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[Share] Lineage 2 Potion User 2.2, 2.5, 2.51, 2.6


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Simple program for using HP/MP/CP potions.

Program is undetectable and free.


Program reading all needed data from screen. And because of that in-game char status window need to be in left top corner.




Project page & download link:




2.2 - Interlude version

2.5 - Helbound version, tested long time ago on Dex, shoud work for Gracia too..

2.51 - Helbound version with some changes to make program work for some ppl, and on some systems like Windows 7

2.6 - Interlude, Helbound (added more options to ini file, changed few small things (read comments in ini file), added debug info)

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good program but some times, it pressing Alt key by herself if u can fix will be nice


Pressing Alt key when you using 2,3th shortcut bar. To fix it need to change a keys in game for change a tabs, or usng 2, 3th bar shortcuts, or inject some code into game what will hook void UNetworkHandler::RequestShortCutUse(class L2ParamStack &) function and use it when it's needed, but no point to do that ...

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i hope u make a version for epilogue  :P


This version works on epilogue, tested 3 days ago, if don't work for you user 2.51 version, if this don't work too, send me a screens from game.



- Update: Lineage 2 Supporter to work on helbound, gracia (Player stats for begin, but supporter have a hell better keyboard control system)

- Find & Share: a uncrypted version of ClockMod - custom clientside files modyfication what alow some things like shorted commands, see true wall, etc... L2 Supporter have build in function to use that shorter commands...

- Find & Test & Update & Share: ClockMan Lineage 2 Remote Control - a tool used on BFDe to remote control of chars using a ingame chat: commands writen on chat like: #RT /target %target forces all players in party what have a tool to target my target.

- Create a PHP admin panel, and update and share a RaidBoss Death time page: sample: http://advertis.ovh.org/rb.php (PS: Anyone wanna make some admin panel for this ?:P Add/Remove/Edit/List RB's, Groups, Users)

- Update/Fix L2TowerWalker to work for Gracia as a data source for Lineage 2 Supporter


WTB Time :P

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Does 2.51 work on Interlude too? Just wondering, since 2.2 does not have a Mana Potion option.


Good question.

1. If you replace option.ini to those from 2.2 (colors setings) it shoud work with 2.50 or 2.51 version (the only difrence wwith 2.5 and 2.51 is that 2.51 allows colors to be RGB(R+-3, G+-3, B+-3))

2. You can use MP elixir slot

3. For interlude i recomended you to use a Lineage 2 Supporter 3.1 - It have a hell better features and its more tested...

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Good question.

1. If you replace option.ini to those from 2.2 (colors setings) it shoud work with 2.50 or 2.51 version (the only difrence wwith 2.5 and 2.51 is that 2.51 allows colors to be RGB(R+-3, G+-3, B+-3))

2. You can use MP elixir slot

3. For interlude i recomended you to use a Lineage 2 Supporter 3.1 - It have a hell better features and its more tested...


Just noticed you made another program called Lineage 2 Supporter. It has the Mana Potion option and many other features. Seriously, nice shares. I'm impressed. Hope you keep up the good work.



Senophoe aka Irrelevant.

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hi clock thx for ur time, can u write a little how to for this program? it's userfriendly but maybe i miss something ex: if the program work

if the game is in window mode, if the program must be started before login ecc.

because on my server don't work

edit: epilogue server



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You doing it in right way, maybe you can try move ingame status window in right left and see if it wont start if not hen send me screens in a bmp from game with difrent values of hp/cpmp (nead read all posible colors). On some systems, game versions the colors are difrent.

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You doing it in right way, maybe you can try move ingame status window in right left and see if it wont start if not hen send me screens in a bmp from game with difrent values of hp/cpmp (nead read all posible colors). On some systems, game versions the colors are difrent.


and you seem to be doing it the wrong way lol. Why wouldnt you take this values from memory? or... packets i suppose would of been a better way than this.. oO just an idea, i suppose youd already make it if you could.

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and you seem to be doing it the wrong way lol. Why wouldnt you take this values from memory? or... packets i suppose would of been a better way than this.. oO just an idea, i suppose youd already make it if you could.


Why ?


Memory - easy to protect agains memory hooks, and detect when you reading from it, diffrent adress in memory in every version of l2, and on every system. Too many variables. I tested it and its a shity way.


Packets - now any good anti-bot can detect when you hook recv function or ingame function. All because of l2walker, packets changes in every chronicle a bit + lot of work to decrypt protocol...


Inject DLL & Hook network events - Im working on it, but in gracia epilogue ncsoft changed about of 80% of api, and new changes comes in every next chronicle. Need to work agan, easy to protect agains some of those hooks. Antibots dont doing it now but they will start checking for hooks on OnUser, OnHPUdate.. when they realize that they can be easly used.


So only reading from screen left:

+ No easy way to detect it, you can making screenshot and it will work in same way.

+ No big changes in interface in chronicles

+ Works for 95% of users

+ Don't integrate with game, you can restart program when you want or just turn it off.

+ Don't depend on server

- Not always accurate results

- Low count of features



I used this program on BFDe, Dex, Celes and trust me, there is no prefect method. If you want full bot go for L2Net, L2Walker. I'm always open for new ideas...

In short: Don't like ? Don't use

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