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Femeia Internet :P



Femeia INTERNET: O femeie pe care o poti accesa greu.

Femeia SERVER: Femeia care este tot timpul ocupata.

Femeia POWERPOINT: Numai Bill Gates vrea sa o foloseasca mai mult de 30 de minute.

Femeia WORD: Are de fiecare data o supriza pentru tine si nimeni din lume nu o cunoaste in totalitate.

Femeia EXCEL: Se spune ca poate sa faca o gramada de lucruri, dar o folosesti doar la chestii simple.

Femeia D.O.S.: Oricine a avut-o pe vremuri si nimeni n-o mai vrea.

Femeia BACKUP:Crezi ca are mereu ceea ce iti trebuie, dar cand vine ora X vezi ca mereu a avut cate ceva lipsa din ceea ce iti trebuia.

Femeia VIRUS: Cunoscuta si ca "sotie". Cand nu te astepti te trezesti cu ea pe cap, se instaleaza singura si mananca toate resursele. Daca vrei sa o dezinstalezi o sa pierzi unele chestii, daca nu incerci o sa pierzi totul.

Femeia SCAN DISK: Tu stii ca e buna si ca vrea sa te ajute, dar niciodata nu stii cu adevarat ce face ca sa te ajute.

Femeia SCREEN SAVER: Nu e buna la nimic, dar macar este distractiva.

Femeia RAM: Uita mereu tot ce ai spus dupa ce o deconectezi.

Femeia HARD DISK: Memoreaza totul pentru totdeauna.

Femeia MULTIMEDIA: Face lucrurile urate sa para frumoase.

Femeia MICROSOFT: Vrea sa fie stapana peste toti barbatii care ii intalneste si incearca sa ii convinga pe toti ca ea este cel mai bun lucru pentru ei. Va face orice ca sa te certi cu alte femei si spune ca vei avea tot ce iti doresti daca ii dai agenda. Va veni o zi in care o sa ii ceri voie sa deschizi frigiderul.

Femeia PASSWORD:Crezi ca numai tu o cunosti, dar in realitate o stie toata lumea.

Femeia MP3: Toti vor sa o ia.

Femeia USER: Strica tot ce face si mereu vrea mai mult decat ii trebuie.

Femeia MONITOR: Iti face viata sa fie mai stralucitoare.

Femeia CD-ROM: e mereu mai rapida si mai rapida.

Femeia DATA WARE HOUSING: Te tine la curent cu orice se intampla exceptand ceea ce te intereseaza cel mai tare.

Femeia E-MAIL: Din 10 lucruri care le zice 8 sunt tampenii.


Nu le acceptam scuzele, ni se rupe de ei

Ca nu facem muzica cu gandu la lei

Si nu le acceptam parerea, nimic nu ne leaga

N-au trait ca no sa poata sa ne inteleaga

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    • This package is based of aCis 408/409 and has been prefilled with server & client modifications for your convenience. A detailed list of the features (including images/videos) in this package can be found in the L2DEV Discord. You can download the entire package here.   What this Package DOES include: Prerequisite Install Files (MySQL, JDK21) Server (Compiled) + Patch Files Popular server-side Java Mods What mods are currently installed: Custom Community Board Character Preferences Menu Daily & Weekly Quests Balance System Events Engine Visual System (aka DressMe) Achievements System Retail Interface with Teleport Menu Player Startup Guide Agathion Support Autofarm System Castle / Hall Siege Manager Daily Login Rewards NPC & Item Search Dungeon System Class & Subclass Master Preset & Scheme Buffer Market Board System Ranking / Leaderboard System PCBangPoints System 4 Custom Maps (Hellbound, Fantasy Isle, Kamael Island & Crystal Island) Updated WorldMap/Minimap to support custom zones What this Package DOES NOT include: EmuDevs Armor Files EmuDevs Weapon Files EmuDevs Skin Files EmuDevs Cloak Files EmuDevs Skill Files EmuDevs Enemies/Raid Bosses EmuDevs Essence Interface Source Code To properly setup this package you will need to: Install the prerequisite files Import the database backup Register a gameserver/hexid using the tools provided in the GameServer folder Notes: The default database scheme name is "emudevs" Agathion support has been added but you will need to add your own Agathion NPC's to your patch. Bugs should be reported in L2DEV or EmuDevs discord. Most mods can be configured via the XML files Most HTML's can be edited via the HTML files  
    • Hello, I am working with the IL Classic files, and I would like to make it so that when someone grabs the zariche or akamanah, they transform into the monster.... I remember many years ago in an IL Java that I had, I had done it but the truth is that from those times (+15 years) I no longer have anything... And I started with L2 OFF again... Could someone tell me how to do this? I have managed to add a thousand custom things in terms of functionality, but this one is getting complicated, I have achieved the maximum that the mob appears lying on the pj even, but I do not achieve 100% of what I want!
    • No such file was present in the share you mentioned, nor has such a file ever been publically shared, as far as I know. As a matter of fact, the whole system in l2aepvp was different. It was allegedly an earlier version and it used something called Player Passport or something like that. Anyway, the only way is to reverse-engineer (reconstruct) it by looking at the calls and imagining what it is used for and what it should consist of.  
    • i know bro... i need the file or class to finish implement this share..   I can't find the l2aepvp source code anywhere, I don't know if it has been released for free or not to search code to patch errors
    • it indicates that this class doesn't exist
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