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[help]different exchange system .. like in l2eurWor..



Hello i would like to now how can i make my exchange shop in different why.. for example lets take l2euroworld server they have mantra manager  and there is one option  refining  and i would now how can i make that option like if i have in my inventory  some item like   saint spear or  arcana mace  then its  only offer some  things like add the  sa or something else oke here are some  screen for explain ..


There is no item in my inventory for offer..


in my inventory i have this necklace..

width=1024 height=558http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/4773/shot00000x.png[/img]


have some idea how i can make it working ?



translate by google..


Hello. I want to create a special multisell system through which it would be possible to improve the weapons or armor. This system have noticed l2euroworld server it is working here as follows: Example: if your bag is stationary shell or a weapon that is capable of improving the multi-store sell icon appears and it is possible improve this weapon, but if your bag does not have any items which are likely to improve the multi-store sell Icon does not appear ..

So if my bag has a weapon with the opportunity to improve multisell icon shows But if I nau multisell not show a weapon of any icon ..

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In multisell you must add:

           <ingredient id="ITEM ID" count="COUNT" />
           <production id="ARMOR UP" count="1" />
           <production id="ARMOR DOWN" count="1" />
           <production id="ARMOR HELM" count="1" />
           <production id="ARMOR GLOVES" count="1" />
           <production id="ARMOR BOOTS" count="1" />


Change them to your IDs/count

save,exit and reload ;D

Have fun

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In multisell you must add:

           <ingredient id="ITEM ID" count="COUNT" />
           <production id="ARMOR UP" count="1" />
           <production id="ARMOR DOWN" count="1" />
           <production id="ARMOR HELM" count="1" />
           <production id="ARMOR GLOVES" count="1" />
           <production id="ARMOR BOOTS" count="1" />


Change them to your IDs/count

save,exit and reload ;D

Have fun

i dont think that he means that.

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huh how to explain better .. oke i want to make the system to upgrade the items .. for example standart item is 0% if i go to the multi sell and i have like ring of baium 0% in the multi sell shop its offer me to upgrade the wapon to 5%  but if u dont have that ring in your inventory or with you the icon in the multi sell  shop don't show ..  it's like in thous pictures in 1.st picture in my inventory i dont have the necklace  but in 2. picture i have the necklace with me in my inventory and it's offer me some option what i can do with that necklace..


if inventory  = necklace show Icon..


if invetory don't have necklace don't show Icon..


soory for my bad English  realy... ;(

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huh how to explain better .. oke i want to make the system to upgrade the items .. for example standart item is 0% if i go to the multi sell and i have like ring of baium 0% in the multi sell shop its offer me to upgrade the wapon to 5%  but if u dont have that ring in your inventory or with you the icon in the multi sell  shop don't show ..  it's like in thous pictures in 1.st picture in my inventory i dont have the necklace  but in 2. picture i have the necklace with me in my inventory and it's offer me some option what i can do with that necklace..

i cant understand a word from what are u saying ;/ try a translator dude.


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google translate soory if u still dont understand .. ;((



Hello. I want to create a special multisell system through which it would be possible to improve the weapons or armor. This system have noticed l2euroworld server it is working here as follows: Example: if your bag is stationary shell or a weapon that is capable of improving the multi-store sell icon appears and it is possible improve this weapon, but if your bag does not have any items which are likely to improve the multi-store sell Icon does not appear ..

So if my bag has a weapon with the opportunity to improve multisell icon shows But if I nau multisell not show a weapon of any icon ..

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i think i understand, you want a shop, that will give to the items that you have in your inventory 5% on every stat that they give, by a special product to pay. am i right?

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