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[SHARE]Good Buffer for Gracia Final (Ct2.3)

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[glow=orange,2,300]Kalimeres k pali me mia nea dimiourgia pou pisteuo 8a sas aresei!! Ego tin xrisimopoiisa se l2j alla opos leo k pio kato me to post tou coyote 8a sas boi8ei  k gia l2jfree k alla!


25 Μαρτίου 2013 Updated Link


Opos leo k sto topic ekana mia buffer arketa xrisimi kata tin gnwmi m anyway edw einai oi fotos sas:



Photo 1: shot00000zr.png


Photo 2: width=1024 height=576http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/7431/shot00002uo.png[/img]

Elpizo na sas aresei prwsopika m aresei polu afou tin arxisa apto miden!

Ta credits fisika se mena ean kapios exei problima me tin buffer i den mporei na tin perasei as akolou8isei bima pros bima tis simboules tou coyote -->pata edw alliws m kanete 1 pm me foto tou tixon problimatos sas...


[glow=orange,2,300]Download Link:[/glow]



PS:Mesa sto rar uparxei 1 arxeio scripts.txt to opoio to pernate sto(gameserver/data/scripts.cfg)

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Gia CT2.4 epeidh den exo mpei ka8olou na pe3o asxoloume mono me g final auti ti stigmi den ginete :) opoios 8elei tin dokimazei k m leei


Thnx gia tis apopsis sas


EDIT: ama breis kati paromio edw pera m les alla einai olodiko m!!to testareis k m les

        k den exo ma8ei na klevo tis (douleies) ton allon giauto to ekana k share na to mirasto mazi sas dioti a3ize o kopos m pisteuo anyway

        kalimeres :)

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Wreos pwned me ekanes k gelasa :P ligo na pe3eis me ta xrwmata dn einai k kana 8ema alla olo ta idia blepeis giauto dimiourgiste ligo :P

spermolampis to npc ontws einai polu wreo k na to deis k ti kanei gt kati kanei alla den perigrafete apo edw :P

dragongr euxaristw erxete k gk sintoma xwris bareta c/p signwmi gia tis ka8isterimenes apantiseis sta post fteei i koloduleia :P


kai pali kalimeres

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steile mou to error!!!

EDIT: perase to sql xirokinita den einai tpt!

EDIT2: mporei na s bgazei error dioti profanos 8a exeis to idio id i 8a to xrisimopoieis!

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Παιδιά έλεος σας λέει ότι είναι για L2j k πάτε να το χρησιμοποιήσετε σε L2j-free χωρίς

edit?Τεσπα μιάς και έκανα format και έχασα τον παλιό μου buffer, θα εμπιστευτώ τον δικό σου...

Με λίγα modifs είναι κούκλα! :P

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