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[Share] CTF Add-ons - Base Teleport/Flag Hold Timer/and more

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I'm not sure if this is out there yet but I decided to do it anyway.


These add-ons include:

- Base Teleport Option

- Flag Hold Timer

- Flag Runner Scores at end of game


Base Teleport Option:

This option allows the admin to define a specific set of coordinates for each team to have a "Base". If this is set-up correctly, the players will teleport to their bases first, then teleport into the fight.

- Note: The Base coordinates should be in a remote location or blocked off from entering the fight/event area.


Flag Hold Timer:

This allows the admin to define a set time limit for players to hold the flag. If the time limit is reached for the players duration of holding the flag, the flag will be returned.

- Note: Time is in seconds. This feature is not define in the config, but feel free to apply it yourself.


Flag Runner Scores:

At the end of the match, this will display how many flag captures accomplished by each individual player (who managed to capture a flag) according to their team.

I've also added a display of current team scores every time a score is made.

- Note: These features are not define in the config, but feel free to apply them yourself.


This has been tested live; however, I'm sure their are still bugs, so please do report any that are encountered.


Ps. You will probably need to apply the patch manually.


I hope you enjoy,

moooo (mackry)


*PS: I go by moooo/mackry if you see this elsewhere and are wondering about credits.


[table][tr][td]Download[/td][td]v1.1 Link updated 3/20/11[/td][/tr][/table]


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  • 1 month later...

thx for this addon i' need bless scroll of escape not can use in pvp mode or combat flag u.u


Add special check in SOE item handler.

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