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interlude [L2OFF] L2-eXistence


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eXistence - new start of interlude server.


The server is developed since c3 by the same group of people. After 7 months of developing eXi2 project we are ready to provide you with high quiality interlude server, most of bugs have been already detected and fixed. Still some minor fixes are being made. Our proffesional staff will answer most if not every question. Brand new opening of eXi3 project is estimated around 1st of February. Atm rates are 2k in order to find and fix the last issues, but since february everything is going to change. We are NOT using l2j or any other emulator. Hard work with OFF files led us to the point which is near to the perfection.


server's site: www.l2-existence.com





Item Drop Rate: 4x

Item Drop Amount:1x

Adena: 4x

Spoil chance: 4x

Spoil Amount: 1x

Quest Adena: 4x

Quest XP/SP: 4x

Quest item reward: 1x

CH Rate: 4x

ETA is the 1st of February but the ultimate date may differ slightly, so keep tracking news.

Dualbox is allowed, but Multibox (using 3 or more accounts) is considered as a banable offence.

It would take a lot of time to enumerate what things are working, so in short:

prelude-c5 features are working 100%

interlude features are working in 95% (atm Bremnon (RB in Rune Castle) is being scripted.

Zariche / Akamanach will be turned off for some time at the beggining so there wont be any player who lvled up due to obtaining Cursed Sword.

Clan leader change is working retail-like, after every maintence the change will take place (maintence are planned to take place every 14 days)

Offline shop available (Offline shop allows the player to have it's character in-game while having L2/Computer etc turned off.)

We are aiming to create international server with English as a main language on shouts and hero voice.



Owner/Donate Manager/Head Admin: NiceMan

Scripters/Developers: Alienv, Ayame, Vanganth

Head Game Master: Solkan

Game Masters: Aryana, Biedronka, Drax, eYo, Valandril.


Now server is on beta mode - Rate x1k...


When x4 started, on shout/Hero Voice will be only ENGLISH



CPU: AMD PHENOM 64 X4 9650 (4x 2,3 GHz)

Mem: 16 GB [+ EXTRA Cooling]

HD: 2 x 320 GB SATA II

Bandwidth 100 Mbps

Network Uptime Guarantee 99.99%

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Donate/Webiste will be changed.


My Bad, this is Hardware:



CPU: AMD PHENOM 64 X4 9650 (4x 2,3 GHz)

Mem: 16 GB [+ EXTRA Cooling]

HD: 2 x 320 GB SATA II

Bandwidth 100 Mbps

Network Uptime Guarantee 99.99%

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Declared clans:



















[td]PokerFace[/td][td]9+[/td][td]friends only[/td]



[td]MlodeWilki[/td]       [td]100[/td]         [td]Y[/td]



[td]InterFace[/td]       [td]60-80[/td]         [td]Y[/td]



[td]GooDKillers[/td]       [td]70++[/td]         [td]Y[/td]



[td]BeSTOFtheBeSt[/td]       [td]40[/td]         [td]N[/td]



[td]NewUnify[/td]       [td]60[/td]         [td]N[/td]



[td]Pyramis[/td]       [td]10[/td]         [td]Y[/td]



[td]BractwoMroku[/td]       [td]???[/td]         [td]Y[/td]



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