. Due to our wide range, we also managed to open more branches with well trained staff to serve the nation and the worldwide It’s 20 years since abortion became a legal option in South Africa with the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act passed in February 1997 – and the reproductive health group estimates that 260 000 abortions are performed here each year. But abortion is still contentious for many on moral and religious grounds, and is a choice that needs to be taken after consideration of all options – including having your baby and placing it for adoption…In the first trimester of pregnancy (until week 13 ), abortion is available on request, no reasons required, to any woman of any age. Parental consent is not required for under 18s, but they are advised to discuss it with a trusted adult, though they can decide not to, Constant, senior researcher at the Women’s Health Research Unit at the University of Cape Town.In the second trimester (weeks 13 to 20), abortion is available only if your physical or mental health is at risk, the baby will have severe physical or mental abnormalities, the pregnancy is the result of incest or rape, or you are of the opinion that your social or economic position is enough reason to end the pregnancy. “There’s no means test and this is a common enough situation – not being able to manage a child now,” In the third trimester (after week 20), abortion is available if your life or the life of the foetus is in danger, or there are likely to be severe birth defects.Up to nine weeks of gestation, professional nurses, midwives and medical doctors can perform a medicine-induced abortion at their premises, if these have been designated to provide safe abortion services; and up to 12 weeks, nurses and midwives with special training can perform a surgical abortion at clinics or hospitals, SA. In the second and third trimester, abortion must be carried out by a medical doctor, and after 20 weeks, this must be done in a designated government hospital.It’s crucial to choose a safe and legal provider, and to avoid a back street abortionist, who will usually be untrained and put your health, future fertility and even life at risk. Dr Jose reports that up to 58% of abortions in South Africa each year are still illegal, because many women struggle to access legal services.only half of the state facilities designed to provide abortions are delivering the service. Reasons range from nurses and doctors at state health facilities being unwilling to provide abortion care (it’s their choice), to women lacking information on their reproductive rights, or being afraid to be seen accessing it because of stigma around it.“But there are increasing numbers of facilities coming online that were not designated before,” says Constant. “So in the Western Cape, for instance, the number of termination of pregnancies performed has risen significantly in the last few years – mainly an increase in early medical abortion.”At Dr Jose clinics, after you’ve been examined to confirm your pregnancy. , and offered counseling, there are three options, depending on your personal choice and medical history.A medical process (available from 1 to 24 weeks), where you are given a set of abortion tablets to take orally in the clinic, and a second set to take later at home. There is usually no need to return.An early surgical method – a nurse uses a suction method to remove the pregnancy. The procedure takes five to 10 minutes and is available from 4 to 12 weeks. You go home the same day.From 12 to 20 weeks, a surgical abortion is offered, where a doctor removes the pregnancy vaginally. The method used depends on how advanced your pregnancy is. Later abortions (after week 18) are done under general anaesthetic; For earlier ones you can request “conscious sedation” so you feel sleepy and relaxed. You go home the same day, but should be accompanied.At Dr Jose .Local government clinics: For a free abortion you need to make a request at a primary healthcare clinic. Pregnancy will be confirmed, counseling provided, an appointment made and a referral letter given to a facility where the procedure can be performed.Offers counseling to women considering abortion: Offers counseling if you are considering or have had an abortion:This is not the same as an abortion pill. Instead of terminating a pregnancy, it prevents it by interfering hormonally with ovulation or fertilisation of the egg or sometimes with implantation. It must be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex, and is available over the counter at Clicks pharmacies. “It’s best to take it the next morning after unprotected sex – the sooner you take it, the more effective,” says FormatABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN FUJAIRAH,SHARJAH we do use approved cytotec pills IN DUBAI (T.OP) +27838792658 EFFECTIVE Abortion. Pills For Sale In DUBAI ABU DHABI Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, WORLDWIDE , Al Jahra, Salmiya, Cheap Clinic* Abortion pills for sale. Where: kuwait city, Bethal Kinross Abortion Pills For Sale In Midrand ,Soweto, Germiston, Benoni, ABU DHABI KUWAIT CYTOTEC PILLS ONLINE[@][(BUY ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE MASERU MIFEPRISTONE Termination of unwanted pregnancy, (up to 20 weeks) is your legal right. Be sure to choose a safe, legal provider. WE DELIVER PILLS WITHIN SA Termination PILL When thinking through the complex situation of an unplanned pregnancy, many women cringe at the thought of a surgical Termination and consider the Termination Pill. If you are between 4 1/2 weeks to 9 weeks into a pregnancy, the Termination by pill (the Termination pill) may be the answer for you but the pill may not fit into your schedule and lifestyle. At Our Clinic, we feel that you should have all your options presented in a clear, compassionate and medically accurate way so that you can decide whether the Termination Pill is a good solution for you or not. There are many things about the process you should know first. GET THE PILL TODAY. 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ABORTION CLINIC IN BLOEMFONTEIN. ABORTION CLINIC IN BETHLEHEM. ABORTION CLINIC IN JAGERSFONTEIN. ABORTION CLINIC IN KROONSTAD. ABORTION CLINIC IN ODENDAALSRUS. ABORTION CLINIC IN PARYS. ABORTION CLINIC IN PHUTHADITJHABA. ABORTION CLINIC IN SASOLBURG. ABORTION CLINIC IN HARRISMITH. ABORTION CLINIC IN VIRGINIA. ABORTION CLINIC IN WELKOM. ABORTION CLINIC IN QWAQWA. ABORTION CLINIC IN EAST LONDON. ABORTION CLINIC IN PORT ELIZABETH. ABORTION CLINIC IN ALICE. ABORTION CLINIC IN GRAHAMSTOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN BUTTERWORTH. ABORTION CLINIC IN MTHATHA. ABORTION CLINIC IN QUEENSTOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN UIETENHAGE. ABORTION CLINIC IN ZWELITSHA. ABORTION CLINIC IN CAPE TOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN KIMBERLEY. ABORTION CLINIC IN KURUMAN. ABORTION CLINIC IN PORT NOLLOTH. ABORTION CLINIC IN SPRINGBOK. ABORTION CLINIC IN GAUTENG. ABORTION CLINIC IN MPUMALANGA. CLINIC ABORTION IN KWAZULU-NATAL. CLINIC ABORTION IN LIMPOPO. ABORTION CLINIC IN NORTHWEST.ABORTION CLINIC IN FREE STATE. ABORTION CLINIC IN EASTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN WESTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN NORTHERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN SOUTH AFRICA.ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN ELDORADO PARK. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN NORTHGATE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN SOUTHGATE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN WESTGATE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN EASTGATE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN CARLTON CENTER. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN MARABASTAD. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN LAUDIUM. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN EERSTERUST. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN MEADOWLANDS. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN WINTERVELDT. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN OLIEVENHOUTBOSCH. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN ONVERWACHT. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN BOSMAN. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN SUNNYSIDE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN GAUTENG. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN MPUMALANGA. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN KWAZULU-NATAL. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN LIMPOPO. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN NORTHWEST. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN FREE STATE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN EASTERN CAPE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN WESTERN CAPE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN NORTHERN CAPE. ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN SOUTH AFRICA. ABORTION CLINIC IN BENONI. ABORTION CLINIC.BOKSBURG. ABORTION CLINIC IN BRAKPAN. ABORTION CLINIC IN CARLETONVILLE. ABORTION CLINIC IN GERMISTON. ABORTION CLINIC IN JOHANNESBURG. ABORTION CLINIC IN KRUGERSDORP. CLINIC ABORTION IN PRETORIA. ABORTION CLINIC IN RANDBURG. ABORTION CLINIC IN RANDFONTEIN. ABORTION CLINIC IN ROODEPOORT. ABORTION CLINIC IN SOWETO. ABORTION CLINIC IN SPRINGS. ABORTION CLINIC IN VANDERBIJLPARK. ABORTION CLINIC IN VEREENIGING. CLINIC ABORTION IN TEMBISA. ABORTION CLINIC IN KEMPTON PARK. ABORTION CLINIC IN CENTURION. ABORTION CLINIC IN SANDTON. ABORTION CLINIC IN ALEXANDRA. ABORTION CLINIC IN MIDRAND. ABORTION CLINIC IN ATTERIDGEVILLE. ABORTION CLINIC IN MAMELODI. ABORTION CLINIC IN SOSHANGUVE. ABORTION CLINIC IN MEADOWLANDS. ABORTION CLINIC IN EMALAHLENI. ABORTION CLINIC IN NELSPRUIT. ABORTION CLINIC IN SECUNDA. ABORTION CLINIC IN MIDDELBURG. ABORTION CLINIC IN STANDERTON. ABORTION CLINIC IN KINROSS. ABORTION CLINIC IN BETHAL. CLINIC ABORTION IN DELMAS. ABORTION CLINIC IN ERMELO. ABORTION CLINIC IN LESLIE. ABORTION CLINIC IN EMBALENHLE. ABORTION CLINIC IN EVANDER. ABORTION CLINIC IN KRIEL. ABORTION CLINIC IN DURBAN. CLINIC ABORTION IN EMPANGENI. ABORTION CLINIC IN LADYSMITH. ABORTION CLINIC IN NEWCASTLE. ABORTION CLINIC IN PIETERMARITZBURG. ABORTION CLINIC IN PINETOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN ULUNDI. CLINIC ABORTION IN UMLAZI. ABORTION CLINIC IN PORT SHEPSTONE. ABORTION CLINIC IN DUNDEE. ABORTION CLINIC IN RICHARDS BAY. ABORTION CLINIC IN GIYANI. ABORTION CLINIC IN LEBOWAKGOMO. CLINIC ABORTION IN MUSINA. ABORTION CLINIC IN PHALABORWA. ABORTION CLINIC IN POLOKWANE. CLINIC ABORTION IN SESHEGO. ABORTION CLINIC IN SIBASA, ABORTION CLINIC IN THABAZIMBI. ABORTION CLINIC IN TZANEEN. ABORTION CLINIC IN THOHOYANDOU. ABORTION CLINIC IN MOKOPAN. ABORTION CLINIC IN BOCHUM. ABORTION CLINIC IN HOEDSPRUIT. ABORTION CLINIC IN BELA BELA. ABORTION CLINIC IN KLERKSDORP. ABORTION CLINIC IN MAFIKENG. ABORTION CLINIC IN MMABATHO. ABORTION CLINIC IN POTCHEFSTROOM. ABORTION CLINIC IN RUSTENBURG. ABORTION CLINIC IN BLOEMFONTEIN. ABORTION CLINIC IN BETHLEHEM. ABORTION CLINIC IN JAGERSFONTEIN. ABORTION CLINIC IN KROONSTAD. ABORTION CLINIC IN ODENDAALSRUS. ABORTION CLINIC IN PARYS. ABORTION CLINIC IN PHUTHADITJHABA. ABORTION CLINIC IN SASOLBURG. ABORTION CLINIC IN HARRISMITH. ABORTION CLINIC IN VIRGINIA. ABORTION CLINIC IN WELKOM. ABORTION CLINIC IN QWAQWA. ABORTION CLINIC IN EAST LONDON. ABORTION CLINIC IN PORT ELIZABETH. ABORTION CLINIC IN ALICE. ABORTION CLINIC IN GRAHAMSTOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN BUTTERWORTH. ABORTION CLINIC IN MTHATHA. ABORTION CLINIC IN QUEENSTOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN UIETENHAGE. ABORTION CLINIC IN ZWELITSHA. ABORTION CLINIC IN CAPE TOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN KIMBERLEY. ABORTION CLINIC IN KURUMAN. ABORTION CLINIC IN PORT NOLLOTH. ABORTION CLINIC IN SPRINGBOK. ABORTION CLINIC IN GAUTENG. ABORTION CLINIC IN MPUMALANGA. CLINIC ABORTION IN KWAZULU-NATAL. CLINIC ABORTION IN LIMPOPO. ABORTION CLINIC IN NORTHWEST. ABORTION CLINIC IN FREE STATE. ABORTION CLINIC IN EASTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN WESTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN NORTHERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN SOUTH AFRICA. ABORTION CLINIC IN QUEENSTOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN UIETENHAGE. ABORTION CLINIC IN ZWELITSHA. ABORTION CLINIC IN CAPE TOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN KIMBERLEY. ABORTION CLINIC IN KURUMAN. ABORTION CLINIC IN PORT NOLLOTH. ABORTION CLINIC IN SPRINGBOK. ABORTION CLINIC IN GAUTENG. ABORTION CLINIC IN MPUMALANGA. CLINIC ABORTION IN KWAZULU-NATAL. CLINIC ABORTION IN LIMPOPO. ABORTION CLINIC IN NORTHWEST. ABORTION CLINIC IN FREE STATE. ABORTION CLINIC IN EASTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN WESTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN NORTHERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN SOUTH AFRICA. ABORTION CLINIC IN QUEENSTOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN UIETENHAGE. ABORTION CLINIC IN ZWELITSHA. ABORTION CLINIC IN CAPE TOWN. ABORTION CLINIC IN KIMBERLEY. ABORTION CLINIC IN KURUMAN. ABORTION CLINIC IN PORT NOLLOTH. ABORTION CLINIC IN SPRINGBOK. ABORTION CLINIC IN GAUTENG. ABORTION CLINIC IN MPUMALANGA. CLINIC ABORTION IN KWAZULU-NATAL. CLINIC ABORTION IN LIMPOPO. ABORTION CLINIC IN NORTHWEST. ABORTION CLINIC IN FREE STATE. ABORTION CLINIC IN EASTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN WESTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN NORTHERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN SOUTH AFRICA. CLINIC ABORTION IN KWAZULU-NATAL. CLINIC ABORTION IN LIMPOPO. ABORTION CLINIC IN NORTHWEST. ABORTION CLINIC IN FREE STATE. ABORTION CLINIC IN EASTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN WESTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN NORTHERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN SOUTH AFRICA. CLINIC ABORTION IN KWAZULU-NATAL. CLINIC ABORTION IN LIMPOPO. ABORTION CLINIC IN NORTHWEST. ABORTION CLINIC IN FREE STATE. ABORTION CLINIC IN EASTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN WESTERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN NORTHERN CAPE. ABORTION CLINIC IN SOUTH AFRICA..Dr Format Women’s Abortion Clinic We Also Have Abortion Pills For Sale,  +27838792658   (Call Or What’s App) NB: Prices Is Negotiable. Abortion: (Termination of Pregnancy) Our Abortion Clinics are legalized With modern and well equipped primary health care facilities to provide you with a private environment where you can make the right decision because we believe that we are involved with sensitive issues and proud of our reputation. for being a medical clinic that treats each patient with distinctive care and respect. We specialize in medical Abortions whereby we use Clinically approved pills to terminate the pregnancy Same day, Pain free without any complications and our services carried out by qualified doctors who make sure everything works out properly and confidentially kept private to suit your need and budget. Our Abortion Prices are reasonable that even Students can afford Our Personal Guarantee Supportive, non- judgmental and confidential setting. We recognize how difficult and sensitive the issue of an unplanned pregnancy can be. Having worked in this field of health care for many years, this clinic was established with one important goal in mind – to make your experience one in which you feel calm, informed, dignified and safe. Being a boutique clinic we aim to make your visit very personalised and private, so you are treated one on one with our staff. We also sell and deliver abortion pills to all those who desire to undertake the termination process in the comfort of their home so as to maintain a high degree of discreetness in this issue of termination. Also those who are distant from our clinics can agitate for pills delivery because of inconvenience in getting hold of our offices. We sell the Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills which of course complement each other in order to complete a medical abortion. We do include antibiotics to clean the womb after the termination Call/ whatsApp (Dr Jose)  +27838792658   .. Also those who are distant from our clinics can agitate for pills delivery because of inconvenience in getting hold of our offices. We sell the Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills which of course complement each other in order to complete a medical abortion. We do include antibiotics to clean the womb after the termination Call/ whatsApp (Dr Jose)  +27838792658   .. Also those who are distant from our clinics can agitate for pills delivery because of inconvenience in getting hold of our offices. We sell the Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills which of course complement each other in order to complete a medical abortion. We do include antibiotics to clean the womb after the termination Call/ whatsApp (Dr Jose) +27838792658 ..</p>
    • Abortion Clinic in Randfontein +27838792658 Safe & same day Abortion Pills For Sale In Randfontein Kagiso Termination Pills In Randfontein Dr Jose Abortion Clinic In Kuwait City( +27838792658 )] Abortion Pills For Sale In Kuwait Salmiya CAAytotec Pills Available In Kuwait Dubai….. We use the most effective abortion pills that terminate pregnant from 1 week to 28th weeks. Quick Abortion Clinic Kuwait Qatar – Medical abortion procedure Qatar (RU486, Mifeprex, Mifegyne, Mifepristone, early options French abortion pill), Methotrexate and Cytotec (Misoprostol). The safety standards of 24 Hr Appointments, Booking and Deliveries Call Number – +27838792658 private abortion means avoiding the bureaucracy of NHS. It’s your choice to have a child. And only you can make that decision today NON-SURGICAL ABORTION – +27838792658(MEDICAL ABORTION) WHAT IS ABORTION PILLS The abortion pill should not be confused with the morning after pill as it is intended for use within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy whereas the morning after pill should only be used within 3 to 5 days after intercourse. The abortion pill, mifepristone and misoprostol, is an approved pregnancy termination method in South Africa and can only be prescribed by a medical doctor. How does an Abortion Pill work? Both abortion pills, mifepristone and misoprostol, are usually used in order to terminate a pregnancy. Mifepristone causes the embryo to detach from the uterus thereby cutting off essential nutrients and oxygen carried by the blood. Misoprostol is then taken two days later and triggers the evacuation of the embryo remnants through the vagina. This often appears as a heavy period. It is advisable that you consult with your medical practitioner for a further understanding of how the abortion pill works. Is the Abortion Pill safe? The abortion pill is usually safer than a medical abortion or surgical abortion but should only be considered in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Like any procedure, use of the abortion pill can result in complications but if used under the supervision of a medical doctor, the chances of complications are greatly reduced. Your doctor will be best suited to handle any complications should they arise. Dangers and Side Effects of the Abortion Pills Common side effects include abdominal pain, cramping, bleeding and spotting for up to 2 weeks after using the abortion pill. Other side effects that may occur include drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fatigue and fevers. Side effects may not occur in every case and if you are experiencing any symptoms that are persisting, you should consult with your medical doctor immediately. The abortion pill may cause a disturbance in your normal menstrual cycle in some users but usually there are no significant dangers associated with using the abortion pill. However using the abortion pill without the supervision of a medical practitioner or after 8 weeks of pregnancy can be dangerous. Uncontrollable bleeding, severe cramping and infections can arise without correct supervision and for this reason, you should never buy or use the abortion pill from illegal sources. Always consult with your doctor or a qualified staff at a family planning clinic before you commence with any abortion method. Medical Abortion pills can be Delivered to you Just Call Us to make a desired Delivery Counter or Door Call Us on: +27838792658 SAME DAY ABORTION, SAFE AND PAIN FREE NON-SURGICAL
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