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[Preview-News,PC]Warhammer Online


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nice to see someone playing it unfortunetly i missed beta :/but anyway could you talk something more about that? how is in your opinion pvp? and rest of features in this game... is it similiar to normal warhammer fantasy role play game? or is it totaly new mechanic?

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This game is a wow clone as far is the game coding goes. the difference is in the amount of character customization and the more grown up looking graphics. It will be teh perfect game for ppl who like WoW's setup but are bored and looking for something similar.


GL to all who check it out :D

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i have been following this game for some time, yes it does look like WoW but imo WoW just sucked it was far too easy and there wasnt alot to do once u reached lvl 60, now this game looks much better, i watched a recent dev video and it showed u a character taking things and placeing it on the armour (for orcs) which is a nice effect, i just hope the pvp side is good!

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well the best warhammer is "paper version" of rpg one and truely RPG when you sit with friends and simple play the stroy writted by MG have adventures with team, roll the dice and have fun :)

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ghegheghe im playing in rpg, ccg/tcg and battle  not only wfrp but also others lkie cp2020 call of chtulhu necromunda, chronopia, mtg , l5r for example and all in paper version :] its 11 years now from time when i start and comparing mmo to normal rpg is like compare piece of shit to piece of cake but game designers trying to create some good online based on normal rpg (like with warhammer or ddo) but result in most cases is poor when compared to original i hope that in future they have more succes in it

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