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The idea for a new server has been born.

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What the f... you are??Hes Lawyer??Shut up!


I am whoever i want you 10 yo kid. We are full of little kids in here god damn it. Too bad you ain't greek so i can flame you in greek, because flaming in english sucks.

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one idea stolen from another private server:


instead of add pvp zone in primeval beach or places ppl uses to farm (yes some ppl needs to farm and dont want pvp)..


make pvp zone in a place such as Hunters Village, where no one ever goes...you can block one of the houses doors and add npc buffers inside, so as the respawn point when back to town, and several spots to teleport through the village and go for pvps


this way only ppl who is looking for pvps goes to hunters


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Bored of new new new new new servers .. same S*** different name and GM`s.... servers full of lag and 12 palyers ..just GOOGLE LINEAGE SERVERS ... and i think you will have many many manyyyyy options ... and many of them ar like 12 players ..is not so simple to have a server maybe to make it is simple ... but never to make a fun server and with 200 players :) and to have a goooodddd provider  and that`s very expensive .. so why you born stupid shit ?


Good luck any way :)

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one idea stolen from another private server:


instead of add pvp zone in primeval beach or places ppl uses to farm (yes some ppl needs to farm and dont want pvp)..


make pvp zone in a place such as Hunters Village, where no one ever goes...you can block one of the houses doors and add npc buffers inside, so as the respawn point when back to town, and several spots to teleport through the village and go for pvps


this way only ppl who is looking for pvps goes to hunters


I was looking to do smth like that.L2 Gold style huh?


Bored of new new new new new servers .. same S*** different name and GM`s.... servers full of lag and 12 palyers ..just GOOGLE LINEAGE SERVERS ... and i think you will have many many manyyyyy options ... and many of them ar like 12 players ..is not so simple to have a server maybe to make it is simple ... but never to make a fun server and with 200 players :) and to have a goooodddd provider  and that`s very expensive .. so why you born stupid shit ?


Good luck any way :)

I don't think we will lag with a 8GB Ram(just for start) and 100mbps(maybe 1000) connection.Won't tell the rest of the hoster features now.

I will provide you a link in some days!

I will give at least 60 euros per month.Dunno about ya but that's not an amount of money I can't afford paying monthly.

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I was looking to do smth like that.L2 Gold style huh?


actually it was from MML2...the server had pretty cool ideas, but it was full of corruption and donators, and worst...one ally dominating the whole server, the ally where GM was playing  :(


one more thing id like to suggest:


make clan hall payment expansive , compatible to ur server adena rates...this way, non-active clans will lose the clan halls if they dont put money enough in the WH, because 2.147.483.647 adenas will never end at the normal rent tax...and ppl who comes later to the server will never have the chance to get a clan hall for their clans...


i tell you that cuz i put that ammount of adenas in my clan wh and i quit the server, so did the whole clan...1 year and a half i came back and i was still the owner of Giran Clan Hall lol, the one near the gatekeeper


***the guy above is right, make server isnt so simple...for the first weeks its gonna be an empty server, with few players, and it will be hard to keep those if more wont come fast

also there are thousands of private servers that are new and die very fast..making ppl who put some effort on them lose all their works..


***thats why sometimes, i prefer to go to a private server that is recognized by the players and donate for some gear, but just to be on par with the players..this way i have fun and i keep my gear for a long time...thats what im gonna do when i finish studying and get back to Lineage 2>> find a good server and donate for some gear, cuz its much better donate than go to a server, farm for months and then the server gets closed cuz they run out of money to keep it alive




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actually it was from MML2...the server had pretty cool ideas, but it was full of corruption and donators, and worst...one ally dominating the whole server, the ally where GM was playing  :(


one more thing id like to suggest:


make clan hall payment expansive , compatible to ur server adena rates...this way, non-active clans will lose the clan halls if they dont put money enough in the WH, because 2.147.483.647 adenas will never end at the normal rent tax...and ppl who comes later to the server will never have the chance to get a clan hall for their clans...


i tell you that cuz i put that ammount of adenas in my clan wh and i quit the server, so did the whole clan...1 year and a half i came back and i was still the owner of Giran Clan Hall lol, the one near the gatekeeper



actually , the castles have the main role and not the clan halls but

good idea through.

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yes but the money stays in the clan hall warehouse and forever, would take ages to finish at the normal rent tax...thats why you see servers empty of players without clan halls available...


they put 2.147.483.647 adenas in the CWH and they become owners of the CH forever...and guess what happens when new clans comes to join a server like that?


they see there's no ppl and no clan halls for them, and its one more reason for them to not stay...

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yes but the money stays in the clan hall warehouse and forever, would take ages to finish at the normal rent tax...thats why you see servers empty of players without clan halls available...


they put 2.147.483.647 adenas in the CWH and they become owners of the CH forever...and guess what happens when new clans comes to join a server like that?


they see there's no ppl and no clan halls for them, and its one more reason for them to not stay...

Clan hall will have a special role in the server so I really appreciate your advice :P

Pm me with your msn please.

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There are Siege Clan Halls, too. If you can get them fuction properly, people are actually gonna try getting them, if they can't find one in town. Imo, they are better than normal ones, since they can provide you S grade elixir recs. Nevertheless, they can be conquered by another clan. :)

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There are Siege Clan Halls, too. If you can get them fuction properly, people are actually gonna try getting them, if they can't find one in town. Imo, they are better than normal ones, since they can provide you S grade elixir recs. Nevertheless, they can be conquered by another clan. :)

Haven't heard of that really.It was some time since I played l2 for last time and once I started back I think I have missed some features.

Gonna talk with Intrepid :P

BTW,what happened to the other account?

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Haven't heard of that really.It was some time since I played l2 for last time and once I started back I think I have missed some features.

Gonna talk with Intrepid :P

BTW,what happened to the other account?


That feature existed in Interlude also :P


btw dunno.. Maxtor renamed my acc :o

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