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Well as you read the old content of the topic you know a bit whats happening here.


This is a small GUI (Graphical User Interface) that show statics about the server and runs in its own thread.

It can be adapted to any pack and client version, with out any problems.

On its close it wont interfere with the server, the gui's thread will die and any other component(such as TrayIcon).


Screen Shots: Fount Here

Source code: Fount Here


Well i got an idea after this topic: [share]Online player(s) in gs, to make for server statics, it starts when server finishes loading and it works on any os (with a user interface), you will be able to minimize it in ur task bar or dispose of it and ofc refresh it :)


Heres a preview of it:



Ofc that's only a demo it will contain even more features!

ETA will be till 17 march.









The GUI looks like a win 98 program D: make it moar sexeh and i'll give ya a cookie =^D

Ty for the grammar.. and its my current systems UI so... thats why it looks like that :P


if we got nervous system in our heads Seth got Intel Dual Core Duo 2.

Every day working, working, working. God, he's a machine.


use SDP to make it able on admin pc, on server machine will result in +1 thread trying to get a core

Session Description Protocol?


I could make it use telnet


socket direct protocol

i see well thanks for the idea ima use it :)

At first i was thinking of making it like part of the gs but your idea sounds sexyer XD

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