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Nice update :DDD Delete a donater status.... VIP have a lot of privilegions and now you add more :D Why I bought a donater status,  for nothing? This privilegion say that ( Donaters rebought Status to VIP :D)


Moderator , VIP , Gold Members etc, set a VIP only then you can go cry with yours payment Donater status...


70% VIP mermbers and moderators , share best things and now they set only VIP "COOL".

Not useful donater status...


Nice update :DDD Delete a donater status.... VIP have a lot of privilegions and now you add more :D Why I bought a donater status,  for nothing? This privilegion say that ( Donaters rebought Status to VIP :D)


Moderator , VIP , Gold Members etc, set a VIP only then you can go cry with yours payment Donater status...


70% VIP mermbers and moderators , share best things and now they set only VIP "COOL".

Not useful donater status...


Well, you still can view hidden areas, view profiles or check posts that require a big postcount.


But still, if you need more "privilegions" you can donate to make your account a VIP one..


View profile I don't do this never. Big post count 30% members now (Donaters Shares Very rarely,only normal members) , another part VIP , moderators , gold members, etc....


My decision to remove donate status, drop money for little Priv, or make only donaters only vip ( degrees-being and then vip members?)


Now realy all people buy it a VIP status, what we do with Donater status?:D


View profile I don't do this never. Big post count 30% members now (Donaters Shares Very rarely,only normal members) , another part VIP , moderators , gold members, etc....


My decision to remove donate status, drop money for little Priv, or make only donaters only vip ( degrees-being and then vip members?)


Now realy all people buy it a VIP status, what we do with Donater status?:D


u can give maxtor 10e more and he'll upgrade u to VIP


JuStAGaMe I speak about another things, why I need pay 2 times, This new privilege change 120 degree a donater status opportunities.


That sucks!


Forum became a thing that you must pay to see...


Whats the reason of new users post usefull things and gather posts?


There isn't a reason!






omg it is s*ck cause everyone use hide tag when publicate exploits or bots :/


and i payed for this : Have access to all hidden topics and posts


i tought its include any hidden stuff in the page :(


lol'd at this fail update. i have to remember that if i donated my donor status it told u that u can see EVERY hidden post on that forum. but now since money makes gear maxtor gotta create more new methods to make his players believe it would be worth to donate more and more on that random LOL-forum. well im not gonna pay even 1 cent more for that sh*t.

But maxtor...




























































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