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So, I was thinking lately about what I want to do when I'm older and all that stuff... and I realized that it needs a lot of work to achieve something great in your life.

So I sat down to start studying (finally) but I didn't a understand a thing... it all looked gibberish to me... So, I have to do a lot of private lessons to learn what I haven't

learned from school. There is a problem though... our financial aren't on their best right now so I can't pay teachers to teach me all those stuff.


What am I going to do then? It is really impossible to sit down and learn in 10-15 days what teachers where teaching us for 8 months...

Well, I came up with another solution... a little extreme but also mature. I was considering of repeating the class. No, my mother didn't tell me anything

nor my teachers... I just realize that the best solution may be this...


Anyways, I'm 17 and I have one last year till I give my final exams to go to a university. If I continue I won't know the basics and I'll have an extremely hard time

keeping up with the rest of the class. And If I fail the exams' I'll have to study for another year ALONE and take the same exams again. So, If you think about it

repeating the class is the best thing to do.


Well guys I really want your opinion... my family supports me on doing this but I really don't know if what I'm about to do is going to be the best for me.

I just don't want to keep wasting my life in stupid video games and a freaking computer. I need discipline if I'm actually going to do this but I'll do what I have to do.


Please I want serious answers and please do not flame me or anyone else... I want this thread alive for a couple of days so I can "hear" as many opinions as possible.


Ps:I want to become a doctor. :P

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this year you give exams for entering at university

or next year?



But Still... I'm having hard time now, one year before the exams... imagine how would it be ... 10x times worse if I keep up next year..

And I'm really taking this seriously..

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if you dont have $$

some schools make private lessons for free after normal school


at least in my school this exist, they make lessons at 16:00

ask for it at your school maybe it exist and you dont know :P



1year its a looooooooooooooooong time :P

you have time ;]



i give exams for entering at univeristy next year too




stop l2

stop maxcheaters.com :P


I repeat that I want to become a doctor, if that makes any difference...

Needs lots and lots of studying... But I'm willing to give up computers and other

activities to study and become one.

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Well if you are willing to do everything just dont repeat it and instead use the summer vacation for you to study you're not a kid most things that are written in the books aren't impossible to be learned you are a dumbass if you think a teacher can help you more then you can help yourself. You have books you have internet you have everything you need to learn what you think you've missed. But that's a question of will wanting to repeat just proves how much you suck at life and how lazy you are. You don't really want to sit down and learn what you have to instead you want some whores to teach you smth you can learn alone. A teacher is just a bitch / dumbass that's paid to tell you what's already written in your book and to test what you have learned nothing more nothing less. So imho don't repaet shit if you really have will to study you can just skip all those good things that may happen during your summer vacation and try to learn what you need to for becoming a proper doctor.


PS: You are a retard.



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Studying a lot of things in a small period of time will only make me more stressful and worsen the situation.

A friend of mine did what you are suggesting, he didn't pass where he wanted to pass and he is telling me that

the best thing to do is what I'm thinking of.

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no,never repeat the class. It's a time lost that it will never come back.

In my opinion, just do like Dream said, read books by yourself.

ahh and dunno if it would help you, but helped me a lot.

I never read the books just to copy it on my mind coz i have an exam tomorrow. I often learned more after exams when i saw my mistakes.

I always learned by writting what i was reading about. On this way i recognized things better, easier and longer.

Just read it, writte it and say it in your mind...


edit: better choose smth else xD for doctor will be very hard. Smth like economy would be good enough. or journalist. :P

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