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I'll check it later.Maybe it's gonna help me if not i will format it and end here.

The problem is that my keyboard is -beep-ed up and when i try to boot from cd and i press spacebar it doesn't work.

i have to my neighbors' keyboard...

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Sometimes continuously restarting was due to capacitators leakage on motherboard (the biggest ones), but that would be short after powered on (up to 10 min), because of non-stable voltage output ;).

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It does it continuously, or once in a while ?

If it's the first, you probably got a virus/hardware problem.

If it's the second, you've got some software that's causing your operating system to crash (blue screen) and you probably haven't set the right options to show the BSOD instead of restarting, go check C:\Windows\minidump, if there are any dump files in there, post them here, they need to be debugged to find the root of the problem.

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download burnintest and check it. I'm sure is overheating.


from what i read it look like your problem is: overheating, your proccessor need paste or your proccessor in ending up.

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It does it continuously, or once in a while ?

If it's the first, you probably got a virus/hardware problem.

If it's the second, you've got some software that's causing your operating system to crash (blue screen) and you probably haven't set the right options to show the BSOD instead of restarting, go check C:\Windows\minidump, if there are any dump files in there, post them here, they need to be debugged to find the root of the problem.

it did it twice yesterday.i will check it again today

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[Gr] akou Ventic ixa pa8i to idio kai dn ema8a pote pos sinevi alla pistevw pos einai apo hack malon m kanan kati san crash to pc dokimase mia na kaneis rollback to pc sou kai an dn doulepsei ti na sou pw backup format and start apo tn arxh :/

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fsss.it happened again today.while i was watching tv,pc restared alone.

-beep-.Maybe i have to format it.

in you have already open your Pc before, open it once now and check the paste at your processor. when paste is consumed a lot it give auto rr due to overheating. btw your processor is AMD or Intel??

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in you have already open your Pc before, open it once now and check the paste at your processor. when paste is consumed a lot it give auto rr due to overheating. btw your processor is AMD or Intel??

it uses 1069/3306 commit.and i'm using intel processor.

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