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[Guide]Creating your own L2j Project.

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Well, after the creation of this topic there are two possible things that may happen:

[*] People that really want to learn and work hard will create nice projects.

[*] More wannabies will spam the boards with useless projects.


I will risk it though!



Today we will talk about creating your own L2java Project. Since some users asked for it, let's make a topic. Please note that creating an l2j project is a risk.

Most projects soon die, and there are many possible reasons:

* Not enough knowledge.

* Not enough time.

* 0 stability.

* Wrong Chronicle (for example Interlude).


If you are still willing to create your own project, keep reading the guide.


Part 1: Choosing the trac and subversion hosting.


Most people prefer to use assembla, in order to create and host their own project. I would suggest Xp-Dev though! But since most users will use assembla (and I'm sure about that, since they find it easier), I will talk about assembla.


Step 1

Create your own account. Visit the site www.assembla.com and press on "Register".

Once you press on the Registeration button, you will see a page where you have to put infos.

You don't have to write everything, just add your infos here (only).




Step 2

Once you are done with the registeration, you have to go to your start page.

To do so, click here:



Afterwards, take a look at "My spaces" and then Choose the option "Manage spaces", as shown in the picture:



The last thing you gotta do is to press on the "Create a new space" option, in order to create a new space for your project.

width=1024 height=153http://i47.tinypic.com/29v1hkk.png[/img]



Step 3

Now you gotta listen (actually read) carefully.

You must choose the kind of space that you need.

The main that you'll need for a L2j Project is the "Trac and Subversion Hosting".



Now you may see that you need to pay for such a space.

You don't need to worry though! It's free if you choose the "Free Public Plan" option.



The only thing left to do is to set a name for your project and the url (It's better to use the same name and URL). You don't need a picture for this, it's your own decision!



Step 4

Once you are done with this, you can easily see your timeline and SVN by pressing at "Subversion & Trac".



Then you will see the links for your Trac and your SVN!

As you may have realised, you are almost done with your project!



Part 2: Importing the files.



Step 1

Well, now you are done with assembla stuff.

The thing you gotta do next is to download Tortoise SVN (If you don't have it already).

The link to download it is here: http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads


Once you install it, you have to restart your computer.

The next thing will be to get your source files.

You must first choose the source files you'll use (L2Emu, L2j, L2jFree, etc.)


Let's pick Gracia Final L2j.

We first create a folder named trunk in our desktop.

Then press right click and choose the option TortoiseSVN -> Export.



On the first box you have to add the svn link of your files. In this case it will be:


& http://www.l2jserver.com/svn/branches/L2_GameServer_T2.3/


NOTE: You have to do it two times, since you can't add two links to export in once!



Step 2

Once you get the files at your trunk folder, you will have to import them at your project's svn.

We will use TortoiseSVN again!

But this time we will use the "Import" option and we will import our files to our personal SVN!

(You can see your SVN at your assembla space).




Part 3: Working on the Project.



Step 1

When the whole procedure is finished, you can do anything you want.

What do I mean? Well, you first have to compile your own Files' source.

You all know how to compile, don't you?

Well, if not, learn how ~> here


Then, you can edit your files in the way you want, and then commit your changes!

Every commit gives you plus one revision number, and you can see each commit at your timeline!

For example, you edit the file L2PcInstance and then commit it by right clicking on it, like this:




Part 4: (Optional) Ohloh.


Thanks B1ggBoss for the idea.

Now, just for fun and to advertise your project, you can use ohloh.


Step 1

First visit http://www.ohloh.net/, and then press on "Register", as shown in the picture.



You must use your real e-mail, because you will need to activate your account.



Step 2

Once you register, you will be able to see your main page.

But in order to advertise your project, you will have to register it.

How? First visit this link: https://www.ohloh.net/p/new

Register your project, and once everything is done you can see its starting page!


You can now edit it and change whatever you don't like!



Step 3 - Optional


Now let's see how to give a kudo as a reward to a user.

Let's take B1ggBoss for example.

You first have to search for people.

It's easy.

Just click on the "People" option and insert the contributor's name, as shown in the picture.



You can now see his page.



If you "explore" it a bit you can find many useful infos.

Let's continue with the kudos part though.

Now that you found the user, it is easy.

Just search for the kudos part at his profile, and choose the option "Give Kudo!".

Take a look:



And tadam, you gave a kudo!

You can do the same for your L2jProject's Team Members!

Have fun guys!




Here is a video created by Godofaden.

It shows the same things, although god uses eclipse for all the imports/exports, instead of tortoiseSVN.

You can choose what you like more.



Thanks to jossoo for the upload.



That's all folks!

I hope I helped you a bit with this thing.

I also hope that you will use your new skills wisely, instead of making stupid failed projects.


Best Regards,


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Well explained, but...more guides like this = more lol "projects" If someone dont have proper "knownledge" to create new account for example on assebla..I'm sure his knownledge about L2J is less than 0...

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Well explained, but...more guides like this = more lol "projects" If someone dont have proper "knownledge" to create new account for example on assebla..I'm sure his knownledge about L2J is less than 0...


yeah you're right about this, but I just hope that they'll use it for learning purposes..

Who knows..

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nice guide dude ;]

but i have Godofaden's video downloaded :>

btw thank you !

keep posting ^_^



Well, thanks..

Btw godofaden deleted his videos, soo.. ;x

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i have downloaded them Download Helper ftw :>


Then you are just lucky xD

I think, though, that God used eclipse for exports/imports, right?

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Well , creating your own project it's just few mins.Nothing difficult.


Good job coyote , it will help the newbies.


Apithanos , what about uploading this video ? With a video , newbie users will understand better what to do exactly.So , upload it if you can.

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Well , creating your own project it's just few mins.Nothing difficult.


Good job coyote , it will help the newbies.


Apithanos , what about uploading this video ? With a video , newbie users will understand better what to do exactly.So , upload it if you can.


They will actually get confused =/

Godofaden's video doesn't use tortoisesvn :X


So I will just ask if anyone can create the vid (since my last try on videos creating was a failure xD).

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Apithanos , what about uploading this video ? With a video , newbie users will understand better what to do exactly.So , upload it if you can.

i can i will upload it.

wait dude. i will pm to Coyote to add it here ;]

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i have them too...but i dont know how to upload...







If you upload them , pm coyote to add them in the first post.

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