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[Share]Get Clan Skills Without Restart


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hi all,


i think this has been shared here before .. but its not working anymore..

so here is the patch for gracia final and epilogue (tested on those..)


### Eclipse Workspace Patch 1.0
#P L2_GameServer
Index: java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/RequestAnswerJoinPledge.java
--- java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/RequestAnswerJoinPledge.java	(revision 3803)
+++ java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/RequestAnswerJoinPledge.java	(working copy)
@@ -108,6 +108,9 @@
				activeChar.sendPacket(new PledgeShowMemberListAll(clan, activeChar));
+				//Add Clan Skills Without Need to Restart
+				activeChar.regiveTemporarySkills();


its a small share i know..  ::)

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already shared dude :(

next time maybe you will use the serch button

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already shared dude :(

next time maybe you will use the serch button

did u read my post or not my friend? >.>

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hi all,


i think this has been shared here before .. but its not working anymore..


LOL !!!

The codes are the SAME man how the ĐαяқSLaYєЯ's wii not work and your will work ?!

its realy strange ...

if you first used the serch button and read the ĐαяқSLaYєЯ's post you will see that the too codes are SAME

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oww my... dear god.. if the codes are the same then dude.. earth is bigger than the sun.. :/ gimme a break... !



oh and pigs have wings...



just read before u reply please :/

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Index: java/com/equal/gameserver/model/L2Clan.java

+ player.rewardSkills();


Index: java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/RequestAnswerJoinPledge.java

+ activeChar.regiveTemporarySkills();


the method is not same also the imports

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Thanks for sharing it with maxcheaters community.


I thought it was fixed by l2j in previous revisions? How this can be still unfixed on gracia epilogue?

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