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XML stats

Gia C4/5 kai meta




Maximum HP - maxHp

Maximum CP - maxCp

Maximum MP - maxMp

HP Regeneration - regHp

CP Regeneration - regCp

MP Regeneration - regMp

Heal Effectivness - gainHp

Heal Proficiency - giveHp

Heal Bonus - bonusHp


Attack & Defence Attack & Defense:

Power Defence - pDef

Magic Defence - mDef

Power Attack - pAtk

Magic Attack - mAtk

(Power) Attack Speed - pAtkSpd

(Magic) Attack Speed - mAtkSpd

Magic skill Reuse - mReuse (skill cooldown time, oxi buff time)

Physical skill Reuse - pReuse (skill cooldown time, oxi buff time)

Shield Defence - sDef

Shield Defence Angle - shieldDefAngle

Critical Damage - cAtk

Critical Damage (add) - cAtkAdd (san to angel slayer, dinei patk se critical hit)


PvP Bonus

Physical Damage - pvpPhysDmg

Magical Damage - pvpMagicalDmg

Physical Skill Dmg. - PvpPhysSkillsDmg


Atk. & Def. rates

Evasion - rEvas

Power Skill Evasion - pSkillEvas

Shield Rate - rShld

Critical Rate - rCrit

Blow Rate - blowRate

Lethal Rate - lethalRate

Magic Critical Rate - mCritRate (to mCrit den leitourgei)

EXP, SP Rate - rExp

Cancel attacks - cancel


to rEXP leitourgei etsi kalutera

dld me to 0x10

<add/mul val = '?' order = '0x10 'stat =' rExp '/>


Accuracy and Range :

Accuracy - accCombat

Attack Range - pAtkRange (for fighters-bows)

Attack Range - mAtkRange (for mages)

Attack Angle - pAtkAngle (for fighters-poles)

Attack Count Max - atkCountMax (mono gia poles: perisotera targets)

Attack Reuse - atkReuse (mporei kapios na exei atk speed 1200 me bow alla na baraei ka8e 0.5 sec, e auto miwnei/au3anei ton xrono epanaxrisimopoihshs tou belous)



Run Speed - runSpd

Walk Speed - walkSpd



STR - STR (Physical power, physical skill's crit rate)

DEX - DEX (Atk. spd., Physical skill spd, accuracy, evasion, critical hit rate, dagger skill'z success (opws to deadly blow), shield block rate kai run spd)

WIT - WIT (Magic critical rate, casting spd, resistance to hold, curses (opws HP regeneration, meiwmeno HP recovery rate, skill re-use time, kai meiwmeno episeis effect gia heals).

INT - INT (magic dmg)

MEN - MEN (magic defense, max Mp, mp recovery speed, poison resistance, poison resist., Concentration)


Resistances, vulnerability (resistance, vulnerability):

Aggression - aggressionVuln

Bleed - bleedVuln

Poison - poisonVuln

Stun - stunVuln

Paralyze - paralyzeVuln

Hold, Root, ETC. - RootVuln

Sleep - sleepVuln


Movement - movementVuln

fire - fireVuln

wind - windVuln

water - waterVuln

earth - earthVuln

holy - holyVuln

dark - darkVuln

cancel - cancelVuln (resist. for cancel skills)

debuff - debuffVuln

Critical - critVuln (resistance to Crit dmg.)


Weapon resist resistance weapons

noneWpnVuln - Shields










dualFist WpnVuln



Reflects (impact damage)

Reflect Damage Percent - reflectDam (prosexte den einai Dmg einai Dam!!!)

Absorbs Damage Percent - absorbDam

Transfer Damage Percent - transDam

Reflect Skill Magic - reflectSkillMagic

Reflect Skill Physical - reflectSkillPhysic


Patk; Pdef against monster types:


More patk to giants - pAtk-giants

More patk to undead - pAtk-undead

More pdef against animals - pDef-animals

More pdef against monsters - pDef-monsters



Inv. Limit - inventoryLimit

WH. Limit - whLimit

Freight L. - FreightLimit

Private Sell L. - PrivateSellLimit

Private Buy L. - PrivateBuyLimit

Rec. Dwarf L. - DwarfRecipeLimit

Rec. Common L. - CommonRecipeLimit


Need MP / HP ...

Phys. Mp. Consume Rate - PhysicalMpConsumeRate

Magical Mp. Consume Rate - MagicalMpConsumeRate

Dance Mp. Consume Rate - DanceMpConsumeRate

Hp. Consume Rate - HpConsumeRate

Mp. Consume - MpConsume

Soulshot count - soulShotCount


Skill mastery

Skill mastery - skillMastery



Breath - breath (gia na kolumpas perisotero mesa sto nero xwris na pa8eis kati[hp--])



0x08 - gia na 8eseis

0x10 - gia na auxhseis i miwseis (weapon, armor, jewelery) & (STR, CON, DEX, INT, WIT, MEN)

0x20 - to anaferw giati iparxei alla min to xrisimopoisete, 8a einai polu argo h den 8a leitourgei

0x30 - gia na polaplasiaseis i na diereseis (masteries, buffs, debuffs, SA's, Armors_bonus), AN Den exete kapio skill oso kai na to polapiasiazete den ginetai tpt p.x. gia lifesteal an den exeis to buff me mul den kaneis tpt kalitera to add.

0x40 - gia na auxhseis i miwseis (masteries, buffs, debuffs, SA's)

0x50, 0x60 - axrhsimopoihta


Q:Pws paei to mul?


2.0 +100%

1.90 +90%

1.80 +80%

1.70 +70%






1.10 +10%

1.0 0%

0.90 -10%

0.80 -20%

0.70 -30%






0.10 -90%

0.0 -100%


Q:Pou ta xrhsimopoiw?

A:Sini8ws einai Sto Server\Gameserver\Data\stats kai apo ekei kai pera mporeite na fixarete armor, weapon kai skills

SHMEIWMA: Kapia set (opws dragonic) xrhsimopoioun skill kai oxi 3exwristo stat, to skill 8a to breite sth bash dedomenwn sas sto "amorsets" pinaka(table) katw apo tis sthles

{skill_id gia to set}

{shieldskill_id gia tis apidas to skill, efoson xrisimopoieitai apo to set}

{enchant6skill_id, otan olo to set paei +6 mporoume na dwsoume ena skill}




An 8es dwseis se ena item +3 evasion:


<item id='10177' name="Black Half-Mask">


<add val='3' order='0x40' stat='rEvas'/>

</ for>

</ item>




An 8es na dwseis 20% perisotero heal se ena oplo(enow oti an kapios se kanei heal pou healarei 100hp esu 8a healaresai 120hp):

<item id='8190' name="demonic_sword_zariche">


<set val='361' order='0x08' stat='pAtk'/>

<set val='137' order='0x08' stat='mAtk'/>

<set val='12' order='0x08' stat='rCrit'/>

<add val='0' order='0x10' stat='accCombat'/>

<set val='325' order='0x08' stat='pAtkSpd'/>

<enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pAtk'/>

<enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='mAtk'/>

<mul val='1.20' order='0x30' stat='bonusHp'/>

</ for>

</ item>




An 8es na dwseis kana resistance (san poison i curse):

(not official stats->)

<skill id="3561" levels="1" name="Ring of Baium">

<set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF" />

<set name="skillType" val="BUFF" />

<set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE" />

<set name="castRange" val="-1" />

<set name="effectRange" val="-1" />


<mul order="0x30" stat="poisonVuln" val="0.90" /> ----> 8a sou dwsei +10% pi8anotites gia resist

<mul order="0x30" stat="poisonVuln" val="1.10 /> ----> an kaneis etsi 8a sou dwsei +10% perisoteres pi8anotites na to pa8eis

<add order="0x40" stat="accCombat" val="2" />

<mul order="0x30" stat="cAtk" val="1.15" />

<mul order="0x30" stat="rootVuln" val="0.70" />

<mul order="0x30" stat="pAtkSpd" val="1.05" />

<mul order="0x30" stat="mAtkSpd" val="1.04" />

</ for>

</ skill>




TA CREDITS PANE SE MENA AFOU EKANA TO 75% TOU GUIDE, an kai den iparxei allo to site pou exei auto guide gt ekleise

  • Like 1

8elw na dw twra gia to skillmastry nomizw mpainei xwris add/sub/mul/div alla id tou skill, molis to brw 8a to balw kai auto


exeis dikio gt exw interlude, kai eida oti sta augment leitourgoun me allo tropo, pou prosdiorizetai apo to mysql, etsi den emperiexetai sta arxeia xml, dinetai to item;id;active/passive kai meta apo diadikasia mpainei to skill, tote aplws to anaferw....


To guide den einai olodiko mou alla kai den mporw na dwsw credits afou to site apo opou ta pira ekleise


XML stats




Maximum HP - maxHp

Maximum CP - maxCp

Maximum MP - maxMp

HP Regeneration - regHp

CP Regeneration - regCp

MP Regeneration - regMp

Heal Effectivness - gainHp

Heal Proficiency - giveHp

Heal Bonus - bonusHp


Attack & Defence Attack & Defense:

Power Defence - pDef

Magic Defence - mDef

Power Attack - pAtk

Magic Attack - mAtk

(Power) Attack Speed - pAtkSpd

(Magic) Attack Speed - mAtkSpd

Magic Reuse - mReuse (how fast spells becomes ready to reuse)

Shield Defence - sDef

Shield Defence Angle - shieldDefAngle

Critical Damage - cAtk

Critical Damage (add) - cAtkAdd (san to angel slayer, dinei patk se critical hit)


PvP Bonus

Physical Damage - pvpPhysDmg

Magical Damage - pvpMagicalDmg

Physical Skill Dmg. - PvpPhysSkillsDmg


Atk. & Def. rates

Evasion - rEvas

Power Skill Evasion - pSkillEvas

Shield Rate - rShld

Critical Rate - rCrit

Blow Rate - blowRate

Lethal Rate - lethalRate

Magic Critical Rate - mCritRate (to mCrit den leitourgei)

EXP, SP Rate - rExp

Cancel attacks - cancel


to rEXP leitourgei etsi kalutera


<mul val = '?' order = '0 x10 'stat =' rExp '/>


Accuracy and Range (Accuracy and range):

Accuracy - accCombat

Attack Range - pAtkRange (for fighters)

Attack Range - mAtkRange (for mages)

Attack Angle - pAtkAngle (for fighters)

Attack Count Max - atkCountMax (mono gia poles: perisotera targets)

Attack Reuse - atkReuse (mporei kapios na exei atk speed 1200 me bow alla na baraei ka8e 0.5 sec, e auto miwnei ton xrono epanaxrisimopoihshs tou belous)



Run Speed - runSpd

Walk Speed - walkSpd



STR - STR (Physical power, physical skill's crit rate)

DEX - DEX (Atk. spd., Physical skill spd, accuracy, evasion, critical hit rate, dagger skill'z success (opws to deadly blow), shield block rate kai run spd)

WIT - WIT (Magic critical rate, casting spd, resistance to hold, curses (opws HP regeneration, meiwmeno HP recovery rate, skill re-use time, kai meiwmeno episeis effect gia heals).

INT - INT (magic dmg)

MEN - MEN (magic defense, max Mp, mp recovery speed, poison resistance, poison resist., Concentration)


Resistances, vulnerability (resistance, vulnerability):

Aggression - aggressionVuln

Bleed - bleedVuln

Poison - poisonVuln

Stun - stunVuln

Paralyze - paralyzeVuln

Hold, Root, ETC. - RootVuln

Sleep - sleepVuln


Movement - movementVuln

fire - fireVuln

wind - windVuln

water - waterVuln

earth - earthVuln

holy - holyVuln

dark - darkVuln

cancel - cancelVuln (resist. for cancel skills)

debuff - debuffVuln

Critical - critVuln (resistence to Crit dmg.)


Weapon resist resistance weapons

noneWpnVuln - Shields










dualFist WpnVuln



Reflects (impact damage)

Reflect Damage Percent - reflectDam (prosexte den einai Dmg einai Dam!!!)

Absorbs Damage Percent - absorbDam

Transfer Damage Percent - transDam

Reflect Skill Magic - reflectSkillMagic

Reflect Skill Physical - reflectSkillPhysic


Patk; Pdef against monster types:


More patk to giants - pAtk-giants

More patk to undead - pAtk-undead

More pdef against animals - pDef-animals

More pdef against monsters - pDef-monsters



Inv. Limit - inventoryLimit

WH. Limit - whLimit

Freight L. - FreightLimit

Private Sell L. - PrivateSellLimit

Private Buy L. - PrivateBuyLimit

Rec. Dwarf L. - DwarfRecipeLimit

Rec. Common L. - CommonRecipeLimit


Need MP / HP ...

Phys. Mp. Consume Rate - PhysicalMpConsumeRate

Magical Mp. Consume Rate - MagicalMpConsumeRate

Dance Mp. Consume Rate - DanceMpConsumeRate

Hp. Consume Rate - HpConsumeRate

Mp. Consume - MpConsume

Soulshot count - soulShotCount


Skill mastery

Skill mastery - skillMastery



Breath - breath (gia na kolumpas perisotero mesa sto nero xwris na pa8eis kati[hp--])



0x08 - gia na 8eseis

0x10 - gia na auxhseis i miwseis (weapon, armor, jewelery) & (STR, CON, DEX, INT, WIT, MEN)

0x20 - to anaferw giati iparxei alla min to xrisimopoisete, 8a einai polu argo h den 8a leitourgei

0x30 - gia na polaplasiaseis i na diereseis (masteries, buffs, debuffs, SA's, Armors_bonus), AN Den exete kapio skill oso kai na to polapiasiazete den ginetai tpt p.x. gia lifesteal an den exeis to buff me mul den kaneis tpt kalitera to add.

0x40 - gia na auxhseis i miwseis (masteries, buffs, debuffs, SA's)

0x50, 0x60 - axrhsimopoihta


Q:Pws paei to mul?


2.0 +100%

1.90 +90%

1.80 +80%

1.70 +70%






1.10 +10%

1.0 0%

0.90 -10%

0.80 -20%

0.70 -30%






0.10 -90%

0.0 -100%

Mporei kai na xrhshmopoih8ei me add order, add val alla na exei telia panta!!!! (p.x. 5.1 oxi 5,1)


An 8es dwseis se ena item +3 evasion:


<item id='10177' name="Black Half-Mask">


<add val='3' order='0x40' stat='rEvas'/>

</ for>

</ item>




An 8es na dwseis 20% perisotero heal se ena oplo(enow oti an kapios se kanei heal pou healarei 100hp esu 8a healaresai 120hp):

<item id='8190' name="demonic_sword_zariche">


<set val='361' order='0x08' stat='pAtk'/>

<set val='137' order='0x08' stat='mAtk'/>

<set val='12' order='0x08' stat='rCrit'/>

<add val='0' order='0x10' stat='accCombat'/>

<set val='325' order='0x08' stat='pAtkSpd'/>

<enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pAtk'/>

<enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='mAtk'/>

<mul val='1.20' order='0x30' stat='bonusHp'/>

</ for>

</ item>




An 8es na dwseis kana resistance (san poison i curse):

(not official stats->)

<skill id="3561" levels="1" name="Ring of Baium">

<set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF" />

<set name="skillType" val="BUFF" />

<set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE" />

<set name="castRange" val="-1" />

<set name="effectRange" val="-1" />


<mul order="0x30" stat="poisonVuln" val="0.60" /> ----> 8a sou dwsei +40% pi8anotites gia resist!

<mul order="0x30" stat="poisonVuln" val="1.10 /> ----> an kaneis etsi 8a sou dwsei +10% perisoteres pi8anotites na to pa8eis

<add order="0x40" stat="accCombat" val="2" />

<mul order="0x30" stat="cAtk" val="1.15" />

<mul order="0x30" stat="rootVuln" val="0.70" />

<mul order="0x30" stat="pAtkSpd" val="1.05" />

<mul order="0x30" stat="mAtkSpd" val="1.04" />

</ for>

</ skill>


Mono mia paratirisi.... Credits dn exeis???? h mipws to ekanes monos sou????


apo to skillmastery kai katw einai diko mou, kai ta stat pou anebazoun ta STR WIT INT CON, des kai prwth seira

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