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Best Developer in MxC[2010]


Best Developer in MxC  

  1. 1. Best Developer in MxC

    • Ovenus
    • Intrepid
    • ◦Cobra◦
    • Serk
    • Versus
    • KяaSh™
    • Coyote™
    • b1gboss
    • Horus
    • dariofight
    • skylancer
    • Setekh
    • down
    • wizzy
    • DrHouse__

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See people? He can code them. What can you do? Just judge?


Didn't see anything special yet.. All i see is that he used my Tutorial Packets


Asking for Helpers makes you an arrogant ass that thinks he's the best?

No but i hate fakers that get codes form other places and claims its there fix and ppl actually eat it all!

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Didn't see anything special yet.. All i see is that he used my Tutorial Packets

No but i hate fakers that get codes form other places and claims its there fix and ppl actually eat it all!


why you just say and you dont test anything? :S

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my point proved...

His using an archid old one even has problems with cloneable instances >.>

And i bet if i take a look at the source-code oly is a cp of the adapted kamael one >.>

Anyway good luck. I got better things to do.. And you and your friend will see the new l2mafia and then ull be the judge :)

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omg you dont test anything? and you have right? omfggggggg you mind is real sux!



and How did you understand that?>

Not as bad as ur english..

And ofc im right u peed urself from the start telling me u did party matching in 3 days. Thats boggus i can analyze a code in 1h max. And the assemble of a simple array with some booleans took you this long u have a serious problem or u just copyd L2JTw and told me it took u 3 days XD

I did my tests and i don't need to join a oly to realize what it can do and so on its like an active basic event :)

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