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L2Mxc = Maxcheaters ! We are coming back!

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I wanna see how your clan gonna pwn me ;)


i dont wanna start a discussion about my clan but only this.


We played the server 2 weeks and we made 2-3 party vs clan party pvp and we owned. Btw, we will w8!

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failure comes when you believe that you going to be the best without anything behind your words...


Perfectly said. There is not even 1 single word about the backup, about the antibot protection , about WHO is that super secret developer.


Its a 7 page topic without any plan. All we hear is a guy saying he will make the best server ( after failing the first time ).


We really need simple answers:


1) Any of the old data saved ?


2) Who is that new developer ?


3) Will there be anti-bot protection when the sever goes up ?


4) Why do you believe it will be the best server ?

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We really need simple answers:


1) Any of the old data saved ?


2) Who is that new developer ?


3) Will there be anti-bot protection when the sever goes up ?


4) Why do you believe it will be the best server ?



2)Wait 2 more days

3)Wait 3 more days and you will find out.

4)Lots of players and mass PVP ?

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