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[BUG] L2 Fam1ly 5000x FREE WEAPON BUG

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Hi I found this bug to get FREE DUSK WEAPONS or at least EASILY to get 100 DUSK WEAPONS fast! Dusk weapons are top...

So, if you play this server you know each Dusk Weapon cost 1 Ketra-General badge

So, here is the bug...


1: Go to VARKA

2: Talk to the first NPC u see (Naran Ashnak) or w/e his name is

3: Choose "Quest"

4: Take the Alliance with Varka quest

5: Go to Ketra and collect the 100 badges, than go back to Varka and give the NPC the items

6: Take the 2nd part of quest, and collect 200 soldier badges (2-5 per mob) and 100 Captain badges (5 per mob)

7: Go back to Varka and give the NPC the items

8: Talk to the NPC again, and ask for quest, he tells u to get 300 soldier badge, 200 captain badge, and 100 GENERAL BADGE

9: Go to Ketra and kill Ketra General, Ketra Prophet groups. Ketra Grand Seer for General badges (6 per mob)

10: Collect 100, than go back to town and buy top weapons and enchant them or sell them :)



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